
Love at first sight?

A sudden knock on Celestine's door was heard that made her stop from reading. The door opened so she turned her attention to it. “Celestine, lunch is ready,” Amanda announced.

Celestine closed the book and returned it to the shelf.

She greeted her mother with a smile, and they headed downstairs together. They saw Anthony was waiting at the entrance of the dining room. The maids on the other hand arrange the food on the table.

"Let's eat." Anthony offered and led the walk inside. Celestine looked at him, "You look handsome in those clothes, Dad." Praising the way her Father looks.

"Really?" Anthony laughed. He pulled up the chair so his wife could sit.

Anthony is wearing casual clothes today. It is different from the days where he always wears corporate attire, wherein he looks serious and intimidating.

The three happily enjoy their meal. Anthony took care of the two by putting food on their plate and kept refilling their glass of water when he saw that it was almost empty.

Celestine laughed heartily at their storytelling. It was about the time when both of her parents were still in their courting stage. Amanda teased Anthony and told him about how she bullies and makes everything difficult for him, but still, they end up together.

Celestine knows how her parents love each other. She can feel and see it.

Listening to their stories and watching the two of them enjoy their time. While taking everything easy, not minding the tick of the clock. They just appreciate their moment and little time. That is what Celestine always wishes. She doesn't want to see her parents hurting or worrying about something.

Amanda turned to her. "Are you okay? Do you feel unwell?" She was concerned about the sudden silence of Celestine. Celestine shook her head. "I'm fine. I suddenly remember brother Castiel. Hoping that he is here too."

"Your older brother will also follow here. He's just making sure that his ongoing project is finished, after that he will definitely follow right away."

Celestine nodded, then wondered. "Then, how about his work there?"

"We have some business here. That will be the first thing he will take care of while you two are here."


After lunch, they rested first and had some tea in the garden. Almost two in the afternoon, Anthony and Amanda prepare to leave.

Celestine escorts them to the car. Amanda hugs her tight. "Always take care, my Princess. Always remember that I love you," she reminded. "I will Mom. I love you too. You too, take care of yourself hmm... don't work too much."

She knew that Amanda was always immersed in her work. Anthony approached him next. Celestine immediately hugged her father. Anthony hugged back.

You can tell that she's a Daddy's Girl. He kisses the top of her head. “You too Dad, I know you were also a workaholic.”

He also immediately released Celestine from the hug. Look closely at his child's face. "I will miss you, my little kitten." His voice was about to crack.

"Dad!" Celestine pretends to be annoyed by the name his father called her.

The truth is, he doesn’t want Celestine to move out. If he was the only one to be followed, he would choose Celestine to study at home. But he doesn’t want to hinder the girl's happiness. Celestine wants to experience different things and he doesn't want to be a hindrance from it. He knows too well how college experience teaches him as a person and he wants her at least to experience that.

Looking at her father's face, then turned to her mother. She realizes that they are not young anymore. The wrinkles in the side of their eyes. Even their hair... some strands of it are white. If they are not only taking care of their body, those things will be obvious.

Anthony smiled and gently grabbed both of Celestine's shoulders. "Don't forget your meals, especially your vitamins. And don't hesitate to call us if you need anything. Call us from time to time. You know how much we love you. I also talked to the people here about you. I ordered all the do's and don'ts. " Anthony stared for a few more minutes.

He tucked her hair and took a deep breath before continuing talking. "Keep safe and take care of my little kitten." Celestine quietly laughs. She nodded as a sign that she understands what her father meant.

I surely miss hearing that nickname. I surely miss them every single time.

"Don't worry about me. When I have free time, I will make sure to pay a visit at home and of course, with brother Castiel."

The couple just smiled and finally got in the car.

They looked at the child again before finally leaving. Celestine just stared at the back of the departing car, until it completely disappeared from her sight and the gate closed.

They just really accompanied Celestine and made sure she would arrive safely. They can't just leave the business in Moonves, especially many people who depend on it.

After that Celestine just hugged herself.

She looks across the house, then decides to enter. The house is too big and too lonely for her even though there are also four people with her.

The garden can be accessed in two ways. It's either from the entrance and then walk to the west side of the house or through the balcony outside the dining room. The ceiling-to-the-floor wall there was made of glass. Her grandparents renovate it because they like the view of the garden while eating.

There is a table set and swing made of wood placed on the entry porch. Maid's room is on the first floor beside the dining room across the living area - wherein an old piano is placed near the window. Also, there's one guest room on the first floor. The other rooms are all located on the second floor. The last room to the left is the library wherein there's a connecting door to make your way to the study room.

Celestine returned to her room to rest.


Back in Morris Residence.

"What happened to you? You look like an idiot there looking at that house in dazed." Clarence teased Zachary. He noticed that Zachary was just standing there and seemed in deep thought.

"Does anyone already live there?" Zachary was talking about the house opposite the Morris residence.

He looked at the house that his friend was referring to. He nodded, then said, "Just now. It looks like someone moves in."

They knew that only the house caretakers were there. They know almost everyone living in the village. Some of them are classmates or some high socialites they always see at a social event.

"Why did you ask? Already love at first sight?" Clarence teases him. Thus, Zach jokingly punched Clarence in the arm.

"Of course not. What are you even thinking? Is it wrong to ask?" Zach uttered.

"Also, it's about you that I'm afraid of. I won't be surprised if one day, that's your new girl!" Zach added. He knows how playboy his friend is. It was like Clarence changed his girl, as often as he changes his clothes.

Zachary just can't forget the woman's face before. He saw it as soon as the gate opened.

A girl wearing a simple floral dress. Her hair is in a neat ponytail. She's smiling while talking to the other two people. Yet, there was something different in her eyes as she watched the car slowly drive away. As if there's a faint of light in her eyes. She smiles yet the reflection of her eyes contradicts her smiling face. She looks sad.

He was shaken by the thoughts. What if there's a girl in that house? Who is she by the way? He doesn't care. He has no interest in such things.

"Hey! Let's go!" Zach exclaimed. They decided to spend some time at the mall since Clarence’s new girl ditches him. Clarence just sighed while looking at his friend.