
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

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63 Chs

Meeting his enemy

I needed to redeem myself so I ran after her. "Hey!!" I yelled. She stopped and turned to face me. Everyone stared at us, awaiting my reaction, I guess. I rolled my eyes. I could read their minds. I groaned. "You said what?"

She hissed. "I'm sure you ain't deaf. But in case you are, I'll make it clear to you. I Olivia reject you. What's your name again?. Nolan"

I rolled my eyes. "I do not accept the reject,"

"That's your problem" she yelled

"You can't reject me. I should be the one to reject you, not the other way round"

She hissed. "I already did". She pushed me to the side and walked past me. People were staring at us and some were taking pictures and videos. I groaned. The news will be everywhere soon. I told Nigel it was a bad idea, but he said no. Look at what he has caused me. I glared at them and they scurried away. I stomped to the class. Nigel sighted me and walked up to me.

"Tell me the good news"

I hissed. "Tell me you haven't heard about it"

He furrowed his brows. "Heard about what?"

I groaned. "That she rejected me"

He busted out into a series of laughter. I groaned. What's so funny about this?. "You mean she rejected you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't speaking Spanish. I did not just get rejected by her. I got rejected in public". He laughed and I hissed. "It isn't funny ok. It's all your fault". I left him standing and went back to our seats.

He followed me. "Hey, how is it my fault?"

I hissed. "I told you it was a bad idea. That girl is too aggressive but you wouldn't listen"

"I was only trying to help"

I scoffed. "Trying to help, huh?"

He ignored my question. "I can't believe she rejected you"

I hissed. "You had better start believing"

He laughed but when I glared at him, he stopped. "Sorry. I just couldn't help it". I groaned. "I'm so sorry, I never knew she will reject you"

I rolled my eyes. "Now you know"

"What do you plan on doing?" He asked

"Nothing. She can go to hell!!"

He chuckled and I glared at him. "I promise you, I won't laugh again"

"Whatever" I murmured

There was silence until someone whispered. "Did Nolan get rejected by her?"

I groaned and Nigel chuckled. I turned to look at them. Almost everyone was with their phone. I hissed. The news is everywhere. "You're going to be the topic of the day, friend. I'm so proud of you" Nigel mocked. I hit him and he whined. "You don't have to hit me that way. I was only joking"

I rolled my eyes and picked up my headphone to listen to music. Someone touched me. I raised my head. "Bella?"

She batted her lashes. "Is it true?"

I furrowed my brows, while Nigel chuckled a bit. "That what?" I asked

She scoffed. "You don't have to pretend, Nolan. It's all over the place. Why didn't you tell me she was your mate?"

I groaned and mind-linked Nigel. "Did you see what you've caused"

He chuckled. "Sorry"

Bella sat down. "I should have suspected, the way you kept staring at her". I groaned. "I can't believe my cute cousin got rejected by that girl". She turned to face me. "Does she knows how many years you've waited for her, just to be rejected as the first trial. That's so sad". I scoffed. "Why did you tell me first before going to meet her?. Maybe your approach was bad"

I hissed. "Ask your mate that!!"

She furrowed her brows. "My mate?". I ignored her and picked up a book. "Nolan?". I stood up to go to the library. "We ain't done talking, Nolan" Bella yelled. I ignored her and walked out of the class. I'm so done with this conversation.


School hasn't closed yet and the news about Olive rejecting me has gone so far and fast. Everyone kept staring at me with pity in their eyes and I hate that. I got tired of seeing their pitiful faces and decided to go to the office instead. That will keep me busy and away from those gloomy eyes. I was the one that got rejected, why do they feel so depressed. I should be the one feeling depressed not them. I stood up and picked up all my books. I'll be dropping them in the locker before leaving. "Heading somewhere?" Nigel asked

I rolled my eyes. "Going to the office"

He stood up. "I'm leaving with you"

"No, you should stay back"

"You know I won't take a no as an answer"

I groaned. He's just as stubborn as I am. "Suit yourself"

He chuckled and followed me. We left the class and went to the car park. "Hey, you" someone yelled

It was Mr. Williams, one of the lecturers and also a friend to my late dad and Nigel's dad. I know he won't let us leave without a concrete reason. I hissed and turned. "Hey, Mr. Williams," I smiled, trying as much as possible to sound nice.

"And where do you both think you're going?"

Nigel groaned. "We are..."

"You're skipping class, again?"

I rolled my eyes. It isn't like we skip classes on purpose. "We ain't skipping class, ok?. We are going to the office for a meeting"

He furrowed his brows. "Meeting?. Declan didn't tell me that"

I batted my lashes. This isn't good. I need to make him believe me. "That's because he doesn't know about it. I just received a call"

He stared at us suspiciously. "Are you sure you ain't leaving because you got rejected?"

I groaned. Who the heck shared the news about my rejection?. I hissed. If he knows about it, then all the pack members would have found out their Alpha got rejected by his mate. I scoffed. "I ain't the first to be rejected. And I won't be the last. So I ain't skipping class for that"

"If you ain't skipping class for that, then get your ass back to class"

I scoffed. "I won't do that"

He smirked. "Then I will ask the guards to bundle you in"

I groaned. "You can't do that"

"Dare me"

I hissed. "I'm an Alpha, you can't treat me like a..."


Nigel dragged me. "Nolan, forewarned is forearmed"

I hissed. "I ain't go nowhere"

Nigel chuckled. "You won't want Olive to see you been bundled into the class" he whispered

I hissed. "Whatever" I mumbled and walked out on them all


School ended and I jumped up happily. I can now go home and be safe from their constant looks and gossip. I don't know why they are making it so unbearable for me. I wasn't the first to be rejected right?. And I won't be the last. Olive wasn't making it easier too. She kept glaring at me at every chance she gets. I'm not the moon goodness that mated her to me. If she has any problem with that, she should talk to the moon goddess. "Are you thinking about the rejection?"

I groaned. "Not really. You know it still surprises me that I got rejected. Shouldn't I be the one rejecting her and not the other way round?"

He chuckled. "Anyone can get rejected you know"

I hissed. "Ain't I suppose to feel pain, after being rejected?"

"It might come later, I just hope you will be able to bear it"

Should I be the one to feel the pain?. She rejected me, she should feel the pain not me. I hissed and picked up my bag. "I'm leaving"

"We are leaving together"

I rolled my eyes. "Meet me outside"

He groaned. "You're...". I didn't let him finish his sentence before walking out on him. I'm not in for some cheap talks. I got to the car and had to wait for Nigel and Bella. I decided to sit on the hood of the car. I wore my headphone, listening to music. I lay on it, eyes closed enjoying the cool breeze and music. Someone touched me and I opened my eyes. It was Nigel. "I thought you left"

I sat up and pull off my headphone. "Like I have a choice"

Bella chuckled. "We should leave. I can't wait to see the reactions on the faces of the pack members". I rolled my eyes. "Their Alpha been rejected will make a good headline"

I hissed. "Can you stop talking about my rejection?"

Nigel chuckled. "Talking of the devil"

I turned to see Olive walking towards her car with Ella. Ella waved at me and I waved back while Olive glared at me. I ignored her and was about to turn when caught sight of someone. The face looks familiar. My eyes switched. Is that not Salvador?. My parent's murderer?. I jumped down from the car. What the heck is he doing here?. Nigel held me as I made to walk past him. I tried dragging myself away from him but he stopped me.

"Don't create a scene, Nolan". I hissed. Seeing him again has woken up the pains I had hidden for some years now. "You can't win this battle, Nolan. Not now"

I rolled my eyes. "I can, Nigel. He's not with any guard. Look, he's at my mercy. I can just..."

"Yes, you can. But do you want him to die without any pain? You just what to kill him without anyone knowing what he has done?"

I sighed. Nigel is right. "Let go". We made to leave but when I saw him coming in our direction, I stopped. Is he coming to me?. He got close to Olive and stopped. I batted my lashes. Don't tell me she's his daughter!!. As if hearing me, "Dad?" She called