

"LIFE MUST BE PLANNED, fought for, don't let it flow like water...

To achieve goals in this life 3 things must be done.


Every week at least 3 prospects. Make it a habit, it is important to be consistent. Call, visit, chat, closing.

No need to be long-winded, just keep it simple, no need to be complicated, just sell, no need to bother. Understand your customers, their wants, needs, and problems.

A good salesperson is good at asking questions. The better at asking questions, the better at selling. In the process of exploring the needs, ask. What do they want? What are their plans? What are they worried about?"

Blah blah blah.

Uuh, man, if you are successful... saying anything sounds good. All the advice is like aphorisms. Everything is already stuck outside the head. But the implementation in the field ... OMG! Just meeting one person is a bloody effort.

The brain is already short-circuited. For days, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't break, I couldn't pray, I couldn't eat, think about the prospect. It feels like I want to hurry up and get up in the morning.

Every night I prepared a list of 10 names complete with their telephone numbers, the next turn I called the number one by one, but none of them are connected. Nowadays, the phone number immediately goes off when my number calls.

No tone.

Not to mention if you have an appointment with a housewife. There's never a story about being on time. I was shocked because I was used to being on time.

We made the fifth appointment because the previous appointments had all failed.

As usual, I confirmed the evening first, and according to the mother's wishes we agreed to meet at the Mall near her house, Citos, Cilandak Town Square at 11 am, I also agreed. I remember her last message when I called,

"But mom, please change the insurance company. I'm really tired of that one, the claims are more rejected than accepted, there are a lot of reasons, I myself have experienced it, not just me, doctors at the hospital, and family doctors all say so." .... "

I listened and agreed to discuss the real issue tomorrow because each policy must be treated differently.

Usually, it's the agent who doesn't thoroughly explain the benefits to the customer so when a claim occurs, it causes misunderstanding.

I have encountered many customers who have a lot of insurance but don't know the benefits.

The next day, after 3 hours of traveling from home and 3 times changing public transportation, arriving at the agreed place and time, the mother did not show up either.

Fifteen minutes,

Thirty minutes,

Forty-five minutes.

I didn't realize that the fries I ordered at the fast food restaurant where I was waiting were already gone, including the soft drink. Visitors who came later had also finished their fried chicken. Finally, my phone rang, and

Olala... abracadabra... this mother easily said she couldn't come because she suddenly had an ulcer.

So this is already the fifth outbreak.

Is there no other disease? Ah, I'm wrong, am I wrong? What did I do wrong? What should I do? If he had told me honestly that he couldn't, of course, I wouldn't have insisted. Yes - yes, no - no.

Having traveled so far, I wanted to see her as well, but the mother objected because her lawyer husband didn't want to be disturbed on weekends. Okay. Maybe they are also still busy because previously she told me she was building a swimming pool at their house, it had already cost 2 M but it hadn't been finished yet.

Even if it's not finished, it's okay, I won't swim there anyway.

O what a FFFF... fact!!!



Another day in paradise.

A young man was pensively waiting alone. A wallet was lying near his feet.

"Is that your wallet?" I greeted him as soon as arrived while pointing to the brown object next to his leg.

"Oo... yaa" as he fingered the back pocket of his jeans. "Thanks, sis," she said later.

"The bus hasn't come yet, right?" I asked.

I meant the commuter car, the only mode of transportation that used to go back and forth from this housing complex to Jakarta, which passed every hour.

"Just... two minutes ago"

"Well, it's too late."

That means I have to wait another hour.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"The office."

"Ohh" The response was short.

"College huh?" I asked instead.

He shook his head.

"Work?" I asked again.

He shook his head again.

I nodded my head while watching his face. Silence.

Finally, he told me, "I just enrolled in the Akabri.*) But I wasn't accepted."

A flash of disappointment caught in his eyes. Then he told how his farmer parents had sold their rice fields so that he could become a soldier.

"Sorry." I was silent for a moment. "So there's nothing to do now?" I continue.

"I will apply again next year. I don't want to disappoint my parents."

I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any plans to take a course or go to college? To pass the time while waiting for next year's opportunity" I questioned.

The young man was silent while thinking.

"If you want, I have information, study while working. Free!" I continued trying to read what he was thinking.

And I told him about studying at the Insurance Company's Sales Academy. The requirement is to have a license as an insurance agent first.

Besides earning commissions, there are also career opportunities. There were also bonuses in the form of domestic and overseas trips. The lectures were directly practiced in the field.

He was interested. I invited him to come to see a presentation about this Insurance Business from A - Z next Saturday. Finally, we agreed to meet at 7 pm at the same place next Saturday.


The night before as usual I confirmed first.

In the morning I woke up earlier than usual. One minute after reaching the bus stop, the bus passed. And had to wait another hour to be able to leave for Jakarta.

It takes 2 hours to get from home to the office if all goes well. That meant being late for the event and sitting in the back row.

And the time came, the bus was about to leave and he hadn't shown up yet.

The phone was dead.

I couldn't do anything except wait for him hoping he would show up, let it be late it's okay than nothing at all.

Half an hour passed with no sign. Hope is dwindling. If I go alone ... it's ridiculous, because my arrival is to support him, escort him.

Wanting to prospect to the customer's house is still too early, and wanting to go back home later must be troublesome again. Finally, I just sat enjoying the morning breeze at the bus stop. While texting him.

An hour later came his reply.

'Sorry, sis. I overslept. I thought you were joking yesterday. Are you serious?'




The journey from Citos to home is a journey from end to end. I had to change public transportation three times.

I took the green bus. It's a big bus and it's often reckless.

Recently, one of my neighbors had an accident while riding this bus. When he was about to get off, while his foot had not yet stepped on the asphalt, the buss had moved.

As a result, he fell and his head hit the pavement. Luckily someone was kind enough to help him and take him to the hospital, but unfortunately, his life could not be saved. He died on the way to the hospital.


A group of about nine young people entered the bus at the same time through the back door.

They sat spread out on the benches in the center to the back. One sat next to me. Suddenly the atmosphere on the bus was a little noisy. I didn't really understand what was going on because one of them, who was sitting next to me, invited me to chat in a very familiar manner without giving me a chance to respond.

"Mama, where are you from? Where are you going? Mama, be careful during the trip. There are many bad people. Who are the children with at home?"

He continued to chatter while looking at me intently, occasionally I would look at her and then ignore her. But she continued to chat with me very active until her body was tilted to face me.

"Mama, don't forget to pray, don't leave for long, mind the children. Mama prays for papa too so that papa is safe... "For a moment I looked at him while whispering in my heart


Soon one of them asked the driver to stop, on a quiet side street, not at a bus stop. The driver slowed down the car to the left, his friend got out simultaneously followed by the person sitting next to me, this crazy papa became the latest, while not forgetting to convey his last message

"Mom, be good on the road. When you're done go straight home, don't stop by. Greetings to the children at home .. daahhhh .." He waved his hand, using a kiss-bye anyway.

I feel like throwing my shoes at him

And the bus was moving again.

After the people left, there was another commotion on the bus.

People sitting in the back seat almost all seemed to have just realized their loss.

Some had lost their wallets.

Some lost their watches.

Cell phones and even glasses.

All kinds of things.

I checked my belongings in my bag. It's complete. Nothing was missing.

I heard an uproar from the passengers that they were hypnotized.

Mass hypnosis!!!.

I realized too late that apparently, the familiar young man was part of the herd, he had saved me, or maybe more precisely did not make me his victim, or maybe he failed to hypnotize me.

I don't know

I don't know how I felt at that time...


*) Sabar, Be Patient.

*) The Indonesian Armed Forces Academy (abbreviated as Akabri) is a military school whose alumni are first officers (Second Lieutenant).