
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

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63 Chs

Where is Nolan?


My eyes flicked open and I sat up. It was morning already and I could tell that from the ray of light passing through the opening of the curtains on the window. I picked up my phone to check the time and I realized it was past breakfast time. I wondered why no one woke me up. Maybe Nolan asked them not to. I stood to do my morning business and then got dressed in simple shorts and a shirt. I left the room in search of the rest. I went to Nolan's room first but it was locked. I headed for Nigel's room but it was also locked. Bella's and Ella's rooms were locked also. U became a bit worried they must have left me to attend lectures or went to the office. I had wondered why they will want to leave without me. They had never done that before. Not even when we weren't this close. Why will they want to do that now that things seem to be working out well between us?. I was already jumping to conclusion that they did not want me with them.

"You shouldn't jump into conclusion yet," my subconscious mind said and I nodded in agreement. I haven't checked the living room, the dining, even the parking lot, or the gym house. They could be anywhere around the packhouse. Or the territory. I decided to check out other places before concluding. I chose the living room as the first place to start with and then the dining will be the next, followed by the kitchen. If I don't find them there, I will have to extend my search outside the packhouse. I was sure I won't have to search for them outside the packhouse. Two guards were in the living room when I walked down the stairs. They looked so worried and were having a discussion but when they noticed my presence they kept shut. "Where are the rest?" I asked

"They went in..." One of the guards was saying but got interrupted by the second one.

"They went on a stroll" he answered quickly

I suspected th3re was something wrong but I couldn't place my hand on it. The looks on their faces showed they were hiding something from me. "Where is Nolan?. I mean the alpha?" I asked

They looked so shocked but had to conceal it quickly as it came. "H-he..."

I frowned. "What's going on?"

"I think he should be in his office" the one who seems bold answered. I furrowed my brows. What office?. "The alpha's office". Though he tried to sound bold and confident enough, he wasn't convincing enough.

I folded my hand. "He isn't in his office right?"

"He is"

I sighed. "Then I will go check on him". I made to leave but he stood me. "Why are you stopping me?"

"He doesn't want anyone to disturb him"

I frowned. Something is wrong and they are trying to stop me from finding out. "Don't you dare stand in my way"


"I am the future luna of this pack. You dare not disrespect me or I will report you to the alpha" I threatened.

He hesitated a bit before he finally spoke up. "The alpha is not in his office". I raised an eyebrow. What does he mean by he is not in the office?

"He is not in the office?"

He nodded. "Everyone thought he was in there but when his beta went in, the office was empty"

I furrowed my brows. I don't get the fact that he wasn't in his office and they looked this worried. "Did he go to the company?. Or maybe the school?"

"We can't say where exactly he went to"

"Is Nigel and the rest aware of this?"

He nodded. "They are all aware he isn't anywhere in the packhouse territory. They had gone in search of him"

I furrowed my brows. "Gone in search of him?. For what?. Why is everyone worried about him?. It's not noon yet. He can be back anytime soon right?"

"We hoped so, ma'am. The alpha does not leave the packhouse without the consent of the elders. Especially Duncan"

I rolled my eyes. I still did not get the reason behind their worries. He doesn't leave the packhouse without the elders' consent?. Why does he have to tell them his whereabouts?. And why are they so bothered that he is gone for a few hours?. I sighed. "So where is Duncan?"

"With the rest of the council of elders"

I sighed. "I will sit here and wait for the return of the rest". I sat down on the couch, legs crossed on the table. I couldn't take my mind off the fact that Nolan isn't around and everyone is so worried about him. It seems I was the only one who cared less about his disappearance. It made me feel so bad. And though my stomach grumbled, I couldn't order for food, lest they see me as the black sheep amidst them. I could not perceive any aroma and everywhere looked so dried. I doubted any breakfast was made. I sighed. Where could he be?. Have they tried calling his number?. Isn't he picking? Or is it switched off?. Different thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to lay my hand on the fact. But as much as I tried to, I couldn't get what I wanted. I could only hope he is safe and will return home to us soon.


Nigel, Bella, and Ella walked in. They looked so worried I had to stand up to ask them what was wrong. "What's going on?. You can't find Nolan?. Why didn't guys wake me up so I could go with you?. What's the news about him?. Has something bad happened to him?" I bombarded them with so many questions. I was beginning to lose the hope I had in seeing Nolan once more. I had thought there was hope and when Nigel and the rest return, they would be back with Nolan or maybe good news about his whereabouts. But seeing their faces, I couldn't help but think something is wrong.

Nigel patted my shoulder. "We will find him. Though we don't know where he went to. We are sure he is safe"

I moved backward and say on the couch with a thud. That wasn't the news I was expecting. That wasn't the news I had hoped to hear. I placed my hand on my face as tears threatened to fall. Just yesterday, I had spent time with him at the park, the malls even at the restaurant. The moment we spent together flooded back into my memory. The way we held our hands while we stroll down the street and I had wished I told him how much I love him. How deep I have fallen in love with him.

I couldn't withhold myself from crying. I had to let the tears out. Was this the reason he took me out yesterday?. What this the reason he cared so much for me that I began to have a doubt. Did he know he was going to go missing?. More tears dripped down my face. "Where are you, Nolan. Where are you..." It came out more in a whisper

Ella and Bella sat down beside me to comfort me but I wasn't ready to be comfortable. I saw the tears dripping down my face as the only way to pour out my pains, my sorrow, and my loss. "He is going to be back, Olive. You have to pull yourself together" Nigel said

"It's ok, Olive. You know how much I hate to see you cry" Ella said. "I can't remember the last time I saw you cry. The Olive I know is very strong"

"Olive, Nolan won't be happy to see you shedding tears like this. Don't you know be will feel so bad if he comes in and see you in tears" Bella added

Their words became soothing to my ears and I realized I had cried to we'll for nothing. They are all right. Nolan won't be happy seeing me in tears. And when he finds out he had been the reason for my tears, he will feel really bad and I don't want that. I sniffed. I shouldn't be crying. He is only gone for a few hours and will be back right?. Why then am I crying?. Nothing is going to happen to him right?. Though a part of me wanted to believe Nolan is fine and return home soon, I couldn't take the fact that he was gone and had put so many people in a worried state. I sniffed and finally stood up. "I will be in my room"

Ella stood up. "I will go with you"

I shook my head. "No. I will be fine"

"You know you will be fine. But I can't let you go up there alone"

Bella stood up. "Ella is right. You need people around you. will go with you both"

I made to say something but Nigel stopped me. "Let them go with you. It will help you keep your mind away from Nolan for a while"

I sighed. "If you say so"