

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Half an hour later, Dray arrived at the jewelry store with his men.

However, the girl who appeared wearing the obsidian ring had just left.

The store clerk entered the VIP room with fear and saw the man who stood at the pinnacle of power in Jincheng.

"The young lady is a stranger... she rarely comes to our store."

"According to her friend who accompanied her, her surname seems to be Kin."

"I am absolutely sure! Miss Kin wore a necklace pendant on her neck that was exactly the same as the ring in the photo. The ring was studded with diamonds and made entirely of obsidian."

"And I smelled the perfume on Miss Kin, which happens to be the fragrance of Orchid.

The clerk revealed all the information she could remember

Unfortunately, the jewelry store's surveillance was under maintenance today. 

They didn't even capture a glimpse of what Miss Kin looked like, except for her surname. "Who is trying to play games with me" Dray thought. 

After leaving the jewelry store, Lary the assistant, asked in a low voice, "Master Li, my brother and I will continue to investigate Miss Kin's whereabouts. But what about Mr. Sky? Should we call him back and have him file for divorce?"

Master Li was responsible for the woman who appeared at the Nightshade Club that night.

Now that they have found Miss Kin, who saved Master Li, does that mean Sky, whom Old Master Xander sent, should leave. 

Assistant Lary has no good feelings for Sky, who is greedy and vain. He doesn't understand why Master Li agreed to marry such a notorious man, especially since Master Li had already refused Old Master Xander but suddenly changed his mind after seeing Sky's photo. 

A black luxury car is parked on the side of the road, and Dray leans in. 

At the assistant's words, his handsome and sharp profile paused for a second, revealing a coldness

"A million dollars spent, we must see results."

"I, Dray, don't make losing deals... Tell Uncle Mark to send him to the newly bought apartment. Teach him what he should and shouldn't do in the future."

Lary: "Okay. And what about Miss Kin.."

Dray raised his eyes and gave Lary a deep, cold glance.

"Keep looking. This time, you'd better pray that you don't lose anyone again."

"Sky received one million dollars and immediately transferred it to his mother Mira's hospital account. He didn't dare to keep a single penny because he knew that if his aunt found out he had extra money, she would come and take it away again. Just as he finished depositing the money, his phone rang. 

"Sky, you little brat, the hospital said you paid for your mother! Confess, how much did you secretly keep..."

"Click..." Sky didn't give his aunt a chance to continue picking a fight and hung up the phone directly. He had already seen through the true colors of the Kin family and no longer had any hope for them. If necessary, he could just pretend that he had no relatives.

"Mr. Sky."

At that moment, a familiar voice came from behind him. Sky turned around and saw the middle-aged man who had taken him away from the Kins family villa this morning.

"Do you have any other business with me?"

He thought that after Mr. Li had completed the marriage procedures with him, he wouldn't have anything to do with him anymore. After all, they had already settled the money.

"I am Uncle Mark, the steward of the Li family's old mansion. If everything on this side is settled, I will take Mr. Sky back."

"Go back? I have to move into the Li family?" Sky was surprised.

"No, Mr. Sky's current identity is not suitable for moving into the Li family. Master Li is outside, and there is a self-contained apartment. I will take Mr. Sky there. Please cooperate, and don't forget, you have received Master Li's money."

In other words, Sky's identity has not been recognized by the Li family.

He is not qualified to live in the Li family mansion.

Moreover, Sky had better obey and cooperate with Dray's every move.

After all, he is just a husband he bought.

Although he didn't want to live with that man, Sky knew that he had no right to refuse now.

"Please wait a moment, I'll go upstairs and get some clothes to change into."

Sky returned to the ward and used the plastic bag he brought from the Kin family to pack a few more clothes and daily necessities before heading downstairs to meet Uncle Mark.

When Uncle Mark saw the black plastic bag in his hand, his expression showed a subtle surprise, but he didn't say much.

The two of them got into a luxury car.

The Kin family was considered wealthy, and Sky's biological father's family, the Lan family, was even more affluent.

But this was the most times he had been in a luxury car in a single day in over a year.

Previously, at the Kin family, his aunt would not allow Sky to ride in their luxury car, only his cousin bella had that privilege.

As for the Lan family... that hadn't been his home for a long time.

Soon, the car pulled into the city's prime real estate, a top-tier luxury apartment building.

Uncle Mark took Sky straight to the top floor via the elevator.

With three elevators serving one household, the luxurious setup was impressive. When the elevator doors opened, Sky was dazzled.

This two-story duplex apartment was even more spacious and bright than s

he had imagined.

"Mr. Sky, this will be your residence from now on. There are dedicated housekeeping staff for the apartment who will come to clean when Master Li is at work. But for everything else, it will be up to you, Mr. Sky. As Master Li's husband, I hope you will take care of his daily needs."

"I'll take care of it?" Sky blinked, surprised.

He thought that someone like Dray would have specialized servants to attend to him and wouldn't need him to take care of him.

"Master Li doesn't like to see outsiders in his private domain. It's just you and Master Li living here. If you don't do it, who will? Mr. Sky, don't forget that you have to follow the rules once you've taken the money. As qualified Mr. Li doesn't need me to repeat what he needs to do, right?" Uncle Mark said matter-of-factly.

His words hit Sky hard, even though he said them without any expression.

"I understand. I will take care of Master Li," Sky said weakly, no longer arguing.

He was so foolish to almost forget that he wasn't the owner here, but had "sold himself" to the other party.

Uncle Mark nodded. "By the way, you can use the rooms on the first floor as you please. The first room on the left is your bedroom. But remember... the second floor is Master Li's pridomain. No one can step foot there without Master Li's permission. Mr. Sky, please remember not to break the rules."

With that, Uncle Mark finished his instructions and left.

Before leaving, he told Sky that Dray usually comes home around 7:30 in the evening, and he should prepare dinner before that.

Sky put away his things and saw that it was already 6 o'clock.

He didn't have time to rest and started preparing dinner.

The kitchen utensils were all new, and there wasn't much in the fridge.

Sky had to bite the bullet and use his own money to buy ingredients from the supermarket downstairs. 

Soon, he had cooked three dishes and a soup.

He put the dishes on the table and waited for Dray to come back. 

But by 8 o'clock, there was still no sign of him at the door. 

Sky didn't have Dray's contact information and didn't know if he would come back for dinner. He had to reheat the cold food on the stove

The food went from cold to hot and back again..

By 11 o'clock at night, Sky was so tired that he fell asleep on the table. 

Dray still hadn't come back. 

At 12:00, there was finally some movement outside the door. 

Dray pushed the door open and saw a petite figure sleeping on the table. 

His eyebrows furrowed. 

He almost forgot that he had instructed Uncle Mark to bring that man over

"Um...who is this?

Suddenly, Sky, who was sleeping, heard the noise and opened his sleepy eyes. 

His soft moans whispered in the man's ear

Dray furrowed his thick eyebrows and his dark eyes grew dim. 

Sky finally came to his senses and saw the tall figure standing at the door. 

"Dra.., Mr. Li, you're back..." he immediately jumped up from the chair and straightened his messy hair.

While waiting for Dray earlier, Sky had already taken a shower and put on a white home dress that had been washed to a pale color.

His black hair was casually scattered on his shoulders, and his porcelain face showed a delicate charm that was inadvertently revealed after just waking up.

The swelling on his face had already subsided after applying ice.

At this moment, he stood somewhat awkwardly in front of Dray, emitting a kind of coquettishness that made people want to bully him. 

This kind of coquettishness reminded Dray of something, and a strong emotion flashed through his dark eyes "Um...I made dinner, please wait a moment..."

Sky hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt his chin being gripped tightly, and he was pushed back against the dining table.

The man who had been a few steps away from him just now suddenly approached, and his big hand grabbed his chin, pressing his whole body against the table.

Sky: !!!

"Mr. Li, what...what are you doing?!"

He instinctively looked at the cold man, his eyes watery with surprise and anxiety.

There was a substantial pain in his lower back as he leaned against the dining table.He didn't understand what he had said wrong.

"Sky Lan!" Dray suddenly called out to him.

He pinched his face, lowered his head to stare at him, his voice full of low, dangerous breath.

The man's long fingers forcefully hooked onto his cheek, the slightly calloused fingertips rubbing against the soft flesh under his chin.

His gaze was focused and deep, like the depths of the sea, intense enough to swallow her whole.

At such a close distance, he couldn't help but feel the heat of Dray's gaze on his face.

But the next second, he heard his cold and cruel voice. 

"Listen, you better watch yourself."

He warned him in a hoarse voice, staring at him with his hazy eyes. 

"Watch, what?" Sky was momentarily stunned, his mind still in a daze

He didn't understand what Logan was saying. 

He had just made him dinner and waited for him all night, how did that make him unwatchful. 

"Who are you dressing up for with this outfit, hairstyle, and posture? And the look in your eyes just now... Don't appear in front of me like this again.

He tightened his grip on his face, his words cutting like a knife. 

As if he saw something from his face."Stop.

Dray's voice was cold and commanding, causing Sky to freeze in her tracks

"You forgot something.

He walked towards her and handed her a small box. Sky looked at it curiously, but didn't make a move to take it. 

"What is it?" he asked cautiously

"Open it and see for yourself.

Sky hesitated for a moment before slowly opening the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond necklace that sparkled in the light

"It's beautiful," he whispered, looking up at Logan in surprise. 

"It's a reminder," he said, his voice softening slightly. "A reminder that you are my husband, and that you should act like it. I don't want a husband who is careless with his reputation.

Sky nodded, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew he had been careless in the past, but he was determined to change

"I understand," he said, slipping the necklace around his neck. "Thank you, Dray. 

Dray nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Just remember, Sky.

"You're my husband, And I expect you to act like it".

He heard dray's low, cold voice coming from behind him. He turned around to leave but he heard his voice again.

"Did I allow you to leave?" 

"Go upstairs and run a bath for me," he said.