
Chapter 108 I Will Wait for You

Andrea had had enough pain. There was no need to worry about Nelson and regain the pain.

"Andrea, I married Laura because I had no choice." Nelson's tone turned cold with sorrow. "I want to make it clear to you in person. After this call, I will wait for you at the usual place. Whether you come or not, I will wait for you.

"Andrea, give me a chance to tell you the truth, Okay?"

Hearing Nelson's sad and depressed voice, Andrea's heart jolted. She became painful again. What had happened between Nelson and her made her a maelstrom of churning emotions.

"Nelson, I have to hang up." Andrea bit her lip and opened her eyes wide to hold back her tears. She held the phone so tightly that her knuckles were white. "Take good care of yourself."

"Andrea, I will wait for you," Nelson chuckled.

Andrea hung up the phone.

She looked at the dark screen. A pale face with confusion was reflected on it.