
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 29- Rumor

Warning: This Chapter has some sexual and lustful content. Please beware

"This letter is from Lady Beatrice" 

"Lady Beatrice?" Draco raised his brow.

"Yes, The Queen's older sister..."

Draco's eyes widened as she spoke. He couldn't think of words to say.

"How did you-"

"I overheard the Queen and Lady Beatrice arguing at the palace a few hours before you arrived."

"Tho my intention wasn't to take the letter, it just fell out of that maids pocket and I forgot to return it to her." She smirked wickedly as she opened the letter.