

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
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122 Chs


Bella was about to catch up with them in excitement when she suddenly noticed that Logan was holding someone in his arms.

It was a woman!!!

Bella's face changed instantly, and she quickly hid behind the decorative plants in the corridor.

Which little fairy dared to seduce her man!

At that moment, the elevator arrived.

Bella saw Dray carrying the woman in a princess hug into the elevator.

Unfortunately, from her angle, she could only see Dray's back.

She couldn't see the little fairy's appearance.

But then, Logan turned around.

Bella finally saw the woman's appearance!

Unfortunately it wasn't a woman.....

The man's black hair was curled up in Dray's arm, and half of his small face was covered by the man's suit jacket.

But even so, Bella did not miss the obviously moisturized, delicate and reddish eye corners, the delicate and slightly swollen red lips.

And, that face that seemed to be dyed with a seductive color.

It was Sky!!!

It was actually Sky!!!

Even though it was just a glimpse, the elevator door closed right in front of her eyes.

But Bella wouldn't be wrong!

The man who had just been held in Dray's arms, obviously moisturized by the man not long ago, was definitely Sky!

Even if he turned to ashes, Bella would still recognize Sky's foxy face!!!

Intense jealousy almost made Bella rush up and tear Sky's face apart.

But in a flash, an even greater fear swept over her.

How did Sky know Dray?

Oh no, Sky actually knows Dray!!!

When did they meet?

Have they been together for a long time?!

Suddenly realizing that Dray might already know the truth.

Master Li knows that she was not the woman that night, but Sky who she deliberately impersonated!

Bella suddenly felt a cold shiver of fear, scared to the point where she sat down on the ground and couldn't get up.

There were many rumors in Beijing about Master Li's cruel methods.

It was said that those who had offended Dray disappeared in Beijing and were never seen again.

If Dray found out that she was a fraud, she would be finished!

Completely finished!!!

Bella didn't even have time to say goodbye to Madam Li. She crawled down the stairs in a panic, hailed a car, and rushed back to kin family.


At this moment, Kin family.

Ella was in the living room, admiring the table full of jewelry and designer handbags with great pride.

She tried on the diamond necklace and then the pearl bracelet.

Unable to resist, she took out the H-brand handbags that filled the entire sofa, put them together one by one, matched them with a silk scarf, and then took photos to show off on her social media.

As soon as she posted those photos, a group of her old friends liked and praised her.

Looking at those who used to show off in front of her because they were richer than the Kin family, now they were only able to flatter her in her social circle.

Ella felt extremely proud.

Hmph, she knew that her daughter Bella had potential!

Since Bella hooked up with Dray, she had gained confidence in front of her friends.

Even the Kin family had benefited from it, and their home had been completely renovated from the inside out.

The old furniture that they used to dislike and the shabby and outdated household appliances were all replaced with the most luxurious and expensive brand-name furniture the next day, as long as they told Lary, Master Li's assistant.

If Bella mentioned that she was lacking in jewelry or designer handbags, Assistant Mark would immediately send her the latest luxury items.

Ella had never dared to dream of a life like this before.

She had never experienced such luxurious days.

"Mom, Mom, it's over, I'm completely exposed!"

"Hurry, pack your things and book the fastest flight out of the country."

Just as Ella was about to show off and post a few more moments on her social media, she suddenly heard Bella's panicked voice coming from the door.

Then, she saw Bella rushing in, stumbling and panting.

"Bella! Why are you back? Didn't Master Li take you to the banquet? I told you to seize the opportunity and make the best of it. Why did you come back before dark?"

Seeing her daughter in a state of panic, Ella frowned disapprovingly.

Before she could say anything else, Bella grabbed her trembling hand.

"Mom, forget about making the best of it. The cat's out of the bag. We need to pack up and run. Master Li found out that the man he slept with that night was not me, but Sky. If we don't leave now, it'll be too late!"