
I missed you. Alot

"I want to hear her voice at least."

Tiana said,

Nicklaus nodded,

"Alright, I'll try to get across to her, but in the mean time, eat well and do your exercises, okay?"

Tiana nodded.

"If you need anything, the guards will be outside, you can call Dan, he'll help you with anything you want, I'll call you when I'm done, okay?"

She smiled, "Okay."

The next day, when Tiana opened her eyes, he was not there, he left early. After breakfast and her exercises, she kept herself busy on the phone.

Claire had said she would come but she didn't, so she was bored the whole day.

Tiana's eyes widened when she saw the amount of followings she had on Instagram.

Almost 5 million, she was that popular…

She didn't know how to feel about it. That meant, one in five people knew her wherever she went.

She scrolled through the comments on her pictures, most of it were her fans praying for her to get well soon.

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