
Chapter 6: A Deal With The Devil

Lanae's Pov

Why did Mr. Whyte call me in today when he clearly knows I don't work on Thursdays

And he even offered me a seat, when he never even let's me touch the handle asides having them dusted

Have I done something wrong, maybe he found out I broke his lamp stand and stashed it away, Not even Nana knew of this

Oh no! Lanae you're a finished woman

Maybe he's going to sacrifice me in a rich way

I was currently dressed in a dark denims, a blue shirt and boots

Yes.. I really love colours and it took a lot of pleading for Ty Ty and Liam to let me out of the house, Liam's such an overprotective brother. Sigh!

"What's your name again?" He smiled

Dear God:

Mr Whyte has never smiled at me before. And if it's a way of him killing me, please forgive me for every bad thing that I've done. So I can rest perfectly in heaven, this man is smiling at me? He only smiles at nana but not Lanae Lively!

"Lanae" I found the courage to answer

He was about to speak "Forgive me Sir, if I'm crossing a line here, but you never talk to me, apart from yelling at me, and now you're smiling, I'm shit scared I'll be really honest, Did I do something wrong?"

He remained silent staring wide eyed at me. Way to go lanae "I truly am sorry if what I said was enough to offend you but I'm really just surprised to why you're nice" I continued

"I guess I won't beat around the bush then.. Lets get to business. I want you to be my wife"

Blink blink...Me? Wife?

I broke into a pit of laughter, laughing so hard I couldn't stop

"What's funny?" He asked with every hint of irritation

"The fact you want me to be your wife" I kept on laughing forgetting I could lose my head and my job

"Fake wife I mean"he said in annoyance

I've definitely crossed the line enough.. Stupid Lanae... Stupid!

My laughter dying down "I'm sorry Sir but why?" Spoke up after finding my voice, clearing my throat and adjusting in my seat, I indeed have to be comfortable for this type of conversation

"You just do what I say and sign a few contracts"

"Stating?" I raised a brow

"Stating you can't chicken out until the deal is over" he said walking to the wine bar

"And what's in for me?" I asked

If he wants me to do this, I should have what to use and feed my family

"10% of what I get" sipping a glass of wine

"And how much are you getting?" I had to ask because is this guy kidding me

"All you should know is what I'm going to pay you, the rest is none of your business"

"For someone's that's going to be your supposedly fake Wife, I need to know how much you're getting, I can't be caught lacking" crossing my legs and getting too confident

"95%" he groaned

"And you're giving 10? 35" I stated

"You can't be serious"

"I'll do whatever you want me to do. But just can't do all that, lie to whoever you want me to lie too and just get 10. You are a business man after all, you should know this things, after all you own quite a dozen number of companies"


Is this man serious at all?

"35" I repeated

He should be lucky I didn't move up, I'm not greedy at all

"32" he was still trying to cut it down

"I've got one question, Of all the women in the world, that are usually clinging on to you for dear life, why didn't you ask them to do it"

"Don't think there's anything too special about you, needed someone no one knows exist and who else is better than the job apart from my boring low class maid"

"I see" nodding my head

"For someone with that kind of body frame you've got there, you've got quite the mouth"

"So I've been told" I paused "And it has led to me having quite alot of broken bones and hideous scars" I muttered unconsciously

"Sorry?" He asked

"35, it's that or nothing" still standing my ground

Oh here I come medical bills! Here I come house rent! Here I come tuition fees for Korra! Oh here I comee!!

"Deal" he confirmed offering his hand

"Deal" I took it

Holy Jesus! This man has hands of a baby! How does he get to work late nights at the office, carrying out tedious jobs and still have soft hands? God must be really doing it for him, he's so damn lucky.

"Now to get you some clothes" he freed his hand from mine. Disgust clearly written all over his face

"Excuse me?" I looked taken aback

"You can't be my wife in those clothes, You can't be a Whyte in those clothes. Do you want me to go on?" he made a face hinting on his last words

Leading me to his study as I followed in his large long strides

These men and their long legs!! If I had longer legs, God knows who I'll be aiming them at! Lol

"Don't forget your place, one thing you should never forget is that I am in charge and I always will be" he said cooly

"So you're the kind of man who wants to always have this way whenever he wants it?" I scoffed "Pathetic" muttering but it seems like he heard it

"Hey!!" He snapped

Lanae! Your mouth will have you killed

Phew.. He's back

I thought he'd seen his favourite Disney princess that's why he's all nice

"Okay" I said looking away, noticing all the books he has in his study

"Okay what?" He snapped

"Okay nothing" I snapped back

"You work for me so you'll call me sir"

"That's when I'm on duty, For now, no" he looked taken aback but I could swear I saw the side of his lip twitch up a bit before masking it up with an emotionless face

"Sign" he passed a file over to me

"I need to read them"

"There's no time for reading documents in the business world" he said

This guy is dumb, is he sick?! If he didn't read documents, would he be this damn successful. Psycho!

"If you didn't read all the files that were handed over to you, will you be the Stanley Whyte you so brag off?" I just had to ask

"I ask the questions around here lady"


"And I'm not arguing" I smiled

"While you're busy letting your mouth run wild, you've got a job to do, and you being my wife starts now"

"What do you mean?" If my eyes could fall out, it would because they were literally bulging out from their sockets!

"Meaning you have to wow me tonight"

I knew I made a big mistake when I signed where I was meant to sign without reading through

Glancing through the files, I just kept reminding myself

I'm doing this for my family, for Dennis, for Korra, for my mother and for us all to get away from that sick man

I'll be able to pay the bills on time now, no more embarrassment, no more starving

And then, it caught my eye


#1- Move in with and can only leave when the contract is over

#2- Don't talk until you're asked to

#3- Keep your mouth out of my work and private affairs

#4- Allowed to touch you in public gatherings and get touchy

#5- Rule #4 is a must, you can't escape it

#6- Respect your husband

#7- Be nice and do as I command you to

#8- You are not allowed to speak of this contract with anyone aside myself and my lawyer

#9- Be a devoted wife and overlook my flaws

#10- No backing out of this, you signed it

"Is that really all you could think of? Get touchy?" I looked up at him

"Well, you really can't blame me, I had my lawyer draft that last night, it was the best I could come up with" he smirked

I wish I could slap that stupid smug look off your face

" Rule #1, move in with You?"

"Yes, so it's real and believable, remember I am paying you alot"

"Still doesn't count. And What's this about getting touchy? It shouldn't be on this contract?

"You're my wife I can do anything I want with you" he cocked a brow, I'm definitely sure he's not liking my tone

"Fake wife" i corrected

" We're legally married" he paused settling down on his seat "You just haven't read the documents better"

"What?!!" I half screamed

Does this man, just want to ruin my life? Married at 21? Or 22? How old am I!!

"Married as the word married for proof. I wasn't going to let my plan go to waste, Hell no" he said looking out the window

"What have I gotten myself into" I said to myself but it appears he heard

"For starters, you just made yourself a deal with the devil" he chuckled evily looking straight at me


Liam will kill me