


Pamonia, Germanio

The crime capital of Germanio, or at least that's what the upper class, high profile people from the Capital call it. It was where I was from, a place where murders, rapist, thieves, drug runners and prostitutes all hail from. However, I wasn't any of those.

The only thing I had in common with those types of people was the struggle, the fight for survival. We had to grow up earlier than most, we learned about the horrors of the world of sooner rather than later. Our hearts broke early; our lives were put on pause and then played on a recurring trackway before we could even legally drive.

I lived on 21th and 3th in an apartment building, I saw women selling their bodies as I walked home from a day of endless labor, some were doing it because they had mouths to feed, bills to pay, rent to reach. Some men were kicked out of their homes or apartments when life got a little too tough and forced to call the pavements their new beds; the trash cans their new fridge.

Life in this part of the small Spanish speaking country was far from easy; most of us probably didn't even know what that word meant anymore.

I worked four jobs, I cleaned houses up in Crestville Valley during the day and waited tabled at a five star restaurant during the night. On weekends when other women my age were going out with their partners or sleeping in, I was doing double time at a diner during the day and tending the bar at a club during the night. I barely had time to sleep or even breathe.

Often I wondered if people like me came with a tag on their forehead that said "Resident of the ghetto, here to fuck shit up" and that's why people from the middle and upper class looked at us like that and treated us like trash.

Many times when you walked along the streets of Pagoda, the women in their thousand-dollar coats would flip their well-conditioned hair over their unburdened shoulders and turn their well-powdered noses up at you.

The men, well the men looked at me like the only thing I was good for was kneeling before them as they emptied their load in my mouth after using my body.

At first, when I was new to this life, when I was first cast out into the ocean and told to swim, it bothered me but now all I could do was sigh and shake my head. They didn't understand the struggle, they probably never will.

It was one of those nights that forced me to wear an extra shirt and leggings and all I wanted to do was go home, draw my curtains, find the biggest and warmest sweater that I own, get under my blankets, and sleep.

Instead, I stood before a brown metal door in an alley outside of the restaurant that I worked in. Like every other night, I contemplated whether or not I really needed this job and like every other night I let out a sigh, pulled the door, and stepped inside

I walked the hallway and ducked into the locker room which was in dire need of some renovation and new lockers. One would think that a five-star restaurant would have a top-notch changing room for it employee but if it didn't benefit them why spend unnecessary money on people who didn't deserve it.

I stripped myself of my clothing and slipped on the black trousers and a white dress shirt that made up the uniform. I slipped out of my worn combat boots and into black pointed tip pumps. A black hair mesh-covered my large bun and I tied a black apron around my neck and waist.

The kitchen was as busy as always, the many different chefs and kitchen assistants were all shouting in Spanish, one telling the other what they needed, or shouting at the assistants to get something done.

"Lani" a voice called and I turned to see Marla-May approaching me, a basin of dirty dishes on her hips. Her breathing was shallow and beautiful face covered in perspiration "Good thing you're here, a bit later and you would be looking for a new job sis"

"Need some help there." I asked as I moved to take the basin from her, as expected she moved the basin from out of my reach and clicked her tongue. I knew her so well; we have been friends for five years now and have been through quite a lot together.

"Girl you better take yourself to THE RAMP before Miss Thing finally notices that you're missing." she said "Some nobles from Italy are dining up there, so the place is packed"

I groaned, just bloody great. All I wanted was a peaceful night where I could at least have a break, take a nap maybe but instead what I was about to get is hours of running between floors, hauling trays of food from table to table, and dealing with snobbish high rollers. Just great!

"I'll see you later babe." I said as I made my way into the dining area and over to the lift. THE RAMP was basically the second floor of the restaurant and housed the more exclusive and expensive tables. Only four tables were situated on this floor and it normally required reservation months in advance.

I approached the first entrance and was surprised when I saw that in the place of one bodyguard that was normally stationed there, there were now two. Two tall and well-built men in black fitted suits and whose eyes were hidden by dark sunglasses.

"Milan Balbeao and no I am not related to the notorious Balbeao clan, even though I wish I was otherwise I wouldn't be here." I said when I was standing before the one holding the clipboard. I smiled up at him when I saw that one of his eyebrows arched up in question. It was something that I constantly had to do when I introduced myself.

Most people's first question was whether or not I was related to Tatiyana Balbeo, the famous ballerina, and when I said no, the next was whether or not I was related to Louis Balbeao, the infamous Italian businessman and Tatiyana's Husband. Which I normally point out is a stupid question, because if I wasn't related to Mrs. Balbeao, how would I be related to Mr.Balbeao

I normally have to explain to people that I was Spanish and not Italian. I was born in Madrid, Spain to some prostitute who gave me away to her landlady three days after she gave birth to me in some rundown apartment. Or at least that's what I have been told.

"Where is your VIP badge?" The taller of the two guards asked in English, his accent was distinctly Italian.

I reached into my pocket and produced the VIP badge that grants me permission to serve on THE RAMP. The bodyguard carefully examines it and when confirming that it was legit, he hands it back to me and permits me entry into the dining room.

I went to table three first, which was situated closer to the window that provided a view to the lower floor. Mr.Malik, one of our regulars sat with one of his daughters tonight. "Good Evening, I am Milan, I will be your server tonight." I said as I bowed slightly.

Mr.Malik looked up and upon seeing me, his dark brown eyes lit up from behind his spectacles. "iishraq!" he exclaimed with a hearty laugh, I ducked my head and smiled. Mr. Malik was a lovely Saudi born businessman who now lived in Germanio. Whenever I saw him, he was either with his wife, a beautiful woman with a wicked Hijab collection, or one of his three daughters who aided him in his business. He was always smiling and always radiant and never cruel or disrespectful to the waitresses and waiters.

"Alsalam ealaykum" I said to both of them which caused Mr.Malik to laugh out loud and his daughter to smile brightly.

"Iishraq, you've gotten better with your pronunciation" He replied patting my hand tenderly.

"Thank You Sir" I said with a bow of my head "Now, What will you be having tonight? The chief has prepared three special meals; firstly you have Island Duck with Mulberry Mustard, Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower, Braised Leaks with Mozzarella and Fried Eggs"

"Hmm, they all sound delicious but I will have the Mulberry Mustard thingy and a glass of Orange juice" Mr. Malik and I jotted this down.

"The Pappardelle and a glass of Cider, you decide the best flavor" I jotted this down.

"Beautiful choices, I will be back with some complimentary appetizers to satisfy you both while you wait for your meal" I bowed and moved to input their order in the system before I moved onto table five. This table was the furthest away from the glass and by far the most protected. Red velvet rope, like the kind you see at the VIP section those mafia movies separated this table from the rest. One of the two bodyguards stationed at the entrance, moved the rope when I flashed my badge, and allowed me to pass.

"Good Evening, I am Milan and I will be your server for the night." I said as I bowed.

When I raised my head I came face to face with a beautiful creature, his eyes were hazel, a mixture of honey brown and earth green. They were framed by luscious eyelashes that most girls would kill to possess. He had thick brown curls that were perfectly groomed and fell slightly into his face. His jawline was sharp and his lips full. My eyes traveled from his face and to his body hidden behind an expensive black suit, yet I could tell from the tightness that his body was hard and firm, strong.

"Done gawking?" He asked in English, his voice low and husky and tainted with an Italian accent, I mentally swore that my unprofessionalism and recklessness.

It wasn't until my eyes traveled to his hand and caught the insignia on the golden ring that he wore that I recognized whom I was standing before. My brain told me to drop to my knees but my body refused to comply. My pride would not allow me to embarrass myself like that. So I settled for something that was much simpler.

"I hope that your highness will forgive my impetuousness" and I topped it with a deep bow.


That was what I heard around me. Okay so maybe I should have dropped to the floor and beg for forgiveness.

The man waved his hand dismissively "you and me both know that you don't mean a word that you just said" his voice was coated with amusement "But your boldness amuses me so I will overlook this"

I bowed again "I thank your highness" This time I straightened up "What will you be having tonight? The chief has prepared three special meals; firstly you have Island Duck with Mulberry Mustard, Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower, Braised Leaks with Mozzarella and Fried Eggs"

They chose a serving of each and ordered a bottle of Domaine Georges and Christophe Roumier Musigny Grand Cru along with a bottle of Domaine de la Romanee_Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru.

I quickly hurried from the table to input the order. While I waited for the orders to be ready I prepared the wines and delivered separate appetizers to the two tables I served. Mr. Malik's order was called first and then the VIP table; I served both and waited to deliver the bill after.

Mr.Malik left me a handsome tip and the VIP table left me a much larger one. At the end of my shift, I changed into my ordinary clothing and made to leave but before I could go, one of the busboys came to the locker room and gave one of our paper bags, inside I saw three large containers of food and a note.

To server whose the name is Milan and who served today the Duke of Milan

Thank You for amusing me, I hope we meet again.

I smiled as I brought the bag closer to my nose to take a whiff of the heavenly scent emitting from it. What a foolish man, doesn't he know that for people like myself, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to serve a prince and royal duke.

There was no chance of me ever meeting him again, or so I thought.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and will continue to read on. Please don't be afraid to leave a comment if you have a thought.

NerdzGalacreators' thoughts