

'Turn your magic on

To me she'd say

Everything you want's a dream away

We are legends, every day

Under the pressure under this weigh

We are diamond taking shape

I imagine 4 chimpanzees dancing in the music video for this song, adventure of a lifetime by Cold play. A clip that looks simple but is not very simple in the making even takes up to 6 months to complete. What professional work Chris Martin and his friends.

I immediately grabbed it when it said 'Farida calling' on the screen and said hello

"Can't you come with me?" Her voice sounded weak on the phone.

"So serious. Where are you going?"


"What's happening?"

"You'll know later"

"With whom?"

"Lena, but she must be sleeping in the car. I need a friend who is awake while driving," she explained.


"Tonight. After sunset," she replied.

I looked at the clock on the wall. 5 p.m. Only Farida, taking me out of town is like taking me to the mall. That day she needed that day she has to get it.

"Let me first check the position of the father's kids, I'll call back in half an hour," I replied.

And maybe I am already destined to be matched with her, whenever she needs me, always when I am available. I am happy to accompany her not because I have to, but because all situations and conditions allow it.

Sure enough, after Maghrib prayer, I saw the car was already in front of my house with Lena inside. Wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, knee-length culottes, socks, and sneakers, complete with a hat that always covers her head. Farida has a collection of many hats of various shapes and that is her signature appearance.

It was already kilometer 97 Karawang when the call to prayer was heard. After that Farida took the car like riding a racing motorbike in the Time Zone. With speeds above 100, there was still time to call.

"Dear madam, please. Don't call while driving." I shouted from the middle seat behind her. Lena was back asleep sitting next to her.

"It has nothing to do, beautiful. Drive is a drive, make phone calls is phone calls," she answered without reducing the speed. Along the way, we talked about various kinds of travel experiences, about life, life after death...

We were just silent when we got to the most horrible part of the story when suddenly the car entered the Babakan Alas Roban*) area, which was dark, and quiet, around two o'clock in the morning, only our car passed on that road.

There is no code nor command, and we fall silent and pray. For a long time, we kept silent along the dark streets without lighting. Until finally a light appeared and we came out of the forest before we could laugh together, it turned out that we had the same thoughts.

What would happen if the waving leaves of the banana tree along the right and left of the road turned all white and chased after us, as happened on a trip that we were talking about at the time. Horror history. Luckily the horror story was over, with the light coming from the direction of the highway.


The dawn call to prayer sounded when the car entered the city of Solo. We walk non-stop a distance of 520 kilometers in less than 10 hours. Entering the mosque for the prayer, I fell asleep immediately while listening to the sermon at dawn until it was time for dhuha.

Sunday morning was very sunny in the city of Solo on a Car-Free day, the air was cool and fresh, and we had breakfast at a roadside stall which was quite busy with people exercising. What a beautiful atmosphere in the morning on a different day.

Satisfied with breathing in the morning air of Solo and enjoying the atmosphere, I was invited to a hotel. It turned out that Ariana and several leaders from 21st-century businesses were staying there. Farida said that in the afternoon there was a meeting, such as a routine meeting on Wednesday in Jakarta, Mr. O opened a new event in Solo, and Ariana asked Farida to attend and bring some of Ariana's belongings from her home in Jakarta.

At first, Farida had no plans to come, but because Ariana, who incidentally was her subordinate asking for support, finally came and invited me, I myself rarely come to meetings.

The beginning of wisdom… is when I open my mind... I open my heart to learn...


After the event, the clock shows 9 pm.

I was surprised to see Farida sitting limply on the floor, her face lethargic and powerless. Not really her, usually she's the most passionate person. I asked, as usual, she shook her head not wanting to talk. She never wanted to talk about what was bothering her.

I immediately looked for Ariana. Sure enough. It turned out that she had already fled on a plane with the other Leaders. Without saying goodbye either. Now I know the cause. It feels like it sucks too, coming from Jakarta with a car to pick her up she doesn't feel guilty going home first leaving Farida just like that.

"That's it, never take it personally. Ariana is just like that. So, she can be successful in this business. Never did she think of disrespecting bu Ida..." I call Ibu when the situation is a little bit serious.

Farida looked at me with innocent child-like eyes "Is that so?"

I nodded.

"It takes someone like her to be successful in this business. Don't play with feelings." I was silent for a moment.

"If she is successful, ibu will also be successful," I continued.

Now I see Farida's face is starting to come alive again.

"Tomorrow, if you meet, Bet. She didn't realize her mistake. So don't expect an apology from her" I said again.

Finally, I saw Farida smiling again.

My heart is relieved. That night the three of us went straight home again to Jakarta. We drive more relaxed because we enjoyed every moment of it...

The adventure of a lifetime.


*) Alas Roban area is said to be one of the Skull Paths in Central Java. Alas means forest, meaning this area is a wilderness forest that was split open to make a highway. The terrain is quite difficult. Lots of bends and steep climbs.

Alas Roban is located on the path of Gringsing District, Batang Regency, Central Java. The road is steep and winding, with tall trees growing on both sides, making anyone who crosses this path goosebumps. The lack of street lighting also makes the spooky atmosphere more attached to this place.

This road was built during the colonial period of the Dutch East Indies and is a connecting route between Central Java and West Java. This road was the brainchild of Herman Willem Daendels who forced Indonesians to work.