
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Urban
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176 Chs

Chapter 117- Fight Over Engagement Rings!

Two days later:-

Teja POV:-

Today is the weekend. For the first time, I am grateful for the weekend.

Want to know why? Because Akaash's family and my family have planned for the shopping today.

I hate shopping.

But I need to do it as this wedding was going to be the Marriage of the year in London.

Many VIPs were going to attend this marriage.

Also, the media was going to give coverage.

Through, I want a simple private wedding.

But since I am President of Life Care Hospital and the No.1 Neurosurgeon in London, I had to make this marriage publicly.

Even Akaash is one of the famous bachelors in London and director of Life Care Hospital.

He is famous too. He is the No.1 Gynaecologist in London. Plus, Akaash is the son of Mr. Jagat Rathore, who is the president of Rathore Textiles.

Now, I think you got my point.

We are marrying on 1 December.

In London, it's too cold here.

The snow had started to fall already.

But we needed to hurry before Tanish was going to take a step.

It's been a week before we are going to marry.

That day has Sunday. So, it would be helpful for us.

" Are you ready, di? " Arjun asked while knocking.

I came out of my thought and realized I was starting to think again.

I sighed and looked at my son, who was sleeping adorably.

I wore a red high neck and black warm jeans with black boots.

I put a red warm cap on my head and then wore my black overcoat.

I looked had made my son ready already.

So, I took my bag, wallet, and phone and took Vihaan in my arms and said, " I am coming, Arjun. "

I opened the door and saw Arjun with a smile.

" Can I take him, di? " Arjun asked while looking at Vihaan with adoration.

" Sure! " I replied and gave my son to him.

Then we came downstairs and looked at our parents.

" Let's go. " I said, and we came out and saw a black limo cam towards our home.

That limo stopped in front of us, and Akaash came out from the limo.

" Hi, I think we should go together. " Akaash said while scratching his back neck.

" Sure! Let's go. " Mom said with a smile, and we all sat in the limo and greeted Akaash's family.

Soon, we reached the front of the mall and came out of the limo.

Then we entered together, and Akaash held my hand.

I stiffened as past incidents started to roam in my mind.

I took a deep breath and mumbled in my mind, " Akaash will not do those things Tanish did. Relax! You are strong, and nothing will happen to you. "

" Are you okay, Teja? " Akaash asked while looking at me worriedly.

I nodded with a smile.

Then we went to the jewelry shop.

" I think you should choose rings together. " Uncle Jagat said, and we nodded.

We saw an assistant who politely said, " Welcome, mam and sir, How can I help you? "

" We are looking for wedding rings. " I replied coldly, and she flinched at my coldness.

I know my eyes are not like before, innocent and sweet.

But my eyes turned cold these years.

She nodded quickly and started to take out the best wedding rings from their shop.

" What happened to you, Teja? Why do you become cold towards the assistant? " Akaash asked in a low voice near my ear.

" I still have trust issuse, Akaash.

Also, I didn't act rudely to her. You know very well. I'm not that sweet Teja anymore. I am that cold, Ms. Smith. " I replied in a low voice.

He looked at me and sighed sadly.

" Take a look at these rings, mam, and sir. " That assistant said, and we looked at the rings.

They all are beautiful, but my eyes are stuck on a wedding ring.

Those rings are made of platinum.

The male ring has a small diamond that was between the ring.

The female ring has a large crown cut shape ring and a diamond between the crown shape, which looks adorable.

" Can we try this? " I asked Akaash, and when he looks at my choice.

His eyes looked at them with adoration.

" Sure! Show me your ring finger. I will put the ring on your finger if you don't mind. " Akaash said, and I closed my eyes.

I know Akaash will not do anything to me, but my mind wanders on three and a half years ago.

I calmed myself and nodded with a fake smile.

Akaash smiled and took that ring, and started to put it on my finger.

I closed my eyes in fear that I would face the pain again.

But nothing like that happened.

" Done! Teja, open your eyes. This ring looks beautiful on you. " Akaash said, and I opened my eyes.

I looked at my ring finger, and a gasp came out of my mouth.

That ring fitted perfectly in my finger like it was made for me.

" Mam, this ring looks beautiful on you. It fitted you perfectly. These rings are made for you both. " The assistant said when Akaash put his ring on his finger.

I smiled while looking at our hands.

Indeed they are made for us.

" We are buying it, and I am going to pay for these rings. " I said coldly, and she nodded nervously.

" No, I am going to pay for it. " Akaash said, and I looked at him with irritation.

" No, Akaash, I will pay for it. You are already paying for my wedding dress. " I said with irritation.

Akaash looked at me with disbelief.

" No, Lily, I will pay for it. Have you forgotten you are paying for my wedding dress? " Akaash replied and asked with irritation.

" You both, calm down. " Dad said while trying to calm us down.

" You both are not going to pay for these rings because I am going to pay for them as a gift from my side. " Dad said, and I looked at him with shock.

" No, dad, I- " He cut me off.

" Teja, you know very well. You are my daughter. I am paying for my daughter's better future, and you don't have any right to stop me.

I will buy it, and that's final. " Dad stated, and a chuckle came out from everyone's lips.

I sighed and raised my hands in surrender.

" Fine! You won. " I accepted my defeat with a pout, and everyone laughed.

Dad and mom hugged me with tears in their eyes.

I hugged them back and said, " I Love you both! "

" We love you too, dear. " They said in unison, and we laughed together.

I felt so great.