

~If only she hadn't fallen in love with the wrong demon...then all would've been well~ ...Or maybe NOT... But what could she do now? She never knew he was her father's worst enemy. How could she still remember he was the one who tortured her when she was a little girl?...a girl of about 3years back then... **** "Dad?" "Yes, my Luna?" A long pause reigned before she confessed. "I'm pregnant." Another long pause came in before her father asked a question every other father would be interested in asking. "For who?" "...the demon of fear".... **** {NOTE~ This is a STANDALONE SEQUEL of HER SON}

FaeyVor5651 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


~A week later~

Not a word was heard from the demon she loved and thought to be Adam by name.

At the moment, she was seated in her father's private airplane with him present.

Her stay in London didn't go as planned and she had to stay indoors due to humans being humans.

Many years back, her father had come out in the open, telling the world who he truly was and it had created a rift.

Thankfully, almost half of London accepted the idea of sharing life with Werewolves, Vampires and others. But that couldn't be said for the majority.

However, since Reginald was a wealthy man and well known, people respected him and refused to start a war with him. But for precautionary measures, Fortune had stayed indoors.

It was later discovered that her accident was caused by humans who didn't like their kind. How cruel.

She had been very bitter to a point she wanted to attack innocent humans but her father stopped her.

Thankfully, the people who were responsible for her accident and loss of her unborn baby died in the accident.

But regardless of that, Fortune had sunk deep into depression when her dear Adam refused to contact her.

Even though she learnt his real name was 'AGRAMON', she still stuck to calling him Adam.

Most of her days were spent arguing with her father and trying to reason with him. But no matter how much they argued, they always settled it like mature people because of Drussilla.

Seeing how miserable his daughter was becoming, Reginald resorted to taking her back home to Brookfield so she could start college in his cousin's pack. He also wanted to take the opportunity to see how his pack was doing and reprimand his beta for not being cautious.

Since he was seated opposite her, his eyes were glued to her like magnet and she was well aware of it.

When she got tired of being scrutinized by his eagle eyes, she glared at him and he smiled in response.

"You should've just let me stay in London. What's the point in taking me back?" She asked in annoyance.

"Stay in London and do what? Sulk? I'm tired of entertaining your sullen mood and I figured since you finished high school not too long, then it's time to get into college and Blue Moon Pack is the right place for that."

"What makes you think I will make things easy for them? Should I remind you that I'm in a bad state of mind?" She glowered at him.

He had literally dragged her out of his home back in London and personally drove her to the airport. Her father was a person who didn't tolerate nonsense, especially from his children.

"Because of your frivolous mistake, I'll make sure to send private bodyguards to keep a close eye on your siblings so they don't follow in your footsteps."

As mentioned before, Fortune had three siblings. She was the first, followed by the second who was 13 years old and went by the name Solomon while the third was 11 years old and a girl who went by the name Armani. As for the last child, his name was Jeremy and he was back in London in the care of his mother Drussilla and nanny, Hilda.

Before Reginald met Drussilla, his mate, he had resorted to surrogacy because he felt lonely and needed a child to love. He did that when he was in the era of heartbreak and rejection from three women.

So, that was how Fortune was born, that was how she came out of another woman's womb.

Now, as for Fortune's surrogate human mother, she has a wonderful family and is married to a demon who Reginald once took as his friend.

So look at that, Fortune has a complicated family background.

"I made a mistake by falling in love? I'm 18 for goodness sake. I should love who I want." She nearly raised her voice at him.

"Yes, you're 18 which is the right age to fall in love as a werewolf….but you fail to see that you made a terrible mistake. What will happen when your mate comes?" Reginald thoughtfully asked.

"I'll reject him," she bluntly replied.

His left eye twitched at her words and he could feel his wolf getting furious at her again.

"Do you know what it's like to be rejected? Do you think your mate will take it well? For your information, if you reject a mate destined for you, it could backfire."

"I don't care as long as I have Ad…"

"STOP IT!" He roared, stopping her from mentioning his name in his presence.

And they ended up glaring at each other for a long time.

"I think I should listen to your mother and just let you be. Don't come running back to London in hopes of receiving sympathy from me," he warned her.

"I won't," she said in confidence.

"You have no idea what you've done to yourself by loving that demon." He scoffed and looked away.

"I know what I'm doing."

"Do you? Because it's obvious you're too blind in love with the demon to think well. Do you think love is everything?"

"Love is everything," she proclaimed.

"Oh…what a naive girl," he taunted her.

That was the last straw to break and with that, she stood up and was about to leave him.

However, before she could take a step past him, she was suddenly drawn back to her seat by an unknown force.

"Did I ask you to leave, miss?" He had a neutral look but it was obvious he was trying to hold his emotions.

Her face was already red in anger as she glared at him for what he did.

"This is my problem with you, you never listen and it didn't start now," he further said.

"You're making it hard for me to listen," she said through gritted teeth.

"Am I? Or you're the one who has refused to listen." He arched a brow at her and it irked her.

Sometimes she was tempted to say she hated him but deep down she knew she loved him.


At the sudden call of her name, her eyes darted about in shock due to the familiarity.

"Fortune," her father called her, bringing her back to himself because he noticed her attention was broken.

Her gaze returned back to him and she frowned slightly. She was sure she heard Adam's voice out of the blue.

Seeing how intent her father was looking at her, she asked, "What?"

At her question, Reginald frowned even more as he looked at her closely.

"You weren't listening to me. You were clearly lost there."

"I wasn't." She denied.

"I'm not a fool, Fortune. Is he trying to contact you?" He had a grim expression and she could tell he was ready to take action if she said 'yes.'

"He's not trying to contact me," she lied in a heartbeat.

"You're very bad at lying." He scoffed at her.

She kept a neutral face like she was innocent and it was then she heard him call her again.


And just like that, she fell into a trance, leaving her father behind and appearing in another dimension.

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