
Chapter 22

Seraphina’s POV

Terror-filled screams echoed through the air. Nick’s body protected me from the glass breaking above us from the door and windows.

I held onto his shirt pulling it tight towards me. I closed my eyes and flinched into him whenever I heard a gunshot. The shots were rapid in speed and seemed to never end.

“Come we got to go,” Nick says into my ear.

“How?” I whimpered not thinking he could hear me.

“We’re gonna make a run for the car.”

“No.” I shake my head. How stupid is he? Does he really think we can make it to the car you know the same direction where people are shooting at us?

“Come on Seraphina, I know it's scary. But we have to.”

“Nicholas I can’t.” I shake my head and can feel the tears forming.”

“Sera look at me.” I pop my eyes open to see he is only a centimeter from my face. “I’ll cover you just to get to the car. I parked us close enough that it will provide enough cover for you.” He looks so calm and serious.