
Chapter 4 Warmest Hugs

Lanae's Pov

After spending the rest of my week, on my knees begging Liam not to involve the cops, my heart kept beating frantically everytime he said he didn't care if I laid on the floor he'll exact his revenge and that was all that fueled him

I'm left to wonder if he's in a cult, because he's acting mad over just a few broken bones.

It's not like he hasn't been mad ever since I met him, Liam's family were very powerful people! What did they not have? Money? Cars? Looks? A lot of companies? Name it! They were very nice to me, I don't know about others but to me, they were really nice. Their home was guarded 24/7 just the same way Mr Whyte has his house on parole 24/7 as well.

One sad night, some group of thieves broke into their home, and past Thier security, I really don't know how they did it but they did and killed his younger sister, his mum, his dad, and a few staffs, you'd be thinking why wasn't he shot dead, that's because he was with me, tending to an ugly wound on my thigh. To me I'd say every disappointment is a blessing, if he wasn't with me, that's how I would have lost him and he wouldn't be here saving my sorry ass everytime. When he heard of this outbreak, I've never seen him so sad and lost, he had lost everything in one night, he now became more protective of me, like he was to his sister, my God she was just nine what kind of sick bastards would kill a nine year old and we were nineteen then, the day after he beat my father up, he left the country to Ireland, but he was always moving so I couldn't keep track of his movements, but we'd always facetime. You'd think because of how he was protective we should have you know been more than friends..lol.. after that night, something changed in him I can assure you, it's like he became a full primal beast, I'm guessing his heart died that day, no emotion whatsoever was left but my joy was there was something in there and I knew he cared deeply for everyone, men and their crazy macho nonsense-

"Lanae! Back to earth woman!" He snapped his fingers in my face


"You're really finished" he had a grin in his face

"Me? Of course not!" Smiling

"Eat up, or you're going to be late for work" serving me pasta

Yess, he makes the best Italian dishes

"You really should marry me" I moaned out loud as I had a forkful shoved into my mouth

"Fuck no" he said from across the table as we both laughed

Almost halfway through with my food he spoke up "You know I'm only looking out for you"

Dropping the fork down trying to swallow the large amount of food I suffer my self with when I knew it was down I replied "I do, and I'm really grateful that you always show up at the right time. But you don't have to go all beast mode every time Li"

"I can't help it, you know how it has been"

"I know and I want you to know I'm here for you too, I've been taking some defence classes and anyone that messes with you, let me know, I can throw quite a few punches! It'd be enough to break a jaw or something"

He began laughing so hard

"You think this is funny! Hey! I can break bones now you know!"

"You break bones and then you have yours broken" he was still laughing

I made a face at him, was tempted to give him the middle finger, but it's still in recovering, until then eat my ass Liam. Ha!

"You're really no fun" I scowled

"I'll take you up on that offer someday, I'd really need a bodyguard"

"Now you're talking! You get it! I'd make the perfect job. With my skills in combat and being able to endure pain, ouuu mamamia!" I whistled "I'm going to be a hitman, or hitman woman, or hit woman, all in all I'm gonna hit something"

This time he fell to the floor laughing

"What is wrong with you! I'm telling you about something really serious and you're laughing!" I shouted

"I'm" laughs "sorry" laughs "you're" laughs, he couldn't complete the sentence, he laughed it all the way out

"You're the worst Liam, I'm simply telling you, you could hire me. No one would even know I'm trained and capable, look at me I can move like a bee and a ninja" getting up from the chair "Hiiya!" I screeched my two hands up in the air then my right leg suspended in the air

I could swear his face went pink from all the laughing, seeing as he didn't take me seriously I set my foot down and sat back down

"If you're not hiring me, someone else will" I went back to eating my cold breakfast as he sat there on the floor laughing like a drunk hyena

I don't know why I'm still friends with this idiot

He got back on his feet, sitting on the chair right Infront of me

"I for one think, you'll make a badass hitman or hit woman man like you termed it" the sick bastard was still trying to surpress a laugh

"Ha ha! Very funny"

And the door on the other side of the house opened, revealing a very fine specimen

"Damn, Liam what's with all the noise?" He was shirtless, his abs were screaming gorgeous! Dirty blonde hair, his joggers hanging below his waist line, that v-line on full display

I'm checking him out

"You're checking him out" now Liam wasn't laughing anymore

"Me? Of course not" looking back at my plate as the stranger walked towards the table taking the empty seat beside me

"Clearly looks like you were" he paused "Are you still eating that?" Referring to my food

"No I'm full"

"Yay. More for me then" sliding my plate towards him

"Why didn't you tell me, you had someone over? I wouldn't have inconvenienced you!" I gave him the death stares

He can't like men yeah? He's too good to waste his body, not that I'm against it, but they're too good fine specimens to just waste for themselves alone

"Tyler over here is my partner at work, he dropped by last night, when you were asleep, I was going to tell you but you kept on rambling about your dream of becoming a hit woman and besides you're not inconveniencing me. This house is big enough for three of us. He won't be here for long I can assure you baby girl and we'll have the house to ourselves" he said smiling

"I'm right here you know" Tyler said, he had a sexy voice "Aren't you going to introduce us?" He asked again

"Tyler, this is Lanae. My sister. Lanae this is Tyler, my partner" he groaned "I don't know what you needed an introduction for" he rolled his eyes

"It's nice to meet you Ty Ty" I offered my hand and he took it

"It's nice to meet you too Nae Nae" he said

As we both laughed

"So you say you want to be a hit woman? I could teach you the basics" he shrugged

"Really?!" I beamed with excitement "I'm glad someone took me seriously, unlike someone" I rolled my eyes at him

"No learning any basics, you're late for work. Up" Liam said pulling me up and dragging me to the door putting his big coat over me "It's so big" I protested

"Wear it, and I'm not damn joking, you call me the moment you get to work okay?"

"Yes sir" he pushed me out the door "But I haven't said bye to Ty Ty" I whined

"Well Ty Ty can go fuck himself'

"Hey!" I heard Tyler yell from inside

"Bye Ty Ty!! I'll see you later!! Do you like icecream?" I shouted so he could hear me

"Yessss!" I heard him scream back

"Is that enough?" Liam asked and he had an expression that I wish I could take a picture of

"Yes" he slammed the door shut in my face "I'll not call you!" Yelled through the door, about to walk away when the door flew open "If you don't want me going back on my promise about you not reporting your sick father to the police, you do as I say and call me" he said very seriously

"Geez.. can't you take a joke"

"No jokes when it comes to your safety" and he slammed the door shut again. Hard

"Poor door" I muttered to myself as I put on the coat, it's really heavy and big walking out if the driveway and to the bus stop.

Looking up at the sky, it's definitely going to rain today.. Today be good! And let Mr Whyte not be in a sour mood today please Dear God, it's all I ask today..

I can't wait to go see Nana.. I wonder how she's doing, I hope she hasn't over worked herself, I really can't wait to hug her, she knows just how to give the warmest of hugs..