
Chapter 2 All Things New

Stanley's Pov

"Where's my God-damn file Anna!" Slamming my hands on my desk

Why can't these humans ever get one thing right, I bet all she knows is how to dress up when there's nothing in her fucking head

"I-i kept it ri-right here" stuttering shakily

"Can't you do one thing right in your life! You have just one task 'Keep my fucking desk tidy, and have my schedule right' But what do you do? You fucking mess everything up, Don't think because you handle your job well I won't fire you because of minor lapses. Now get the hell out of my office" I yelled making her scurry out

Why can't they learn to do one thing right

The office line rang "Can't I just get a break" sighing before reaching towards it, taking the call

"Hello? Mr. whyte I'm calling from New Orleans-" cutting him off

"To the point" I didn't even let him speak. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone right now, rubbing my temples

Ignoring the fact I said he should get to the point "My name's Eric and I'm John Delgado's assistant and he asked me to phone you-"

This could get interesting

"What could you possibly be calling for?"

John Delgado, I would give it to him, he's smart and stuff but the fact he tops the chart of being the richest man in the continent instead of me, makes me despise him. I know its petty but yes, sadly he was friends with my late father so I owe him a tad bit of respect

"John asked me to reach out to you, he would like to invite you for lunch"

I laughed lightly "Me? Lunch?"

"Yes sir"

"I'm quite busy, you can relay my message to him"

"He stated it was very important Sir" he said hurriedly

"Where?" I smiled spinning my chair around

What could be possibly be up to? Guess I just have to find out

"New Orleans"

"Send the location, I'll be on my way"

"Have a nice day-" I didn't let him finish, I slammed the phone shut

I sure hope there's something going to be good about the day, I sure hope on that.

Let's go see what John is up to

"Anna cancel all my appointments and reschedule for another day, I have an important meeting" I buzzed her through the intercom

"Yes sir"

I packed up my stuffs before heading out and getting into the backseat, letting the driver take the wheel "To the Airport"

My phone ringing, sighing in frustration as I saw the caller ID

"Josephine" I said coldly, placing the phone to my ear, greeting the woman who has helped destroy my little sister

"When was the last time I saw you" she said

"I'm busy and we'll see some other time" with that being said, I hung up

I'm not that nice, but maybe a bit me. Lol

I'm just having a rough day and I guess I don't handle my rough days well.

Like nana would say, I wasn't always this way.. I lost my parents in a plane crash and it's been really tough, my childhood was taken from me, I had to man my father's business at 12, I had no time for fun, no time for rest, no time to be happy- well, working made me happy, some times

I'm the first of my late parents, my sister Jane, was just 5 when it happened, and she was raised by Josephine, my mother's sister, who didn't help the situation, she grew up in having everything she wanted, they've never said no to her, if mum was still alive, there'd have been a limit to everything. So these days, I avoid her.

Yes I avoid my own sister, she's a bitch, spoilt and has no other idea of life other than spend money with her cousin Talia.

Talia's the only child of her parents, so when Jane was dropped off they were happy! Another child to ruin and well they've very well ruined that one for me.

We hardly keep in touch, except it's when she has gotten herself in so much trouble that she needs me to take care of her mess

Penelope helped raised me, Josephine couldn't handle a male child, so nana like I call her took care of me when I was ill and nursed me back to health, she's been my strength and I'm thankful when I asked her to move out with me, she did.

At 15, I was getting prepped to take over from where my father left off, At 17, I got into university, moved out of my aunt's house at 18 and by 21 everything was handed over to me, making me CEO of Whyte's Corp, my father had a crazy mindset, he had a logistics company, technology and security, a law firm at some point not that he exactly had knowledge of it, but that he loved seeing his name on the buildings 'Whyte Corp' said he was paving the way for his kids so that we'd never suffer, but look at me, suffering a whole lot! I wonder how my mum put up with his new ideas, whenever he gets an idea he implements it as soon as possible. Did I forget to mention, he's the owner of three of the most expensive restaurant in Asia, Washington DC and Vancouver, I honestly wondered how his head never exploded.

Having no knowledge of anything concerning law, I gave it out, but having full custody and having the largest shares and still keeping tabs tho, can't mess up something my dad worked for.

So now I handle the logistics and technology, the restaurant, I gave it out to three of my friends from university, they've been great friends, so they deserved it. I still keep tabs on them tho, not like I'd abandon everything for them. It's so fucking stressful, managing all six companies I can assure you. This is what I had to give up my childhood for.

It's not as easy as you see it, so if you think I've had everything all rosy and handed to me, well it's somewhat true but the rest I've had to work for it and I've got nothing to smile about, well except signing off huge deals that has me grinning from ear to ear

My name's Stanley Whyte and this is my life.