
Chapter 18 Unspoken Rules

Marvin was extremely annoyed. He had never seen such an overconfident woman, who dared to play such a low-level trick in front of him like playing hard to get?

When I think about the woman I thought she was three years ago, I feel even more depressed.

"go out!"

She hurriedly got up and left, but unexpectedly, her legs had no strength at all, and she fell down as soon as she stepped on the carpet.

"Ah!" She cried out subconsciously, and the silk nightgown fell off a little more.

The way she fell to the ground pitifully and tried to stand up but couldn't stand up made Marvin more and more bored, he closed his eyes and didn't look at her anymore.

Andrea staggered out of the room.

Marvin opened his eyes only now, but he only felt the smell of alcohol rising and was upset. He wanted to call Jacob Miller and ask how the woman got into his room.

As soon as I took out the phone, the phone stayed on the unread text message.