
Chapter 8: Still More Lies

Lanae's Pov

I've had a really stressful day.. Out of the boutique, to a hair salon, then a spar, then a phone store, back to a shoe store and more clothes I never thought I'd own

I looked at the price tag of a Jean I fainted. Just a Jean! I didn't even want to see the price tags on the dresses.. I definitely know I'd have died on the spot.

Never thought I'd say this but shopping is really tiring, especially when it's not shopping of your kind

I didn't even get that much rest when I got back, had to cook up a love story that's believable, and this man has no emotions I tell ya

If he has all the money in the world, why does he still need more. Oh well this is what money does

Stephan's really fun, a big baby I must say he cried twice tho, because we had to walk up and down alot of stores

He's cool, nice, fun, sweet, and the best company and he definitely has good tatse in clothes, I can tell ya, all the clothes I got were his ideas, just nothing revealing the back and no slits on the right, but slits on the left! Since you know I've still got a good no scar left leg. Lol

And I still had to make dinner. Chicken curry, mashed potatoes with spinach, roasted Turkey, chocolate cake for desert and the rest I can't seem to remember, because there was a whole lot he asked me to cook

Just me, him, Stephan and the people they have to pretend to... I'm not going to lie, I feel really bad for doing this to this nice people. I hope they don't hate me afterwards

But I'm doing this for my family, to pay the bills. I had to remind myself

I was given a room to freshen up, since I'm practically going to be living here

Before me laid a red laced gown with a lot of diamonds. Honestly this dress is really expensive

Earlier at the mall, the lady just kept picking clothes and throwing at me

This dress was one of those times that I had to look at the price tag and I was out cold... I felt sorry for Stephan tho because he had to revive me everytime I come around, I could hear some staffs muttering 'Pathetic' here and there but I just wasn't bothered... If I'm so pathetic they should go ahead and buy the goddamn dress for themselves

I just couldn't believe that Someone like me? Could be in this dress? No. This has to be a dream.. it had a thigh high slit on the left and an off shoulder, thank God it doesn't reveal much about the back

A knock came on the door

"Lanae? You ready?" Stephan asked

"Yes. Could you please help-" And he came in immediately

"A lady in distress?" He smiled

"A lady who can't reach her zip" I turned around "Can you please help me?" I slapped my mouth shut "No don't worry!" Turning my back away from him

"What's wrong? Did it break?"

No sir it didn't break, you can't just see the ugly scars

"No I've got this! Thank you for asking"

"Lanae, turn" he said very seriously and this is really the first time I've heard him be serious

I walked back to him, turning my back to him slowly as he reached for the zip making me gasp slightly

"What happened?" He asked quietly

"Car accident when I was little, they've grown with me, so ugly and hideous and any bad thing you could call them!" I lied, trying to joke but failed miserably

"Was it that bad?"

"Yeap! The school bus-" I paused "I really don't want to talk about it, brings back horrible memories, reminds me I've got a zombie body" laughing lightly

"Scars or not you're still pretty" he winked at me once he was done with the zip and back to himself

"Thank you" a tear slipped

"Hey what's wrong?" He guided me to a seat kneeling beside me

"No one's ever really called me pretty" I said laughing wiping off the two tears that fell

"You're such a pretty woman with a mouth that can get you in trouble" he said chuckling getting up

Awwwnn.. He's such a sweetheart

"Believe me when I say it has gotten me in a while lot of trouble" giggling

"Whatever trouble you find yourself in, I believe you have my number, call me and I'll end whoever it is bothering you"

"I believe I do" I smiled "How do I handle him?"

"He's a big head" I laughed

"A very big one"

"He's full of shit" making me laugh harder

"He's mean"

"Whenever he's difficult. Punch him in the face"

"You're joking right?"

"I am. Cuz if you ever do that, he's the one person I can't save you from"

"And I thought you were my knight in shining armour" I swatted his hand

"I am. Not just when it comes to him" we both laughed "Feeling better?" He asked

"Was I ever feeling down?" Laughing

"Oh thank you"

"For?" I raised a brow

"Loving me" he smirked

"Hell no!" I laughed making him smile

"Get ready" he said getting up walking towards the door

"Stephan" he turned "You look good too"

"I'm keeping up the good work" he smiled shutting the door behind him

I put on dark make up, gave my hair a side patting, applying gel all the way to the back wrapping it in a nice bun with alot of pins.

I looked at myself once again

Look at you lanae... You're living a lie!

When he's done with you you'll be forgotten

It's not like I care..this is for my family, to get away from an abusive father and boyfriend.

My phone rang, looking at the ID


Shit! I forgot to call him

"Hi Liam" I greeted cheerfully

"Where are you?" He was dead tone serious

"I'm at work"

"You're usually home by 8, this is 9:30.. Are you safe? Should I come get you?"

"No-no" said hurriedly "I have alot to tell you, I'll be home later, something came up okay. Say hi to Ty Ty for me"

"Call me the moment you're done to come get you" and he hung up leaving no room for argument

The door opened revealing the sexiest man I've ever laid my eyes on.

Wait. What?! Did I just say that? About my boss who I never thought would look at me twice.. But he sure looks so damn good

He stood there in silence, while I sat there, watching him through the mirror in silence

"They're here, ready or not I'm dragging you down" he was cold, trying to avert his gaze from me

Am I that ugly?

I got up slowly putting on my black stilettos, while he offered his hand carrying my purse looking at his outstretched hand

"You better not mess this up for me or you're done" Locking hands with him as we strode out

"I do what my money affords" I replied using a cold tone too as we descended down the stairs

Shit! I shouldn't have said that, I sound like a whore or a prostitute, which is the same thing but still. Don't mess this up Lanae Lively

"She's so prettty!" A lady gasped tugging at the man beside her. I guess that's her husband.

Walking up to them "NaeNae, this is John Delgado and his wife Marissa"

NaeNae? That wasn't part of the names to call me? NaeNae? Why the fuck would he call me that

My palms began shaking, but I was able to handle it staring wide eyed at him

"It's a pleasure" I smiled genuinely because this lady is so damn preetyy

"Oh come on. I need a hug" Mrs Delgado pulled me in for a hug

A mother's love. It felt so warm.

Don't get too attached lanae before they think you're a weirdo

"It's so good to finally meet you. I wonder why he didn't even let anyone know he was married" Mrs Delgado said

"We didn't want the media bugging us ma'am" I replied curtly

"Just call me Marissa. We're family now"

I just nodded, not letting go of his hand

"John, Marissa. This is Lanae. My soulmate" the way the lie just rolled off his tongue made me shiver

"Less talking more eating. I'm hungry" Stephan said sitted on the table

Making every one laugh slightly

"Shall we?" Stanley asked as he led them to the table

"You're doing great" he whispered to my hearing as I paid no mind to him

"So? How'd you guys meet. What's your love story like?" Marissa asked making me choke on my food

"Are you okay?" He rubbed my back as I drank a whole lot of water

"Yeah thanks" I smiled

"Are you sure?" John asked

"Yes... Yes I am sir"

"Just call me John"

"You're way older than me and calling you by your first name is quite disrespectful. So any thing you'll like for me to add to your name?" He laughed a little so did Marissa

"I think that way is better" he smiled

"You don't find it disrespectful?"

"No it's nice. You're like the daughter we never had"

And that made the big bag of fart choke on his food

"Sugar? Are you okay? Here have some water" I gave him a glass rubbing his back smiling

"So back to your love story" Marissa giggled

Old people and drama

"We first bumped into each other at a mall" he said

"He was rude and mean" I looked at him

"She was sassy and unfriendly"

"He couldn't even say sorry after bumping into me. What a jerk" I scoffed

"I hated her"

"And I hated him"

"I think Faith wanted us to be together. We kept meeting each other and that's how our love started"

"And then one day he goes down on one knee"

"Would you marry me?"

"I'd say it like I did. Yes. I will" We kept staring at each other

"I love you"

"I love you too" I gave him a fake smile looking away as he kissed my palm

What a stupid story, I told him no one will believe this pathetic story but the mad man wanted his way and I have to go with the stupid script. I optioned for something better, but no he must have his way

"I'm happy for you two. Finally Stanley has found the one his heart desires"

"Yes I have Marissa. Yes I have" he winked at me

What a shameless monk

Dinner went on great and fast

Stanley, Stephan and John had to go into his office to talk about work leaving Marissa and I

I got up quickly packing up the plates to take to the kitchen

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously

"Tiding up" I smiled

"Don't you have like a maid?"

I am the maid

"No I'm comfortable doing my things myself"

"Yeah" And I walked into the kitchen, leaning on the counter, letting a huge sigh out

"I thought I messed that up" whispering to myself, wiping off a nonexistent sweat off my forehead as I went back to the dishes

"You love him?" Marissa asked from the doorway

"Oh you scared me" I held my chest tightly, sighing in relief when it was just her

"Do you love him?" She asked again

Love a man like that? That's incredibly stupid

"Yes. Yes I do" What a fucked up lie?! I'd never love a man like that

"Not because of money?" She asked

"I married him because I love him and he had won my heart the very first day I met him. And my conscience will never be at peace if it's for the money

"I see the way he looks at you. He loves you more than life itself"

You're seeing wrongly lady, he's a good actor, can't believe it myself


"Oh well I better get going"

I escorted her towards the living room, the gentlemen already there

"Where were you love?" John asked

"In the kitchen. Lanae and I were just planning another get together again right Lanae?" She smiled

"Right" I confirmed

"Dinner was lovely" She hugged me "Take good care of yourself darling"

"I will"

"Lanae" John said sternly then looked at Stanley "Where did you find this girl?"

My heart racing incredibly fast, has he found out already

"My heart found her" he said pulling me close towards him

"She's the right one. I've never been more happy with your decision" he looked at me "Stay happy"

"I will"



"I'll see you around"


We bid our goodbyes and once they were out of sight and out of the driveway, I fell on the couch "Phew" sighing out of relief