
Chapter 31 Are You Interested in Me?

Andrea took a deep breath and sat down. She looked outside the window. Andrea did not want to interview Marvin and make herself embarrassed.

The plane began to slide. The scenery outside the window changed constantly. When the plane left the ground, Andrea could feel gravity and lightness at the same time.

After the plane stabilized, Andrea closed her eyes and rested. She was glad to come to the first-class cabin. There was no need to guard against the stalker. Andrea could finally get some rest.

Andrea forced herself to ignore Marvin.

Just as Andrea was about to fall asleep, she heard Marvin call her.

"Mr. Williams?" Andrea looked at Marvin in a daze.

"When we were waiting for the plane, you asked me about the acquisition of Garden Real Estate. What do you think about it?"

Andrea was stunned. She thought, are you interviewing me now?