

34 years old traumatised Kacper Smith, a single dad and the marketing director in a multibillion building construction firm ‘skyline’ lives alone with his 11 years old vibrant daughter, Olivia Mae Smith. Kacper swore he was done with love until his encounter with dazzling, optimistic Emilie Martins, his daughter’s teacher. Emilie on the other hand is irrevocably in love with him. Their love is tested and tried, with so many obstacles on the way. Will they conquer and live their forever dream? Will Emilie give up her dreams in order to remain with her lover? How well can Emilie navigate between love, work and dreams.

Searchlight · Urban
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"Guess who I met today?" Kacper asked Olivia, smiling.

"Dad, you know I never get guesses right," Olivia responded as she took off her shoes.

They had just returned home from Aunt Betty's house, where Olivia stayed while Kacper was at her school for the parent-teacher conference. Kacper had no worries leaving Olivia with Aunt Betty because she raised him right from his early teen years till adult hood. Aunt Betty loved Olivia and she always wanted her around, she was never bothered by her presence. Olivia was equally excited when she had to go stay with her, Aunt Betty had no child of her own and so she spoils Olivia by getting her anything she wants. Sometimes Olivia even asked to stay for spring breaks. They already had dinner with Aunt Betty before coming home, her cooking was the best.

"Won't you try, even if it's just one guess." Kacper pushed on persuasively.

"Can you just spill it, please?" Olivia said as she sat down on the sofa to take off her sock.

"Okay, I know you're tired because you had a long day at Aunt Betty's place, and it's almost past your bedtime." Kacper said sitting next to her.

"Yeah dad, I'm so tired, I just want to take a warm bath and go straight to bed." Olivia said as she yawned drowsily.

"I bet what I'm about to tell you will make you so happy and you'll forget you're tired." Kacper added with a grin.

"Why all the suspense? Can you please say it already, Dad?" Olivia said rubbing her eyes. She looked very tired.

"Well…I met your all-time favourite teacher," Kacper said smiling.

"Miss Emilie Martins?" Olivia asked wide-eyed. She looked surprised.

"Yes, I met her at your school conference, I know how much you talk about her and love her so I wanted to see her for myself and I must say, the first impression was quite impressive." Kacper responded with a broad smile.

"Dad….why do you look very happy as you talk about her?" Olivia asked with a mischievous smile

"Honey, I've always been a happy person, or haven't I?" Kacper asked.

"I know you're a happy person, but you're never smiling this much while talking about people, especially ladies." Olivia said as she drew near to him.

"Tell me dad, do you like her?" Olivia added looking intently at him.

"No Olivia, I don't like her. As a person? Yes I like her. I can't hate someone who's good to you, but other than that, it's a no, I just met her for the first time today, and I only said she gave a good first impression. I agree she's beautiful and I believe every other thing you told me about her being nice but that's all." Kacper said to Olivia.

He wasn't looking at her in the eyes, he stared at the floor while talking to her. He was scared that she would see the truth in his eyes if he looked at her. He knew he felt something really strong for Emilie but he wasn't sure, because he never felt anything for any lady after his wife left him, he devoted his time and everything he had to work and looking after his daughter. He prayed never to love again because he was still broken by his past, but now that he suddenly felt this way, he was scared of what could happen. He was afraid to admit it, especially to Olivia, he didn't want to get her hopes high, because he knew how much she wanted a mother in her life and how much she wanted him to find love again.

"It's alright dad, but I'm watching!" Olivia said getting up and picking her shoes to go to her room.

"I hear something in your voice and I know that lying look, but we'll see." She added, shouting from the top floor.

Kacper looked at her, shaking his head, he was speechless. She was always impossible to deal with, he had failed in lying to her for the one thousandth time, and he knew there was nothing else he could say to her.

"And please I can put myself to bed, goodnight dad. I know you love me, you don't have to say it. Have a great night dad." Olivia added peeking through the little opening on her room door.

"Look who we have here." Kacper exclaimed joyfully.

Olivia's school baseball team had a game with another school district and Kacper had come to watch his daughter play. He had work to do in his office but he couldn't miss his daughter's game, not again. The last time he couldn't make it and Charlotte Gallagher, his friend's wife had to stand in for him. He promised Olivia he wouldn't miss her next game for anything, and he hated breaking promises he made to anyone, especially to his sweet Olivia. He came with the hope of meeting Emilie again and he coincidentally stumbled on her on his way to the school field.

"Kacper! I never thought I would see you so soon." Emilie said looking surprised.

"And I get to meet you for the second time in a month, ain't I lucky?" Kacper asked rhetorically. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"I guess you're here to watch Olivia's baseball game." Emilie said.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here, I came to watch Olivia's team win, because I know with her on that team, they're definitely winning." Kacper said calmly with confidence.

"Let's hope their team wins because I know how hard they've practiced for this game." Emilie said

"I was on my to the school field, looks like you're going that way too." Kacper asked.

"Yeah, I was on my way there, the game is about to begin." Emilie replied.

"I need to wish Olivia good luck before the game starts." Kacper said as they walked together to the field.

After a very tough game, Olivia's team won and Kacper wanted to reward her by taking her and Skyler to their favourite restaurant to eat and get ice-cream. He also volunteered to help drop off Skyler at home because her mom was busy with online work and Olivia was having a sleep over at Skyler's home.

"Dad, can Miss Emilie come with us, please?" Olivia asked pouting her lips.

Olivia and Skyler walked hand in hand out of the school, while Kacper and Emilie followed from behind. Emilie had offered to walk them out of the school, she wanted to take a cab home.

"That's only if she wants to, I'm totally okay with it." Kacper replied.

"Miss Emilie will you please come with us?" Olivia and Skyler turned to her and asked in unison.

"It's alright, I can't say no to these cute faces, I'll come because it's your day and I don't want you girls sad." Emilie replied caressing their cheeks.

Kacper drove them to Olive garden, Olivia's favourite restaurant. He and Emilie didn't say anything to each other during the car ride, they only listened to the girls talk and laugh from the backseat.

"Thanks for dinner, it was delicious." Emilie said to Kacper.

"You're welcome Emilie, it's no big deal, and it's my pleasure," he replied smiling. "Thank you for coming with us, you've made them so happy." he added turning to Olivia and Skyler. They were still eating the last of their chocolate brownie lasagna and butter pecan ice cream.

"Be quick girls, I still have to drop off Miss Emilie." Kacper said

"Please, you don't have to," Emilie said thoughtfully. "You've done so much already, and my place is quite far from here." She added.

"It's okay, I insist to drop you off because I brought you here, and by the way it'll be my way of saying thank you for deciding to come along with us, so I insist." Kacper said.

"Olivia will be sleeping over at Skyler's house, which is close by, so I'll just drop them there, and then I'll take you home." Kacper said as they got into the car.

He dropped off Olivia and Skyler and bade them goodnight.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth." Kacper shouted as they made their way into Skyler's house. Skyler's mom who was waiting at the door said a loud 'thank you' to Kacper, he nodded and waved his hands.

He then proceeded to Emilie's house.

"Do you want to come in?" Emilie asked coyly as the car stopped in front of her apartment.

"Since you requested, I can't turn such a beauty down." Kacper replied as he opened the door to get out of the car.

"Welcome to my little corner." Emilie said as she opened the door of the apartment.

It was a small but attractive and cosy apartment, the interior was painted sea green with a little bit of purple, there were many art pieces laying around on almost every corner, with some pieces of framed art hanging on the wall. There was also an indoor jade plant by the window.

"It's a lovely place, do you live here alone?" Kacper asked looking around.

"No, I don't live alone," Emilie answered. "I live here with my mom, but I know she's definitely in bed by now, she goes to bed very early. And my best friend lives down the street, but also lives here partially, she comes here all the time and she has her own keys" She added while taking off her shoes.

"I can see your pretty plant over there." Kacper said pointing at the Jade plant by the window.

"Yeah, that's Bill, he's a Jade or money plant, one of my few friends." Emilie said looking at the plant with a smile.

"I guess I can say I'm becoming part of those few friends." Kacper said grinning.

"Yes, you sure are." Emilie replied calmly. "Do you want anything to drink?" She asked Kacper

"I don't think so, we just had dinner so I'm still full, but I can take water." he replied.

"Here you go." Emilie said as she handed him a glass of water.

She sat down next to him and was abruptly very quiet. She couldn't look at him, she just stared at the wall. Her heart was racing really fast. She never thought she would be in the same room with this guy, the same person that gave her butterflies, the same person that made her insides burn, the same person that made her heart skip more than a beat. She wasn't sure how to act. She felt like she was dreaming, then she shook her head.

"Are you okay?" Kacper asked after taking a sip of water. He noticed her uneasiness.

"Oh…me, yes I'm good." Emilie replied anxiously.

"I need to get going now, it's getting very late. I hope we'll be able to go out for dinner on a work free day sometime." Kacper said as he stood up. He gave her his business card and she gave him her contact card. He then made his way to the door.

"Yeah, that's totally fine, just give me a call when you're ready." Emilie replied, following him to the door.

Just then he stopped in his track, turned back and gave her a peck on the lips.

"I'm so sorry I did that…" Kacper started to say.

"Shhh…" Emilie cut him short placing her index finger across his lips.