
His Dangerous MATE

Werewolves and exorcists/priests have been at war for a long time. The were wolves see them as a threat because they hold a weapon that can demonize the. While the exorcist thinks they are demons responsible for the rapid killing in their undersized town and wants to eliminate them at all costs. Making them oblivious to the REAL threat The Alpha has his pack stay clear of the exorcist's paths Not because he's afraid but because he does not want his identity discovered Not until... The Alpha found out the niece of the exorcist is his life mate.

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 12

The shaman picked a pen from the chief desk that was quickly snatched from his hand. It doesn't stop him from picking another object to examine. His long robe moves alongside his feet As he made his way around the table. His eyes were slightly covered, but the smug smile he had on was evident even from his side profile.

"Memeories never left, deranged memories most definitely not. It sucks at your soul day by day till you can't take it anymore." The shaman explained to the Chief who didn't look interested at all in what he was saying, he simply wanted to see result.

It's been hours after the little escapade of Aurora and serene's camouflage, getting almost blown up. It was Serene jerk-off of a boyfriend that had come in to inform them that the chief wants them in his office.

Luckily for Aurora, he didn't stay long so she was able to unveil herself from the uncomfortable manner she sat.

Aurora exhaled, they were now in his office.

It was the first time she came in here. The shelves weren't like any normal one that books and other writing material were packed on it.

The shelves were filled with portions, stakes… Neatly hanged swords, and bows.

Aurora moves her gaze from the men and it settled on Serene. Serene has just sneak hold on chips she had apparently, hidden in her pockets. Her first bite was a decent one. The rest that followed was a savage mutilation.

Aurora bit back a chuckle before moving her gaze back to the men.

"So what you're saying is?" she heard the chief inquired.

"There's a slight possibility she's been this way because of trauma. Trauma does a lot than intended especially when it's one parents." He stop roaming his hand around the table and stared directly at the chief.

According to what you've told me, her parents died because of her?"

Because of me?' Aurora find herself asking mentally

"She must be traumatized of what she did, that trauma must have inflicted the paralisis."

"I'm willing to listen a lot more if this is going to end with you…" He pointed at my direction without looking "fixing her"

The shaman nodded in understanding.

"I'll need the room"He counters to the chief

"Okay," The priest grunted casually but he doesn't move. He obviously didn't get the message the shaman had deciphered.

The shaman let's out an uncomfortable cough muttering "Alone with her" along side his cough.

"Thats not happening kid." he moves closer to the young adult, who should be the same age as Aurora. The chief points to his chest.

"Now, I brought you here, because I've heard of the abilities you posses. I paid you a good amount for this, and you bet your ass I'm not going any where till I see how this ends."

The shaman opens his mouth momentarily before resigning himself back to keeping them slid.

He moves away from Him and slowly made his way to Aurora. He wasn't carrying any satchel. And aurora couldn't help but wonder what he's going to do to her.

As he gets closer, his features became more transparent. He was a beaut- no doubt. His sharp jawline had that of a model. And his eyes, they blue eyes held a glint. His face lits up when he finally takes in Aurora's full figure. His eyes roamed around every inch, as he takes in every detail about her. He encloses the space separating him from getting much closer to Aurora.

Aurora desperately tries to steady her breath as she felt his Aura.

"Let's get this over with" he mumbles before squatting down to Aurora's feet. He taps in between them and muttered something incoherent.

Nothing happened.

He does it again, this time louder but the only response he got was a thick silence.

He looks up at Aurora. His expression was interpreting a lot.Frightened, unbelief, shock?

His brows furrowed a lot of times while he stared at her. It felt like he was looking in between her eyes and saw something strange.

"Everything all right kid?" The priest called from behind. "Yes, yes" he simply respond before turning to look at Aurora. His frown deepened and Aurora felt herself wanting to frown too.

Is this the trick?' she alsed herself.

A look of determination surges through him and he went back to Aurora's feet and started muttering words… Different from what he had been chanting.

She could barely pick some right but the spell, it felt only familiar. Maybe she had heard it in French or history class, she wasn't quite sure.

The memory was distant, but she was sure she knew and understood what he is doing.

He's trying to conjure her.

Aurora suddenly felt a chill breeze swoop past her that made her shudder.

Fuck! Did I just move?' she couldn't help but question herself mentally.

"Yes you did" the Shaman responded.

'Wait- he just read my thoughts.' it was more of a statement.

"I sure did" He affirms her thoughts again.

Aurora panicked.

"You can stop with the act now" The shaman mumbles before looking up to match her gaze. His humorous eyes made a gasp of shock escape her lips. She tried to get her body to not succumb to what he is saying but her lips weren't in agreement.

"How did you?" she found herself asking. On realizing she just spoke out loud, her hands suddenly flares up to her mouth to keep it from saying something else.

The shaman chuckles sweetly. "It's a pleasure, I must say. I never thought I would pull of the bigger-guys spell"

"Bigger? Guys?" Aurora found herself asking even though her palms were barring her mouth, her inquisitive mouth wouldn't just shut it.

"Well, yes. Back home they restricted the young ones from pulling ancient spells. It was for those that had the stability, That are 20years into learning magic, if not older. We call them the bigger guys. "

Aurora nodded in understanding even though she couldn't quite understand what he had said. She look around to find her uncle and serene in a statue position.

"Oh them, they won't see or hear us."

Aurora was relieved

"Are they going to be fine?"

"Yes… I'ts not harmful. I tried to get them to leave," he simply stated, as he made his way to Serene's. He move to the side and duck his hand in her pockets. His eyes shone with delight when he found more chips in it. "It's temporarily." he mumbles before munching the chips.

"What are you going to do to me?"

She asked

"Make you famous," he says casually as he munch the next chips

"I don't want to be famous" she mumbled almost immediately.

"Well, then I'll make myself famous,"

Aurora frowned

"How are you going to do that?" she raised a question, a bit unsure.

He stops chewing and then made his way to Aurora.

"Tell everyone I made you whole again?"

Aurora felt her heart beat fast than it's normal rate, he must have heard it because he started looking at her in a weird manner. Aurora was afraid.

"You don't want me to do that?"

She nodded plainly.

He let's out a groan. "Does it have to do with you acting like you were having paralysis?"

She nodded plainly again.

He moves closer from behind and whisper in her ears.

"Why hide under their shadow, when you can make them succumb to you."

Aurora scoffed "like what? Cast a spell like you did?"


Something about his swift response told Aurora he knew something that she did not.

"You don't really know who you are, do you?"

"And you do?" Aurora asked, answering his question with a question of her own.

"It's not in my place to tell, Princess"


Aurora didn't like the sound of that.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked after a short silence

"Help me" she quickly responded

"If I do that, I'll be getting more enemies. And trust me, the one from homes are quite enough. Don't want to get my hands dirty with the chief. You know your uncle is quite a handful and danger-"

"Please help me, I'll do anything" she pleaded, cutting him short.

He grabs a curly strand from Aurora's hair, and nibble his finger with it.

"You're my ticket out of my untold misery… So I can't say no to you, Princess"

Aurora sigh in relief and contentment.

"Although, there's a catch"

Aurora expected him to say that. Men always want something in response

"I'm listening?"

"I'll let you know when the time comes, but do you give me your word… You'd do it?"

Aurora mumbled out a yes

"I'll see you soon then,"

In a blink of an eye, he was gone. And so was the mist that was holding back time. From her peripher view, she saw her uncle moved and same with serene who was not pleased to see her pocket chips had finished.

"Where is he?" Her uncle voice thundered.

"Who?" serene asked dumbly.

"goddamnit!" Chief cursed before peeling himself from the room.

Aurora and serene could hear his voice from the hallway giving orders. "Find him and bring him to me, dead or alive"

"We don't have a clear image-" One of the men had attempted to say but the chief interrupted with a roar.

"Find HIM!"

Shit' Aurora cursed numbly.