
His Broken Vow

We uses to fight for each other. We used to protect each other. We used to take care of each other. We used to do everything together. We used to love each other. Now all of those we turned to I and he. I still figh for him. He wants me to leave him. I still protect him. He neglects me. I still take care of him. He is taking care of someone. I still love him. He forgot he loves me.

Rouexx · Realistic
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2 Chs

The Wedding

I can still remember the loving way he looked at me as I walk down the isle, the smile he gave as his teary eyes met mine.

"You look so beautiful my love" he said when I finally reach him.

"Promise me that you'll take care of my son" my step-father said holding my hand on his arm.

"I promise Dad" Dad slowly put my hand on Joaquins'.

I saw the small tear that escape my step-father's eyes, he may not be my biological dad, but he is the dad I always wished for.

I smiled at him before he went to his chair beside my mom and hold her hand, their marriage is what I always look for, I always dream to have, he is very loyal to my mom and treats my mom like she is the only girl that exist in his world.

I looked back at Joaquin who is now holding my hand and gave him a smile before we face the priest.

The priest begin the ceremony and we follow what he told us to do.

"Do you Joaquin accept Reign as your other half, for sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, until death do you part?" The priest asked Joaquin

" I do" He answered as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"Do you Reign accept Joaquin as your other half, for sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, until death do you part?" The priest asked me.

I looked at him for a few seconds, at this moment I can't believe that I am marrying the man that I love, the man who made me want to get married.

" I do" I answered

The priest told us that we can now exchange our rings and say our vows for each other.

"I Joaquin Jace Fiore, take you Reign Justine Achille as my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life, With this ring, I promise that you'll never have to face the world alone again, I promise to love and cherish you, in good times and bad, to be your partner and best friend, I promise to love you until the last of my breath." his voice os full of love as he said those words while slowly putting the ring on my finger.

"I Reign Justine Achille, take you Joaquin Jace Fiore as my husband. I love you with my whole heart with passion that can't be expressed in words, only kisses, glances and years of adventure by your side. I promise to your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. I pledge to honor you, love you, and cherish you as my husband today, everyday and forever." I put the ring on his finger as I said my vows.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce that you are married to be as one, You may now kiss your bride"

With trembling hands, he lifted my veil, his eyes met mine. "Finally, you are now my wife" he whispered, before sealing our marriage with a kiss.

His forehead rested gently against mine, we heard the cheers of our guest, it was a sound of joy that engulfed us like a warm embrace.

Their cheers were a reminder that we were not alone on this journey, that we had our family and friends who loved and believed in us.

After the ceremony, we made our way to the reception to celebrate our wedding, the place is full of joy and anticipation of our guest as we all gather in the ballroom while soft music is playing on the background.

I giggled when I felt Joaquin kissing my hand, or more like kissing the ring on my finger.

"My hand is not going anywhere" I said giggling

"I'm just admiring how beautiful your hand now that it is wearing the ring that symbolizing our marriage" 

" There is no turning back now, you are now officially mine, My wife" my heart flutter hearing those words from him.

I cares his cheeks before pressing my lips on his.

"I love you" I said wholeheartedly

"And I l-" he was interupted when someone in front of us talked

"Congratualtions on your wedding" he said, it's a good massage but it sounded bitter.

"Gail" I mutter as I looked at her, I felt Joaquin's hand holding my waist as we gaze upon the man that is standing in front of us.

"Thank you" I said in a polite manner

"Can I talk to you alone?, If it's ok?" I look at Joaquin before looking back at Gail

"O-ok sure" I said and slowly stands up from my seat, as I was about to walk, I felt Joaquin's hand grabbing mine.

"I'll be fine" I said and kissed his forehead before following Gail

"Aren't you going to thank me?" he started with a sassy tone

"Excuse me?"

"I am the reason why you are married to him, if I didn't broke up with him, you wouldn't be in that situation, but me" he said and took a sip of his champagne

"I don't want to fight about this again Gail specially not on my wedding day" I sigh

"Its already been 4 years since you and Joaquin separated, move on, and besides you are the one who ended your relationship" Joaquin and Gail didn't have a good relationship.

Yes, Gail is his first lover before me, but Gail left him for another guy, that is when me and Joaquin met, he asked me to his pretend lover to make Gail jealous, but we ended up falling for each other.

"Don't be happy just because he married you, I haven't given up on getting back with him, and I always get what I want Reign" he said and slowly walk towards me " So if I were you, I will enjoy that happiness while it last" I just stared at her back as she slowly walked away.

"Hey" Joaquin put his arm around my waist startling me.

"What did he say?" he asked and started kissing my shoulder.

"He still wants you back" I answered an faced him.

" Are you worried? " I look up to him before shaking my head.

" No,I trust you and I know that you love me" He cupped my face with both of his hand and kiss the tip of my nose.

" With all of my heart"