
His Fated Slave

A Slave destined to be Queen.... Whose Queen will she be? The Alpha King's Or The Vampire King? ------------------------ Snow became an orphan after her father's pack was raided and taken over by the rogue Alpha, Felix. She became a slave in her home and was made to serve all of Felix's male guests until she was sent to serve Logan, The Alpha King without a mate. Logan hated the mating bond thanks to his Father. He vowed never to find his mate but coincidentally falls in love with Snow the slave who happened to also be his mate. He was willing to do anything and everything for her even if he had to go against everyone but what happens when Snow suddenly disappears? Bastian is the Vampire King who was destined to choose his queen from a very far distance. He met and fell in love with Snow but soon discovered that she was pregnant. Whose Child was she carrying? What happens when Logan suddenly shows up again?

Damsel20 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Prophecy

The crescent moon shone like a claw of silver in the night sky.

The lovely lining of stars stretched to infinity and the occasional chirping of night birds broke the silence of the night.

The pale Moonlight shone into the room as the Alpha of the Blood moon pack shared a sweet time with his wife.

"Kevin, what gender would you prefer our child to be?

Ariel, Luna of the Blood Moon pack asked.

She lay with her head on Kevin's lap.

Kevin rubbed her belly, making circles on her bulging belly. His handsome face showed a masculine and genuine smile as he patted her head.

"Whatever gender our child is, as long it is born from our love, then it's fine by me."

Kevin placed his hand on her baby bump as if checking to see the gender of the child then he nods with a proud smile on his face.

"However, I'm sure this one is a boy," He added.

"Why do think so? Ariel raised her head.

"Don't you feel how strong he is? Kevin again placed his hand on her belly.

"Yes. He sure is," Ariel concurred.

"I can't wait to have him out here with us," Kevin stated with admiration. His voice reported how much he longed for his child.

He has waited for a very long time to have a child but Ariel couldn't get pregnant for years. His siblings and friends from neighboring packs already have heirs. His brother was starting to eye his position as the Alpha.

"We will surely be having a cute and strong little boy that will look so much like you. He will make a great and strong Alpha.

Ariel smiled and also placed her hand right on her belly.

"Yes Kevin, he will be as strong as you and he will be a conqueror just like you. He will be the best Alpha the pack and the whole world have ever seen.

"With his strength, he will lead the pack to victory and protect the pack from invaders.

"Of Course Kevin, After all, he is our Son....."

Their sweet Moment was interrupted by a maid.

"The seer is here to see you, dear Alpha," The maid announced.

"Lisa is here to see me?" Kevin was surprised that the seer would come to visit him.

"Yes, Alpha,"

Lisa never leaves her shed. she would always sends her whispering bird to the Alpha whenever there is an important message to be delivered. So, Kevin was stunned to hear that the seer had come visiting. That too at the strange hour of the night.

"Go tell her that I will be out to see her."

The maid got up from her kneeling position. She gave a bow to the Alpha and Luna before going out.

"Why do you think Lisa has visited?" Ariel sat up lifting her head off Alpha Kevin's Lap.

"I don't know. But, it has to be important or Lisa wouldn't be here at this time."

Kevin stood and put forth his hand for his wife to hold.

"Come, let's go find out."

Ariel placed her hand on her belly and she took Kevin's hand as he led the way out. Taking easy and slow steps they both went to the pack house to meet the seer.

The Packhouse is located right behind Kevin's house.

Kevin wanted his life to be kept away from the Schemers. Especially his brother, Phillip, Who had his eyes set on everything that belonged to him.

"Hello Lisa," Ariel greeted as soon as they got into the pack house.

"Hello, dear Luna," Lisa replied with her eyes fixated on Ariel's bulging belly.

"Why have you decided to visit me at such an odd hour?" Kevin asked as he helped Ariel sit.

"I have come to pass an urgent message."

"What is it?" Liam slowly sat beside Ariel.

"Oh dear Alpha, A calamity is about to fall on the pack."

"A what? Kevin exclaimed.

"Where? And how will this calamity appear? And what do I have to do to stop this calamity from befalling my pack?

Lisa's eyes on Ariel's belly darkened and she looked up and chanted some words.

Suddenly, a violent gust of wind rushed into the room. Sending everything in the room flying around and floating.

Kevin held Ariel by the shoulder and helped her hold still before she gets blown away by the heavy wind.

"What is happening?"

Ariel grab hold of Kevin's hand tightly as she watched in surprise at the sudden transformation that has befallen the room.

They both covered their eyes with their hands while Lisa continued her chanting and sprinkling some strange substance in the air.

The whooshing of the wind got louder and everything in the room was sent crashing heavily.

Suddenly, just like magic, everything stopped and the wind subsided.

"What was that?" Ariel asked as she slowly brought down her hand from her face.

"That was her!"

Ariel's gaze followed where Lisa was pointing and it landed on her belly.


"She is an abomination and mustn't be brought into this world!"

"What... What do you mean?" Ariel stuttered.

"The child you are carrying must not come into the world or there will be chaos!

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kevin spoke up from his tranced state.

"That girl is an abomination!

"She bears destruction!"

"She will bring chaos and calamity to the pack and bring trouble upon us all!

"She must be sent back to the godly realm, that is where she belongs!"

"How is that possible?" Ariel cringed with her hands wrapped protectively around her belly.

"I have waited for years to have a child and when I finally got one you want me to kill her?" Ariel was finding it hard to believe what she was hearing.

"Kevin, why won't you speak up?! She shouted for her husband who was dumbstruck.

How could the heavens be so cruel?"

Why give them a child when they were just going to ask them to kill her?

Ariel shook her head and wept.

"You won't do that, right?"

"You won't kill our baby, right, Kev?" She asked through tears.

Kevin stood up and helped her get up.

"Let's go back."

He took her back to the house and helped her to the bedroom.

"I'll just be back."

"Kev," Ariel took his hands before he could leave.

"You won't do what Lisa said, right? This child is our baby. Made out of our love for each other and there is no way she can turn out the way Lisa stated."

"Get some rest, Ariel," Kevin brushed his hand through her hair as he pecked her. His eyes again landed on her belly and they became teary.

He immediately turned away before Ariel could notice this.

"Why can't you look into my eyes, Kev? Don't have an answer for me?

"Go to sleep, Ariel," Kevin lifted the quilt and covered her up.

"Kev, do you also believe that our baby can be destructive and cause chaos like Lisa has tagged her?

Kevin glanced at the bump once again and sighed. His heart felt heavy.

"Ariel, you know Lisa speaks the voice of the heavens."


He closed his eyes and stepped away from the bed. "We must do as asked."


Ariel felt her heart thump with anticipation. She was hoping for a positive response but his answer shattered her completely.

"We'll have to kill the child."