
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Urban
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176 Chs

Chapter 112- Meeting Mom and Dad!

Teja POV:-

After the conference, we all came home as we were too tired of that mess.

Everyone was talking about my family and me.

Those reporters asked about our family's relationship.

After that, they asked us about Akaash's and my relationship.

I hate those reporters.

They took out all our energy with their endless questions.

When I went inside, I saw mom, dad, and Akaash's family.

They were glaring at each other.

I felt awkward as in the past, mom and dad are my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Now Akaash's parents are going to be my in-laws.

But still, mom and dad are my parents.

They still loved me as their daughter.

I want them to accept each other.

" Teja, down to earth! " Akaash said, and I came out from my thoughts.

I saw mom, dad, Akaash's family, and my family are looking at me, which made me uncomfortable.

I looked at my head butler and said, " Aunt Nisha, please arrange glasses of water for everyone.

Also, arrange some snacks with tea, please. "

She nodded and left towards the kitchen.

I am glad about my decision to choose this house.

After all, it's so big that everyone can take have their rooms.

" Please, everyone, have a seat. " I said politely, and everyone sat on the couches.

Mom and dad sat exactly opposite Akaash's parents.

" Teja, my daughter. Why are they here? " Akaash's mother asked.

" Mom Janvi, they are here because I invite them. " I said, and they looked at me in disbelief.

" Teja, I respect your kindness. But did you forget how their son hurt you? " Dad Jagat asked.

" Dad Jagat, I know you are worried about it and adored me a lot.

But it's not their fault what Tanish did to me.

I know you all are uncomfortable with them.

But please, they are my parents too.

Before their son, they always considered me first.

In fact, they were the ones who made me agree to accept Akaash. " I stated, and they looked at me with shock.

" What do you mean? " Abhishek asked.

" Abhishek bhaiya, you knew very well about my trust issues.

I wasn't ready to accept Akaash's love for me and proposal.

After all, Love was the reason that made my life worse than hell.

Also, I was worried that I could destroy Akaash's life because of my fears. " I explained. They nodded their heads in understanding.

" I talked to them, and they told me to accept Akaash's proposal.

So, I won't regret it in the future.

Akaash's love is true.

He respects me. He is loyal to me. He is caring for me, and most importantly, he understands me. " I said and looked at Akaash, who smiled at me.

" That is enough to make our marriage successful. " I said, and a wide smile formed on Akaash's family's lips.

" I thought about their words and realized that I should give a chance to him.

At that time, Vihaan came into my life. " I said and held Vihaan tightly.

I kissed Vihaan's cheeks.

" Akaash accepted Vihaan, and You all treated Vihaan like your family.

I realized I regret refusing Akaash's proposal. " I stated, and they all smiled.

" Mom Janvi and Dad Jagat, Abhishek bhaiya, and Akaansha Bhabhi, I know you all didn't like the fact that I invited Tanish's parents to our wedding.

But trust me, they love me more than their son.

In fact, I treated them like my parents.

They were the ones who showed me what is the love of mother and father together?

So, please, for my sake, please accept each other. " I stated, and they looked at each other.

I saw mom and dad shift uncomfortably.

" Sure, Teja beta. For your sake, we can do anything.

You are talking about accepting your parents who loved you more than anyone. " Mom Janvi said, and I smiled at them.

I saw mom and dad look at Akaash's parents with shock and tears forming in their eyes.

I walked towards them and handed them Vihaan.

" Vihaan, they are my parents. So, they are your grandpa and grandma. Say hello to them. " I said, and Vihaan hugged them.

Tears came out from mom and dad's eyes.

They hugged Vihaan tightly.

I smiled while looking at them.

" Teja, we are here to congratulate you.

Congratulation on your amazing project.

The way you handled that bastard was truly amazing.

I loved his pale face when you gave such amazing answers to reporters. " Abhishek said, and I laughed.

" Thank you for your compliment, bhaiya. " I said but didn't comment about Tanish.

" I wanted to punch that bastard when he used maa's name. " Akaash said, and anger started to form in my veins.

" You are right, Akaash. If he didn't leave the auditorium on time, I would definitely punch him.

How dare he try to tarnish my mother's name by using my father's name? " I said and gasped when I said, Mr. Albert, my father.

I turned to see him, who looked at me with so much love and adoration.

" I mean Mr. Albert's name. " I said, and his smile wiped from his face.

I see everyone gave him a pitiful look except dad.

" But, when did you get the chance to arrange everything? " Akaash asked.

I knew what he was asking.

I smiled and turned towards dad, and mom looked at me with a smile.

I looked back at Akaash and replied, " It's all because of Dad. "

Everyone looked at me with confusion.

" Dad called me three days ago when he was coming that day.

He told me something urgent came and he will come today.

Then I told him everything about my kidnapping and How Tanish behaves with me. He said, " I said and started to remind that day.


Teja POV:-

" Dad, something happened here. " I said.

" What happened? " Dad asked.

I told him everything.

" So much happened, and you didn't even think to tell me anything. " Dad yelled, and I bit my tongue.

" Sorry, I forgot. " I said sheepishly.

" Teja, I think you need to save everything. " Dad said seriously.

I got serious and asked, " What do you mean, dad? "

" Teja, Tanish must be planning to reveal your identity in front of the world. You told me about your project. I am sure you found the investor till now.

So, you will hold the conference soon, right? " Dad said, and I thought about it.

He is right.

I saw in Tanish's eyes.

He can do anything to make me his.

But this time, I will not let him, not after what he did.

" You are right, dad. I will save every important piece of evidence on my phone. Also, I will strict the security. " I said, and dad hummed.

" Very well. Make sure you will prepare for everything. " Dad said, and I hummed.

" Sure! " I said and hung up the phone.

Flashback Ends

Teja POV:-

" That's how I saved everything and prepared myself for the worst.

But I didn't have any idea that bastard would use my mother against me. " I stated, and I walked towards dad.

" Thank you, dad. I don't know how I would handle all this if you didn't alert me before. " I said, and he nodded with a smile.

" I can do anything for you, dear. " Dad said, and I hugged him.

I felt home in his arms.