
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Urban
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176 Chs

Chapter 104- Welcome Home, Vihaan!

Two Days Later:-

Teja POV:-

It's been two days since I had dinner with Akaash. Today, my son, Vihaan discharged from the hospital, and I finished all the procedures to adopt Vihaan.

Vihaan is now my son. He is now Vihaan Smith.

Right now, I just finished my work.

Dad gave me brilliant news yesterday, and right now, I am so happy.

It's 3 pm already, and I went to Vihaan's room to take him home with me.

I didn't let anyone meet her except Akaash.

They all are eager to meet him.

He already became adam's apple in everyone's eyes.

I am happy for him that everyone accepts him with happy faces.

Akaash's family also wants to meet him. So, I told them to meet me at my home. So, it would become a get-together for everyone.

I reached his room and saw Akaash playing ludo with him.

I am telling this kid is smart.

I saw he killed one of Akaash's players.

Right now, Akaash's all players locked on the starting end.

On the other side, my son's two players reached to finish the ending.

" Wow, my son, you are doing good. " I praised my son, and when they looked at me, Vihaan giggled and said, " Mumwa, plwwse take me in yowr awns. "

I laughed at his baby's voice and took him in my arms.

I felt heaven when I embraced him.

The best feeling was when he said Mumma in his baby language.

" Mumma loves you a lot, Vihaan. " I said and kissed the crown of his head.

" Vihaan lowes you too, mawwa. " Vihaan replied, and tears formed in my eyes.

" Don't you love me, Vihaan? " Akaash asked, giving a fake sad smile.

" Vihaan lowes you too, daddy. " Vihaan said, and I looked at him with shock.

" Did he just call Akaash daddy? " I thought.

" Vihaan, do you love Akaash? " I asked, trying to confirm my thought.

" Yes, mawma. He cawe to me when you were bwsy. "

Vihaan replied, and I looked at Akaash.

" That's true, Teja. I took care of him when you were in your surgery and meeting as I knew how much work you had. " Akaash replied with a smile, and I smiled back.

" Thank you! You helped me a lot. I was shocked when he suddenly called you daddy. It's just he never came near anyone. If he called you daddy, it means he means it. " I said with a smile.

" Then I am glad. After all, I will become his father after our marriage, Teja.

To be honest, I felt a great warmness when he called me daddy. He is a good child, just like you. " He explained and said with love in his eyes.

I blushed and looked at him with a smile.

" Daddy, hwg us. " Vihaan said, and we laughed.

Akaash hugged us, and I felt great.

I think my unconscious mind believed that his touch was not wrong.

After our hug, Akaash took Vihaan's bag, and I took Vihaan.

We came downstairs and walked out of the hospital. I saw Tanish come near us and looked at Vihaan with shock.

I understood what was going on in his evil mind, and I held Vihaan tightly in my arms.

Akaash held me through my shoulders.

I saw Tanish's eyes hold rage when Akaash holds me.

I calmed my mind as I didn't want to show weakness in front of him.

Also, I need to protect my son from this evil.

" Teja, is this our child? " Tanish asked with hope.

" No, Mr. Kashyap. He is not your child. He is my child. " I replied him with arrogance.

He tried to hold my shoulder, but I took a few steps backs, and Akaash came between Tanish and me.

" Stay away from my fiance and my child. " Akaash warned him.

" You knew very well, Akaash. She is my wife, and I have every right to talk to her. You are no one here to come between us. " Tanish yelled at him.

" Your wife died three years ago, Mr. Kashyap. She is Ms. Lily Smith, and you are invading her privacy. " Akaash replied.

" Muwma! " Vihaan said, scared to see this fight in front of him.

" STOP!!! " I yelled as my motherly instinct hit me.

I went near Akaash and put my head on his shoulder.

" Mr. Kashyap, he is right. Your wife divorced you three years ago and left you. Even, your divorce was approved by the court. Didn't you hear about it?

Please check it. Now, I am going to marry Akaash this month. I will send you the invitation through my PA. So, please, don't forget to come to our wedding, right darling? " I explained and asked Akaash.

Akaash looked at me with shock, and I winked at him.

He got my message and wrapped his hand on my waist, and replied, " Right. Let's leave, Lily. Our family is waiting for us. "

I nodded, and we left the stunned Tanish.

We sat in my car and went to my home.

" What you said is true, Teja? " Akaash asked.

" Can we please talk about it at home? " I asked with a request.

He sighed in frustration, and I nodded.

After some time we reached my home.

I have decorated my room for Vihaan as Vihaan is going to live with me.

We went in front of the entrance when I saw. Mom held a thaal in her hand and waited for us with my family and Akaash's family.

Everyone looked at Vihaan with adoration.

Mom did our aarti and did our tika.

Vihaan squirmed when mom did his tika, and everyone laughed at his antics.

Then we all entered and sat on the couch.

I saw everyone was waiting to hold him, and Vihaan looked at them with confusion.

" Vihaan, this is your paternal grandpa. " I said while looking at Akaash's father.

I saw everyone looking at me with shock, and I smiled at them.

He smiled and said, " Hello Vihaan, I am your grandpa. God Bless you, child. "

Vihaan giggled and said, " Gwandpa! "

Everyone awed at him, and I saw tears in Akaash's father's eyes.

Vihaan walked towards him and hugged his leg.

He laughed at taking him in his arms.

I saw everyone enjoyed with him.

He introduced him to everyone in his family, and Vihaan listened to everything carefully.

I smiled at him.

When he was done, he gave me Vihaan back.

I took him and made him sit in my lap.

" Vihaan, this is your maternal uncle. His name is Arjun. " I said, and Vihaan looked at Arjun with his innocent eyes.

Arjun came near me and kissed his cheeks.

Arjun whispered something in Vihaan's ears, and Vihaan burst into laughing.

" Uw cle, you are fuwny. " He said while laughing.

I smiled at them as I could see that Arjun was going to pamper him a lot.

" That she is your maternal grandma. " I said and pointed at mom.

She came near me and kissed his cheeks.

" I am so happy to see you, Vihaan. Your grandma made so many dishes for you. Eat them and tell me if you need anything. " Mom said, and Vihaan smiled at her and kissed her cheeks.

" Okay, gwandma. " Vihaan said, and mom had tears in her eyes.

" Now, he is your... grandpa. " I said and pointed at Mr. Albert.

He looked at me with shock. After all, he didn't expect me to call him Vihaan's grandpa.

But he is.

" Teja! " He called my name with shock.

I walked to him and he stood from his seat and looked at us with shock.

" You are his grandpa, Mr. Albert. " I said and gestured him to hold Vihaan.

He took Vihhan from my arms carefully and hugged him while tears in his eyes.

I know he must be happy to get a chance to hold his grandchild and my permission to call him grandpa from Vihaan.

Vihaan hugged him and wiped his tears.

" Gwanpa, you dowt cry. " He said and Mr. Albert smiled.

" Who said I am crying, my child. Your grandpa is happy today to hold you and when you call me grandpa. I love you. " Mr. Albert said and hugged him with a smile, and I smiled at them.