

At twenty years old she had thought that now her life had just begun. Her childhood had been everything but good. It could have been worse but she couldn't complain about it. What was she supposed to do? The moment her life began other things arose and she had no clue whatsoever on what to believe. Her life had been a lie all along and no matter how much she tried to make sense of who she was she couldn't. She was lost at sea with all the kids she had been told. She did not know who to believe anymore. She never knew that she had as much power as she had or that people were going to see her as a threat. All she over wanted was to be somewhere that she belonged but the more that she knew people the more she realized that she did not belong anywhere. Could she blame them for hating her though? She did not choose to be who she was and there was nothing she could do about it. As she turned into her wolf form she saw a figure approaching her and she was ready to pounce until she smelled his scent. Hades

zigginah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



I smelled the fresh air and sighed in satisfaction. It smelt like peace. It was beautiful I had never seen something like it. The property was quite vast the waterfall in the middle made the driveway look fancier than it was.

I could tell their old man-like antiques by the dragon that stood in the middle of the waterfall. It made it look like it was an ancient property.

The house looked like it had been there for a couple of decades but it was well maintained so it still stood tall. The flowers all looked lovely like they were being tended to. I liked the quiet and the serene vibes it gave. I could not imagine what it was like living in such a house.

I recover from my stance and follow Lorenzo inside the house. The floors were made of wood and the walls were filled with antique drawings. I look at the drawings and most of them are things that I had read in books.

The Greek gods. I have no idea where am going so I just follow him behind without asking any questions since I was so intrigued by the house.

One could say that royalty lived in it with the way things looked and how big it was. It was decorated with gold and most of the furniture looked like ancient Chinese from the look of it.

"You'll trip if you don't stop looking around", says Lorenzo chuckling.

How could I not stare though? It looked like one of those houses that were in the early movies from the British people. I was more intrigued about his family and wanted to know more but I did not want to seem too invested so I just shut it.

"Come on I'll show you the guest house", he says as he takes the stares and I follow him. We pass about for room and finally reach the room that I thought was my guest room.

"This I my roomie, just by the end of the hall if you want anything you can come. Dinner is at seven don't be late my father hates that", he says as he continues walking to his room.

First of all, I did not care what his father liked or not it's not like we were going to be married to each other or anything.

But then again if there was one thing that I had learned was that when you had gone over to someone's house you had to do things the way they wanted them done, so I would be fine for dinner by 7.

I opened the room and was amazed by it. It was large. I was used to luxury but not this kind of luxury. I figured that all the rooms in the house had Chinese antiques because that room was just the same as the one I had seen downstairs.

I go straight to the bed and jump in it and it felt comfy, exactly how the home was supposed to feel. The room was dark and I did not bother to pull the draws. I wanted to enjoy the moment.

For once in my life, I didn't have a thousand things on my mind that were troubling me. I felt like my mind was finally at peace. As I lay there I remembered that Cherry had texted me. How could I forget to text her though?

I had been so caught up doing nothing and even forgot to text my friend. Then I would somehow end up saying that people did not like me when I was the one who was pushing them away. I took my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey ", I say as I wait for her to say something.

"You fucking woke me up, you could have texted what's up are you okay ", she asks with a sleepy voice and I can not stop the laughter that escapes.

"Yeah a fine but I am out of town I thought I should let you know ", I say.

"Out of town, did you and your parents go on vacation?", she asks sarcastically.

"No dumbass, there is this guy I was with he asked me if I could go with him to his home and I didn't have shit to do so I said yes. It's so nice here you'll just have to see its ilk take pictures and send them to you ", I say giggling like a little kid.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?", she asks a bit loudly I have to take the phone away from my eyes because the loudness in her voice was making me cringe.

"No did I do something wrong I don't understand?", I ask with no clue of what she was talking about.

"You met a guy and he told you to go to his parent's place and you went? What if he is a serial killer?", she asks.

"Ooohhh, we've been fucking sorry I should have started with that", I say chuckling.

"Yeah, you should have", she says and I burst into laughter. It was still like a dream that I had someone who cared about me, si this is what it felt like to be loved.

We spent the next hour or so talking on the phone and for a person who kept on saying that she was sleepy she had quite a lot of stories to tell.

I could not complain even when she told me six stories all at once, six months ago I did not have someone to annoy me with their ridiculous stories. I was just happy to be there to listen to stories about people I had no idea existed.

I know Lorenzo and I were just friends but I still had to look a little decent. I did not want his father to think that I was a cheap common hoe. I looked through all the clothes that I had packed and they were filled with skimpy tops maybe he just had to live through it.

I prepared myself and I headed downstairs. I was a minute early but as I reached down the stairs it looked like I had come late.

I made my way over to where they were and sat next to Lorenzo. His father had not looked up and I wondered if me dragging the chair had enraged him.

I looked around and the table was filled with all types of foods it was like we were at a festival the difference was that it was just the three of I started to wonder where Lorenzo's brother was.

His father looked up and I fidgeted in my seat as he stared at me. I wondered what I had done wrong but he just continued staring and I hoped he would just open his mouth and say what he was thinking.

"You look just like her", he said.

"What? ", I ask confused, who did I look like when I barely even looked like my mother. She always said that I looked like my grandmother but I had never seen her since she died before I was born.

"You look just like your mother", he says and now I get even more confused.

"Do you know my mother ?", I ask him.

"Yeah Cordelia was a dear friend of mine, it broke my heart when I heard that she passed away", he says.