
Chapter 5 Lies And Wine

Stanley's Pov

"I was in New Orleans a few days ago" I said very unbothered as I took a sip of my wine

"You're always everywhere, why are you telling me your business. Feeling cheerful?" Stephan scoffed, not even sparing me a glance

Stephan's my friend, you could use the term best friend or another one 'Younger brother'

His mum and mine were high school besties, college days and until the day we said goodbye to mine

Except this idiot has been with me since crèche, yes I called him an idiot, because that's exactly what he is

Remembering vividly, Our 2nd year in preschool, having a kids party. He tried talking to Christie, his big time crush and her friends made fun of him, he was all calm and chills until he set their dresses on fire, and pushed them intentionally into the chocolate fountain, but everyone believed the bullshit story he gave, I mean who would dare punish a cute little blue eyed human

And that is how he has been, nothing but a trouble maker.. and me to handle his mess, which includes beating anyone who wanted to hit him, even tho he started most of the fights with his big mouth

I'm happy he began to grow a bit, just a bit... Into a fine business man, which he wouldn't be there if I hadn't threatened him a whole lot if he didn't take his studies seriously. I guess he owes me a lot for the fine lad I've turned him to

"So you flew to New Orleans?"


"No Stephan, I ran there"


"Of course?! How else was I supposed to go there silly"

"I don't know, You're Stanley Whyte..you can do anything" he shrugged

"Remind me again why you're in my house?"

"Oh c'mon I haven't seen you in a while and Anna said you left early, so I figured you came home, it's either, you had a bitch to screw or something else"

"John is retiring and he wants to give out everything" shutting him up "And he can't give his life's work to someone who doesn't have a family and future planned-"

"I can assure you that was a stray bullet" he paused "You flew all the way there, for him to tell you that?"

"If you'd let me finish" laced with sacarsm rolling my eyes "I don't care who he is giving his net worth to all I'm saying is if he steps down, I can buy whoever it is and taking my very place at the top. World's richest bachelor"

"And maybe, what if that's why he called you and made that statement? Maybe he doesn't want to give his whole work to a bachelor who would waste it on models and bitches and anything of that sort"

Thank God he uses his brain most times.. I did good with him

"Exactly, a happy family deserves the money more"

"His wife? What's her name again?" Thinking for a while "Marissa, such a fine lady"

"He went on to apologising that I will not be among the few men he had chosen to hand over too" ignoring his comment about John's Wife

"Is he bored or somn'? Why is he using you desperate men to play tic tac toe"

"Yes I'm desperate but you won't believe who was more desperate"

"Who?" He sat upright leaning in

"James Avery"

" When did that bastard get married? I know he's a whore yes. Marriage material? No"

"That's when it hit me hard and strong. I couldn't lose to that amateur, never. I told him I was married and he'd like to meet my wife"

"YOU'RE WHATTTT?!!" He sprang up

"I'm married" stating very confidently, striding to my desk

"You think he's stupid, he'll definitely ask for photos"

"Oh he did" chuckling "Simply said, she didn't want the media to know since I'm a big shot, my family and hers"

"Did you really call yourself a big shot in his presence?" He rose a brow

"Of course not"

"Good, thought I lost you there. How do you want to find a wife, who will stay quiet about it and not gossip? Why did you tell a lie Stanley? One you're not ready to maintain"

"And who said I'm not ready to maintain it?"

He snatched whatever was left of the bottle out of my hand as I tried turning into my glass and gulping down every single thing

"I was drinking that"

"Well I'm drinking it now, deal with it and you're welcome" he emptied it "I really ask God sometimes, what kind of brother did he give me, because I always have to tidy up your mess" he said to me

"Who tidies up who's mess more? I am responsible for you"

"You're responsibility ended when I turned 18, and how old am I now? Twenty-three, and you are twenty-five..oh my God! Are you still responsible big brother?"

"You're just really stupid"

"You remind me everyday"

A knock came on the door slightly, our attention shifting towards the door

"Mr. Whyte I'll be going now? Anything you need me to do before I go?" She came into view

"Did nana take her medicines before leaving?" I asked

"Yes sir, I made sure of that" she replied curtly

"Oh hi there!" Stephan greeted making me groan in frustration, this one and women "How are you?"

"Fine sir"

"Oh no! Sir is just way too formal, Just call me Stephan. At your service"

"Okay, so you're name is Stephan at your service?" She asked innocently making him to laugh

She's tickling him unintentionally

"Stephan is fine"

"Yes sir- I mean Stephan" turning back to me "If that is all sir I'll be on my way"

"Do you mind coming in tomorrow, I've got some things I'd like you to do"

Looking puzzled "Okay Sir, Goodnight" shutting the door slowly on her way out

Turning back to me "Why do I have a feeling, the wheels in your head are spinning" he asked curiously

"That's because they've already spinned" chuckling darkly

"No way! No"

"She's perfect for the job! She's not some model or influencer or someone that the world knows, no body knows she exists except us. I never let anyone into my home, so tell me how they'll know she's my maid"

"Stanley that young beautiful woman is trying to make an honest living and you're going to ruin it"

"She's still working for me, and it's an honest living, it's not like we're stealing or something" I shrugged

"So you're falling in love with your maid?"

"Are you really stupid? Or you're pretending to be?"

"It's just a question"

"No, it's strictly going to be on a contract which I'll have my lawyer prepare it by tonight and ready to sign by tomorrow"

"You really disgust me"

"I find it pleasing I get to irritate you" laughing dryly

This is going to work, it has to.. Would it?