
Unexpected Surprise 2.0

“You- ...you can talk… M-maybe I can help…” Claire said carefully.

Hunter ruffled his hair and took a deep breath, the strange thing was, he found Claire’s offer to help him was somehow, touching. But he shouldn’t get soft on her, not with the daughter of his nemesis who’s the reason why he has nightmares in the first place every night.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Hunter said emotionlessly as he walked back toward his sleeping place.

He never talked about his dreams to anyone and he didn’t intend to discuss any of his nightmares with Claire either. Especially, not her! Besides, he tended to be rude and made her down every time they talked, so it’s better not to discuss anything more than it should. Hunter slightly thought.

“Why are you--?” Hunter was stopping his word because Claire just put her hand on his mouth.

It was pure reflex, she didn’t know what got into her. Maybe she just didn’t want to argue, or maybe she just wanted to help him so bad.