
Chapter 146 You'll Know if You Try It

Marvin could barely endure it on the way, but now that Andrea was beside him, the faint fragrance constantly teased him, not to mention that Andrea was dressed very casually at home. Her fair skin was swaying in front of his eyes, tormenting him.

Andrea was trapped between Marvin's arms and the wall, her fragrance seemed to be even stronger, making Marvin think of that night 3 years ago.

The cold and delicate skin, the soft and rosy lips, and the gently-trembling body. These were woven into images in his mind and he was about to lose his rationality.

Marvin stared at Andrea's exposed neck, he closed his eyes, wishing he could turn her to the bed right away.

"Mr. Williams, how much did you drink?" Andrea had yet to notice that something was wrong. She helplessly pushed Marvin away and pulled him towards the bed. "Lie down and rest for a while. I'll get you a hot towel to wipe your face."