
His and Her New Exciting Life

This is my first novel I'm publishing, if you have any constructive criticism please let a rip. The cover is not owned by me, if the author of this image wants me to stop using it please contact me and I'll take it down. ************************************************************ Will lives a boring life in a small town dreaming of something exciting like a visit to a big city with the wonders it holds. however that's not meant to be. A tragic event places him in a new world with a strange twist.

TheImmortal978 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The day started off pretty slow for Will. He was finishing off his shift at the local fast food restaurant. It wasn't a super busy day, but it wasn't that far off the norm. His town was small, only consisting of around 8,000 people so the restaurant was never packed.

He resented the fact he had to stay in Crossville, he wanted to move to one of the bigger cities like Los Angeles or Houston where the world moved faster. Never a boring moment as there was always something to do.

He had only been to the cities a couple times during his family reunions. He always hated when he had to return home because a city meant new exciting experiences where at home he knew most people by name.

Despite the slow pace he genuinely enjoyed his job. His co-workers were decent people and a good time to hang out with. He frequently worked shifts with his roommate John. John was a relatively tall guy 6'2 with brown hair, blue eyes and a face that wasn't anything too special. He was goofy and a great time to be around. They would go to the local park and hit some basketball before heading back home to play some games on John's Xbox.

Will himself was a shorter guy around 5'10 with black hair, brown eyes, a medium build, with an easily forgettable face. He wasn't something to gawk at but certainly not the most unattractive person in the world.

Will finished his closing shift and started to pack up when he heard the bell ring as someone walked in.

"Sorry we're closed, come back tomorrow" Will said as he walked to the counter from the back room.

He froze when he saw the man who came in. It was a man in a sweatshirt with the hood up and a gun in his hand pointed at the ground. His intentions were obvious when he walked up to the desk.

"Open that fuckin cash register and put the money in a bag!" said the hooded man.

"Okay okay, no need to get crazy man" said Will as he started to put the money in a plastic bag.

"Hurry the fuck up!" screamed the hooded man, checking over his shoulder.

John at this point came out of the walk-in freezer in the back and dropped the bags in his hands once he saw the scene in front of him.

The hooded man aimed the gun at John and screamed "Don't fuckin move asshole!"

John put his hands out in front of him and turned to grab his backpack where his 1911.

The second John turned, the hooded man put three rounds in his back.

"Noooo!" Will screamed as he watched the hooded man gun down his best friend.

"You didn't have to shoot him man!"

"Hurry the fuck up unless you wanna end up like him." said the hooded man as he grinned.

Will finished in a couple seconds and threw the bag to the man and started to run over to John. He was bleeding bad, he knelt down next to him trying the cover the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Thanks bitch" said a voice from behind him as he felt something pierce his back and lodge itself in his chest.

He fell forward. He could feel where the round had him him. Four inches left of his spine. "Fuck" he thought, knowing the round had pierced his lung. "I have to save John" he thought.

He grabbed some cream wrap from the counter as he limped over to John holding his shoulder. He ripped John's shirt off and applied the seran wrap over the wound to ensure that his lungs wouldn't collapse. He grabbed some duct tape from the corner and did his best to pasty the saran wrap in place.

Will knew he was still losing blood but he needed to make sure John was gonna be ok. Things were blurring and it was getting dark but just needed to call 911 to get someone here.

He slowly stood up and tumbled to the phone on the front counter. He tried to dial 911 but messed up the first time as he could barely feel his fingers. He finally managed to press the buttons after struggling to stay awake.

"911 what is your emergency?" said the voice on the other end.

" Send help, my friend and I were shot." Will whispered.

"Please stay calm, what is your address?" said the operator.

"The Anthony's in Crossville, please hurry" said Will as he dropped the phone and passed out.

"Help is on the way" said the operator, but will would never see it come.