
chapter 4


Three years later

"Ms. Johnson." I look up to see my secretary, Hera come and standing in front of me.

"Yes? Anything?" I said and smile at her.

"Actually you have a meeting now and everyone is waiting for you." My eyes widen cause I totally forgot about that meeting.

"Oh god. How can I forget about it? Let's go now." I said and take my phone also with the file that needed for the meeting. We walk out and go to the meeting room to see that everyone are here. "I'm sorry I'm late. Can we start now?" With that, the meeting starts. These days, I've been super busy and I didn't even eat properly. I need to get some rest after all this.

Well as you know, I have my own boutique now. I start to open my own company and now here I am. A fashion designer and I are really happy with it. I have almost more than 5 boutiques. One at London, one at Milan the other 3 are at where I start my dream, Los Angeles. I start my new life here with all the money I got from my part-time job and now my income already stable. Well, more than stable I can say. I started this business just like two years ago and Thea was the one who helps me so much. I am so grateful she stay with me during my hard time. Basically, both of us owned this boutique. I studied in fashion and design back when I'm in university, so I take that as an opportunity for me to start my own clothing line. It always been my dream to open my own brand and thank god I can finally achieve it.

It's all started with a small shop and then we got so much request to open a boutique and all. Thea and I worked so hard to earn money to open our first boutique, we got lots of problems at first but then after a few months, it's started to become better and better. All the hard work are really paid off. My life starting to get much better. Thanks to someone who makes me realize that I don't need him in my life. Three years has passed and I feel so much better than before. I am so proud of myself that I can actually achieve what I have now. With my little family by my side.

The meeting was about my new branch in Brooklyn, New York. The launching will be held in three days and of course, I feel excited and a bit nervous.


The moment I open the door, my babies run towards me and hug my feet. Yup, you heard it right, my babies. I was pregnant with fraternal twins, Gabriel and Gabriella and of course, that's my other happiness that happened in my life. Thea was the one who helped me through all this. I'm really glad that I got a best friend like her. Now, she's staying at Paris cause she got a job there as an interior designer. It's been two years she moves there but we still contact each other and met some time. I told her to stay with me and work together with me in expanding this business but she said to me that being an interior designer was her dream. So I need to let her go. It was hard at first because we need to be away from each other after everything we've been through but I can't make her stay with me and not pursuing her dreams.

"Hello, my love." I hug both of them then kiss their cheeks. I put my handbag on the table and walk to the living room with them. "So, tell me what are you doing today?" I ask.

"We eat." Gabriel and Gabriella said in unison and that makes me laugh cause they're so cute.

"That's it?" I look at both of them.

"We play, sleep and eat," Gabriel said and then he grins at me. Then Dolly, the nanny that I hired to take care of my babies walk into the living room. "Oh hey Dolly," I said and she sends me a smile.

"Umm Ma'am. I didn't shower them yet. May I take them and go shower?" She said.

"If that so, that's fine. besides, I want to bring them to the playground. So if they take a shower now, they might need to take a shower again." I said and then Gabriel and Gabriella sequel in happiness. "Are you guys happy?" They both nodded their heads.

"Dolly I'm going to change my clothes first. You get the kids ready." She nodded her head and I make my way to my room too. I pick the casual outfit. I put my hair in a low bun then walk out from my room. I wait for them in the living room and a few minutes later, I heard their footsteps running down the stairs. "Mommy let's go! Let's goooo," They said in unison and I walk to see them already stand at the door with an excited face.

"Dolly you can go home now. I can manage. Thank you for today," She nodded her head and take her bag to go home.


"Gabriel, Gabriella don't run. Oh gosh. Mommy having a hard time catching you both," I said while shaking my head. They're so hyper. I look at Gabriel and Gabriella playing on the playground while sitting on one of the benches there. I smile looking at both of them. They're so cute. Gabriel has dark brown hair and brown eyes while Gabriella has light brown hair and brown eyes too. They actually look a lot like him and to be honest I never forget about him at all. The memories when he kicked me out like a stray dog. I never forget that incident. The fact that my kids actually kind of look like him makes me pissed. I am the one who carry them and take care of them but he still need to appear. I know he also contribute for making them but still I hope they don't look like him at all. What can I do, there's nothing I can do. I still love my kids though.

Just then my phone ring. I take out from my pocket and pick up the call.

After a few minutes, I close my phone and look at the playground to see if Gabriel and Gabriella are okay. I look around but they're not there. Suddenly, I feel so anxious and immediately get up from my seat and look for them. "Gabriel! Gabriella!" I shouted but they're not there. I might have a panic attack now.

I look around the whole park but still can't find them. Suddenly my tears come out without any warning. No, they can't be missing. I need to find them. God help me. I wipe my tears and look back at the playground. They're my life and now they're not in this playground. I just move my attention to my phone for a few seconds and now they are gone. Where are they? I look around the playground like crazy and the tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

Just then, I saw them at one of the tables near the playground and eating ice cream? I run to them and see they're eating ice cream peacefully. I take a deep breath of relief and sit next to Gabriella. I wipe my tears and look at them.

"Gabby! Ella! Where are you guys went? Huh? You know you almost makes me have a heart attack." I said and both of them just grin at me with their innocence faces. "Who gave you ice cream?" I ask.

"Kind uncle," Gabriel said and continue to eat his ice cream.

"Kind uncle? Who's that? Why are you not telling me, Gabriel, what if he is a kidnapper? You might never see me again. What if he brought you both to some unknown places and then kill you and I might never see you both ever again. This is not safe for you both to follow some stranger even though they got a bunch of candies or ice cream. You are not supposed to follow people you don't know. Do you guys hear me?" I said and they both nodded their head and still eating that ice cream. I sigh. This is my fault too. I'm not supposed to look at my phone and let them playing unattended. I should pay Dolly for over time every time I need to bring my kids out because I don't want this incident to happen again. That's enough only once. It's traumatize me already.

"No mommy, he's good. Sowwy, mommy." Gabriella said and look at me with her kitten eyes. Gosh, this kid knows how to make my heart soft but still it makes me feel like I am a bad mom since I can't take care of them right. No Alexa, stop think negatively and focus on your children now. They are here and safe.

"Fine this time both of you been forgiven but next time don't follow some stranger ever again alright? This is so dangerous. Hey, listen to me it's Dangerous. Okay? Dangerous," They nodded their heads. Whoever that man is, he should not take anyone's children just like that and buy them ice cream. That's so unresponsible of him. Maybe he don't ever know how is the feeling of almost losing a children. That man most probably don't have a children yet.

"After this, both of you take a shower," I said and look at them. Both of them have ice cream all over their face and shirts.

We're now on our way to go home. It's not taking too long to arrive at home cause the park is not that far it just takes about 10 minutes by car.

I take them out of the car and walk with them inside the house. "Now go to your room. Mommy will be there shortly," I said and they walk upstairs.

I get into my room and put my handbag and phone on the bed then go to their room to get them clean. "Come here," I take off their clothes and half-fill the tub with water. I love giving them a bath because I can see how they are having so much fun.

"Mommy! Bubbles!" Gabriella said excitedly. I let them play in that tub for a few minutes. I smile looking at them having fun. I can't imagine if both of them are not found today. I will regret and put all the blame to myself forever. They are my life and the only family I have by blood. I need to be more alert when taking them out or maybe I should just bring Dolly along.

"Okay guys, come let mommy rinse you," I quickly finish bathing them and take them out of the tub. They might catch a cold if I let them longer in that. I wrap the towel around them and let them walk out the bathroom. Quickly make the wear the pyjamas.

"Mommy?" Gabriel look at me.

"Yes love?"

"Hungry," I chuckle.

"Mommy will make dinner for you after this. Come wear the clothes," I said.

I walk downstairs after I change into new clothes. I cook our dinner and when it's done, I call the twins to come down. "Sit first I take your bib to prevent the food fall on your PJs." They take their seat. I look at them eating and they stuff the food all over the face. I take a bite too with them. People said eating with toddlers are always chaotic but thankfully Gab and Ella are well behave every time the eat. Well, not every time because they sometimes fight over food and that's how it started to be chaotic and all. I do need to separate them and make them sit face to face rather than besides each other. That's the only way to let them eat their own food rather than stealing each other's.

The times is nearly ten now. "Gab, Ella, let's go to bed now." I walk into the living room and switch off the television. I hold both of their hands and walk upstairs together.

"You guys need a good sleep cause tomorrow we're going to New York," I said when I set them on the bed.

"Mommy, Can I ask?" Gabriel ask. "What it is Gab?" I replied.

"Where daddy? Kind uncle is daddy?" He asks makes me raised my eyebrows. All these years I never mentioned about him at all and now suddenly Gabriel asks about it. Such a random thing for three years old to ask me something like this. I know that they will be asking this matter but I don't expect it to be so soon.

"Why are you out of the sudden asks me that?" They never ask about Elijah and this is the first time they ask.

"I want daddy. Daddy kind and buy ice cream," Gabriella reply.

"Ummm yeah your dad is a good person but no both of you not going to meet that 'kind' uncle ever again. that's dangerous. We don't know him at all," I said even though I don't want to say that 'good person' but I need to talk nicely to these kids. I wish I can say that their father was a cheater, arrogant, stupid, jerk, man whore, dickhead, scumbag and assholes man I've ever met but Gabriel and Gabriella were too young for that.

"Daddy?" Ella asks.

"Your dad is not here. It's just mommy and you both. Okay?"

"Okay mommy,"

"Now, stop talking about it and sleep. Sweet dream. I'll meet you both in the morning. I love you," I said and kiss their forehead before walk out from the room.