
Chapter 34 The Villain with Ulterior Motives

The next day at the recording site, Christopher was present as usual. After the twenty-five male guests introduced themselves, Selena's gaze lingered for a few seconds on a male guest named Randall Holcomb.

Christopher's gaze remained fixed on Selena, noticing her lingering near Randall, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

In the second round, Selena asked questions to the male guests. When it was Randall's turn, she asked him an extra question compared to the other male guests, "I'd like to know your thoughts on love, marriage, and responsibility."

"Love is when two people fall for each other, which can last a lifetime or just a fleeting moment. Marriage is living together for the rest of your lives. Responsibility is the obligation you must bear when you undertake something."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I believe."

"Do you think love at first sight is real love?"