
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

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63 Chs

I'm jealous


I turned on my bed feeling so tired. I won't be going to the office today. Yesterday was so stressful. We had gone to the Lycan pack to help them. They were attacked by Salvador and had sent a message of help to Martins. Martins was a member of the Lycan pack. At first, I never wanted to go with them. I just wanted to send Martins and a few others to go help them but when I had it was Salvador who attacked them, I changed my mind. I am happy I did. Remembering what happened at the Lycan pack yesterday, I smiled.

<Flashback >

I was at the office, going through sole files when my phone rang. I checked the caller. It was Martins. I furrowed my brows. Why is he calling me?. I cut the call and Olive stared at me. I rolled my eyes. The phone rang again and I groaned. For Martins to keep calling me, it means there has to be an emergency. I dropped the phone. Olive stopped up. "Where are you going?"

She sighed. "I can see you have a call but you don't want to pick it because of me. I will go and come back when you're done"

I rolled my eyes. I never expected her to be this considerate. I smiled. "Thanks for your understanding"

She nodded and left. I quickly place a call to Martins. "Hey

"Boss, the Lycan pack is under attack"

I rolled my eyes. "You want to go?"

"Yes, boss. I will need some boys too"

I nodded. "Ok, you can go with some boys"

"Thanks, boss"

I smiled. "By the way. Who attacked the pack?"


I batted my lashes. Salvador?. Why will he attack the Lycan pack?. I frowned. "You mean Salvador?. The same one who killed my parent?"

"Yes boss"

I groaned and stood up. "You know what, get the boys ready. I am coming over"

"Ok, boss"

I dropped my phone on the table and cleared the table. Olive walked in. "You seem to be in a hurry. Are you going out?"

I nodded. "I need to go to a place. Keep the office in place. And just in case I don t come back soon, you should return to the packhouse with the rest"

She nodded. "But..."

I waved her off. "You can leave now"


I got dressed in my ruthless alpha's cloth. Martins and the boys were already dressed and ready to attack. Since it was an emergency, I had to quickly come up with a plan. I called the boys together and explained what would be done when we get there. "Martins, is everything ready?"

"Yes, boss"

I nodded. "We should leave"

We got to the Lycan pack. Salvador's men were already gaining more ground. I gestured to my boys. "I will go after Salvador myself. Martins, you will come with me. Arden, go find the Lycan alpha and his family and make sure that they are safe. The rest of you knows what to do"

"Yes, boss" they chorused in unison

I despatched them. Martins and I went after Salvador. After an hour of fruitless search, I realized Salvador didn't show up. So we joined the rest to fight his men. We were able to kill his men. Not even a soul succeeded in running away. Though I was disappointed I didn't get to see Salvador, I was happy none was his men survived. I was also glad to be of help to the Lycan pack.

<flashback ends>

Nolan opened the door, jolting me out of my thought. I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

He chuckled. "Just thought it would be nice to check on you. How are you feeling?"

I rolled my eyes. "I am fine. Where are the rest?"

"Downstairs. You haven't told me why you left the office yesterday in a haste"

I groaned. "My head hurts right now. Can you please leave"

He furrowed his brows. You are trying to cover up the question I asked right"

I chuckled. "No, I just need some rest"

He sighed. "Ok, just have some rest. I will leave now"


The door to my room opened and Nigel walked in. I smiled. When it's was past 5 pm, I had thought Nigel and the rest won't be coming home soon. I was so bored and wished I had gone to the office. "Hey, how are you feeling now?"

I smiled. "I'm good. How was work today?"

He smiled and sat down beside me. "Work was awesome. Olive is getting used to the work already. You won't believe she was able to get us a contract"

I batted my lashes. "She did?"

He nodded. "You remember those foreign delegates whom you had always wanted to sign a contract with?". I nodded. "They came to the office today. Olive attended to them so well, they signed the contract right away"

I rolled my eyes. "That's strange"

He checked. "I think one of them seem to be interested in Olive"

I furrowed my brows. "Are you been serious?"

He shrugged. "I am not sure though but the way he kept looking at her. I suspect he had a thing for her"

I frowned. "What was Olive's reaction?"

"Damn, she was smiling so well. I have never seen her smile that way in a long time. I don't think I have ever seen her smiled like that before. I think she likes him too"

I frowned. "You do know she's my mate"

Nigel laughed. "Of course I know. Why are you asking this way?. Are you jealous?"

I scoffed. "Why should I be?"

He chuckled. "You have every reason to be. After all, she's your mate"

I rolled my eyes. "She isn't my mate. She..."

He stood. "I guess she can go on dating him then. I think I will tell her to go on toe date"

I sat up. "What date are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Did I say anything about a date?"

"You don't have to pretend, ok?. I heard you. Start talking"

He sighed. "Well, Olive told me the guy wants them to go on a date"

I frowned. "And she said yes?"

He chuckled. "You don't have to be jealous ok?. She hasn't said yes. She wanted to know my take on it"

"What was your reply?"

"I told her not to but since you said you are not jealous, I think I will tell her to go"

"You won't dare!!"

He chuckled. "Tell me are you jealous?"

"I am not"

He shrugged. "Then we are done having this conversation"

I groaned. "Nigel!!"

He ignored me and walked out. I punched the wall angrily. I am not jealous right?. I sighed. I think I am!. I am jealous!!.


Olive walked into my office, fuming in anger. She threw some papers at me. "What are these for?" She yelled

I frowned. "What does it look like?"

She hissed. "Why are you bend on frustrating my life? Huh?. How do you expect me to do all this before the next meeting?"

I rolled my eyes. "And how does that affect me? Huh?"

She sighed. "Nolan, why do..."

"You call me boss, not Nolan. Don't let me remind you that again?"

She sighed. "Boss, there is no way I can do this before the next meeting. The meeting is tomorrow"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care how you go about it. Just get those things done, ok?"

She sighed. "I can't do this"

"But you can go on a date with some random guy?"

"It's all about that?. You decided to frustrate me because I went on a date?"

I frowned. I must have said those words out loud. I found out yesterday that she finally went out with the guy. I was so furious, I couldn't control myself. I felt the work she does was too cheap, that's the reason she could go on a date with him. That's the reason I asked her to get some paperwork done. Now, I have said the reason out so loudly. I groaned. "I..."

She waved her hand. "There is no point, Nolan. I get it"

"Olive, it's not what you think". She ignored me and picked up the papers. "Olive...". The door opened and she walked out. I groaned. Why did I let my jealousy cloud my reasoning?. When did I become this jealous?. I thought I could keep up with all this but now, I realized I can't. I get jealous easily. I get jealous, seeing her smile with others when she doesn't smile with me. I hissed. Now, she will see me as a jealous freak who can't control his emotion!!.