

"I never knew how hard it would be to start over."

notbreezy23 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Not Dreams

"Are you awake?"

I slowly open my eyes. I am in some weird void or abyss. Darkness is the only thing visible other than me.

"Are you awake?" the feminine voice asks me again.

"I'm awake," I answer. "Where am I?"


"Where is nowhere?" I try to ask her again.

"Between the realms of life and the afterlife."

The hell does that even mean? Is she implying I'm neither dead or alive? Damn, my dreams are weird.

"Ahh," I groan as I cover my eyes. A really bright light just suddenly appears in front of me. In that light, I could see the outline of a person...a winged person. Like an angel.

I look at her and I immediately come to the conclusion that she is beautiful. She is perhaps the most gorgeous being I have ever seen. Not even the two dimensional anime girls can compare to her beauty.

She has long angelic white wings, accompanied with stunning silver hair. Her skin is a beautiful shade of white and her eyes are a striking scarlet. She is honestly the embodiment of perfection. Well, at least appearance wise. My dreams are awesome.

Her ruby eyes gaze at me, like they are trying to peer into the depth of my soul.

"You do not believe this is real?" she suddenly says. Wait, did she actually read my mind? Well, there's no point in trying to hide it then.

"No, I'm just lucid dreaming right now. You are a figment of my imagination."

Silence. That followed after I told her the true nature of her existence. It must suck knowing that you only exist in a fleeting dream.

She continues to stare at me, which is kinda creeping me out. I might be a perv here and there, and I might have cheated in school a couple of times, but I'm not some uberly terrible guy. I'm just your average joe. Wait, maybe she is disappointed because I'm only an average joe? Why did I subconsciously make a girl who can read my thoughts?

Out of nowhere, she starts laughing. I'm starting to feel like I have no control over my dreams now.

"You humans are truly an amusing species," she finally says. "Though, I'm afraid to say your hypothesis was wrong."

What hypothesis? I never even made a claim. I just said this was my dream and she was a figment of my imag-

Oh, so she's trying to tell me that is real?

"Yes, Yori Nabu. I'm indeed real. I'm an angel as you can probably decipher."

She is definitely lying. I don't know why I made her like this, but I'll play along for now. "So, why is an angel visiting me?"

She smiles, "You have been selected as the X."

The X? Like the X-Men? Will I become the leader of the X-Men? Not gonna lie, I'm more of a DC guy then Marvel, but that sounds cool.

"As the X, you will be transported into another world along with the Y and Z," she continues.

Ok...what the fuck?

Our conversation just became a whole algebra problem. And I hate math. There are only a few things in this world I hate more than advanced math concepts, and those are public bathrooms and people who whine all the time.

"So...I'm gonna get like isekai?" I ask the angelic beauty standing before me.

"Isekai? That's the term the Japanese use to describe a person transporting into another world, right?"

"Indeed," I confirm her thoughts.

She claps her hands together and smiles. "Then yes, you will be getting isekai."

So...I, Yori Nabu, will get isekai.

Well damn, why couldn't this happen sooner? I was waiting for this moment to happen since like nine. I watched enough anime and played enough games to know how to fully utilize this opportunity. Except if it's Berserk. If I'm isekai there, I'm just gonna off myself.

"So, who is the Y and the Z?" I ask.

"I'm afraid we cannot tell you," she replies. Her answer makes me think, why is all of this happening? What's the point of this?

"Why is this happening? What are you trying to achieve by this?"

She laughs. Usually when supernatural creatures laugh when presented with the question 'why', it's for some bullshit reason. But I'm not sweating. After all, I'm probably gonna wake up soon.

"Because this is what the Supreme Lord desired. Why he desired this will never be known to us lesser creatures. The Lord is the only one blessed with infinite knowledge."

Do you see that? That's a bullshit answer.

"So, will there be some sort of quest I have to do? Like rescuing a princess, killing the demon king, saving the kingdom, etc. Oh and I'm gonna have some overpowered abilities right?"

"Nope. You will just be an average guy," she says.

Her responses are getting me scared right now. "You mean I start off like an average guy but I pick up different skills and magic quickly, right?"

She laughed. "You will learn the different trades and skills of the world at a normal rate. The only benefit you shall receive is knowledge of skills you already know."

Wait, what? What kind of bullshit is this? Which isekai you know doesn't give the main character overpowered abilities? Actually, there probably are some out there. Once I wake up, I'm gonna rate all of them a one out of ten on MyAnimeList.

Now thinking about it, if I don't have any overpowered abilities, then I'm probably not the main character. The Y or Z must be the main character. Though, I will bet my money that I'm important to the plot. After all, I'm the X. You can't solve problems without the X.

"Why did you choose me?" That question was circling around in my mind since she told me I was getting isekai.

"There is no specific reason," she says, her smile never leaving her face. "You were merely randomly chosen. Of course, we excluded children and the eldery in our selection process. You should feel honored. Out five to six billion people, you and three others were chosen."

Can I get a refund? If I'm not getting a harem, then I don't wanna go. I like my air conditioners and my bug spray.

Wait, I'm getting too caught up in this. This is all just a dream, none of this matters. I was actually beginning to think this is real.

"Are you ready, Yori?" the angel asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "Sure. Not like any of this matters."

"Still in denial? Then you are ready for a rude awakening," she says. Before I can make a witty retort, she yells, "Onerariam ad mundi miseriae!"

All of a sudden, we both are glowing. Our limbs and body are dissolving, particle by particle. I guess the dream is now over. Welp, it was fun. Not to mention how hot the angel was. Like goddamn she was-

Fuck, I just remembered I have a science test tomorrow.

"Wait, stop!" I yell. Well, I actually yelled that in my mind. It appears that my mouth didn't move a single inch. Well, more like I didn't have a mouth to use.

The dissolving process finally reached my eyes, and now I can't fucking see. I sigh mentally, because I will wake up from my dream knowing that I didn't use any of this valuable time to study.

A minute or two just passed by, and I'm getting restless. How long does it take to wake up? I'm not no lucid dreaming expert but shouldn't I be up by now?

Soon after, instead of only seeing black, I'm now looking into a blinding white. The white slowly disappears and dissolves into nothingness. Which is great because now I can finally see again.

Sadly, there seems to be a problem.

I'm not in my room.