
Good Guy

“Claire, right...?” The guy said.

“Yes… I...I’m sorry I didn’t get your name…thank you so much for helping me,” Claire said, feeling bad for troubling the man.

“No, don’t worry about it… I’m Bruce...Hayes,” he said while letting out his hand.

Claire shook his hand.

“Do you want me to call somebody…? Maybe you remember your home number--or someone?” He asked.

“I, Uhm,--” Claire slightly glanced down at her hand on her thigh, where her wedding ring was. “--should call my husband,--” but I don’t know where he is, or if he would even care…

Claire tried to act normally and without giving any hints like a sad voice or a disappointed face. “--but...I don’t exactly remember his phone number... and since I lost all my things, heh, I think I can’t call my--family,”

Suddenly, Claire was just worried that the guy would think what kind of wife who doesn’t remember her husband’s number. Not to mention that Bruce slightly squinted his forehead.