
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 17- The dance Tutor

Abigail entered the room and let out an unsteady sigh.

"Tomorrow" She pointed at her calendar.

She was out of ideas and time was running out. She didn't know what to do from this point. The only thing she could do was watch until tomorrow's ceremony slowly died in her. As it is, she could imagine herself walking down the aisle with her 'Not so loving husband' walking beside her and everyone watching her do so... It was going to be terrifying...

Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse than it is, Adeola knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty. May I enter? Someone's here to see you" She voiced from the other side

"Yes, you may" Abigail replies as the door sprung open 3 maidens and an unfamiliar man bowed politely at her. The guy looked around his 20s and by both sides were two maids who didn't look like they were workers in the castles and their hands were items like books and a corset bodice.

"He will take you through the dancing session for your wedding and the prince's coronation tomorrow," Adeola speaks leaving her confused.

"I'm sorry. Dance?" Abigail stated while raising an eyebrow.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Your Majesty. I'm Draco L'chak. Congratulations on your wedding... I was told to put you through the masquerade dance performance" Draco lamented but for some reason, his name sounded extremely familiar to someone but unfortunately, she couldn't lay her hands on where or how she had heard his name before. However, She didn't think much about it.

'Of course' Abigail rolled her eyes. She had almost forgotten about the dance ball for tomorrow. On an important day like that, she and Carol had to perform at least 3 dances for each ceremony that took place.

"If you insist" She lets out another devasted sigh for the 5th time today.

"Now then- shall we?"


"Your Highness?" Adeola pulled the strap to the corset tighter as Abigail groaned in pain. She couldn't remember she last time she had fitted into these things since she was never a fan of them from a start. Abigail gripped unto an arm of her chair as two maidens pulled the straps tight.

"Tell me why I have to wear this while I dance. Are you sure all this is necessary?" Abigail spits trying her best not to groan any louder.

"I apologize your Majesty. This is to put in a perfect shape and make your posture a lot more... Well, Attractive" Adeola voiced but all Abigail could hear was the sound of the Corset tightening and crushing her ribs together.

She starts to pant faster as the straps only got tighter.

"We are done your majesty." Adeola pulls back helping Abigail to regain her balance.

After almost 30 minutes of fitting on the layers to her gown which looked way more puffier and dragging than any other ball gown she has seen, she managed to walk out the corridor without tripping or falling. Even breathing was an issue but there was nothing she could do about it but ease the pain by simply ignoring it.

Walking into the ballroom, her attention was caught shortly by Draco who was waiting for her.

"You look splendid your majesty. Are you ready for the dance?" Draco stated

"I have no choice so why not" She scoffed.

Draco laughed it off as he grabbed a book from one of the maidens and carefully places it on her head.

"The first and the most important dance to learn is the Waltz" Draco speaks

"You mean the Cinderella dance?" She stood in one position trying to balance the book on her head as she spoke.

"Correct. That's the first dance to be learnt in any ball you attend" Draco stated.

The Waltz was the first and the must learnt dance to be learnt. Tho Abigail had only learnt one dance which was the Foxtrots during her 18th birthday, 'her coronation, she only stopped there since she didn't think learning the rest was necessary. She recalled back to the practice and stress she had to go through just so her Coronation wouldn't flop. At that time, her Father pushed her into training which ruined her sleep schedule and eating schedule as well.

In the end, Abigail tried her best and the coronation was successful but her Father's words of judgement wasn't what she expected.

"It wasn't good enough. You should have tried harder"

Those words kept repeating in her head every time she recalled her past. The King hasn't always been nice to her, In fact, they were quiet opposite. The only traits she gained from her father was being stubborn.

"Are you ready your Majesty" Draco spoke.

"Yes" She answered.

"If the lessons are getting way too hard, you can tell me" Draco added.

Abigail plastered a fake smile on her face as she took in a deep breathe.

"Of course"



"Father" Beatrice lowered her head as she enters the king's room.

"Have they picked the dress she would be wearing for tomorrow?" He questions the minute she stepped into his room

"Yes Father. Regardless, there is something different I want to discuss with you?" Beatrice stared at the ground fidget by his silence.

"And that is?" He raised an eyebrow curiously as he poured himself a cup of tea.

"Don't you think we should tell Abigail..." Beatrice's voice softens as she spoke but meets his father's gaze.

"And what is that?" Ronald coughed out.

"Father, She needs to know the truth"

"She needs to know that I was the one that was meant to marry or betroth Carol"

The King scoffed and before she knew it, he bursted into laughter. A thing he had never done before... This only frightened Beatrice more.

"Is something the matter?" Beatrice muttered softly, her eyes retreating his frightful glare.

"How wise of you to say"

"What else are you gonna tell her huh? That you slept with the man she is getting married to just to?"

"Or- the fact that you are infertile?"

"Which one is it gonna be Beatrice?"