
Chapter 39-02

I snuggled in deeper, his scent engulfing me, filling my nostrils, putting me to sleep almost immediately.

He scowled at me, his tornado eyes darker than I had ever seen them before. "How dare you spill my own food on me, and not even try to apologize!" he growled, frowning until his mouth picked up into an evil smirk.

"Don't worry—you don't have to apologize, you'll just have to make it up to me." He said, grabbing my upper arms and prying me off the wall. I screamed again, scratching at his hands with my sharp nails. He dug his own into my skin, warning me to stop. Without thinking, I gathered saliva in my mouth and spit at him, catching him right in-between the eyes. He ground his teeth together and gripped my arm so tight that I cried out. He pulled up the collar of his shirt to wipe his face off.

"You are so dead." He growled, slapping me hard on my cheek. I reached up instinctively to touch it and cool the hot skin, but he grabbed my hand.