
Chap 4: More Training

 "Daddy! Look at me! I'm getting really good with training, right? I've almost caught up to big brother Neji and Kiyoka!" Hinami said to Nawaki, the 7yr old was in the Senju compounds garden, training her gentle fist combined with her forest release, educating herself on the natural ecosystem around her as she went through the motions. Her black hair was sittting around her head as she wore black training clothes, the girl looked excitedly at Nawaki who sat on the porch nearby, watching her go through the motions. Ikumi was with Hadami learning the basics in fighting. The man hummed looking at his daughter, his brown hair in a bushy ponytail behind his head, wearing a green kimono top with black pants, wearing black geta on his feet. Hinami often trained with Hinata while Neji trained in the same room, often, She was sent to spar against Hinata and Neji as well, so the four would grow used to their fighting abilities. She also would spar with Kiyoka from time to time, though, Kiyoka was a chunin now, so she was at their sparring sessions even less due to the workload she now had to contend with coupled with training, the 15 yr old was making a name for herself in the medical community as well as the village as a whole. She would be expected to give up the ninja life soon, in order to pour more of her efforts into the clan and hospital work.

"Very good, girls. You always want to make sure to improve. Never rest on your laurels." Nawaki said to her in return, placing a hand on her head, looking at her gently as she looked at him in confusion, 

"Laurel? Who's that?" Hinami asked the man, who laughed a moment before rubbing her hair a moment,

"it means to make sure you keep improving." He said and Hinami made an 'oh' sound, looking over at the man as she raised her arms in front of her chest a moment grinning wide as her eyes sparkled

"Yeah! You bet! I'll always work hard!" Hinami said cheering, Nawaki chuckled a moment, nodding in approval

"I'm glad, that's good. There is always going to be someone in the world who's stronger than you. So it's important to work hard, always." Nawaki said before kneeling down, 

"Alright, let's go through some more fighting simulations, ready?" Nawaki asked and the twins nodded, excited, ready to spar with their father, something that he tried to make time for. Making time for each of the kids individually for training such as this. Hinami grinned wide before nodding rapidly. Sometimes, time with the twins had to be done together, but they always made time for them separately as well.

"Uh huh! Let's do it!" She cheered, sparring against Nawaki, who corrected her form, and showed her how to properly throw a punch when she wasn't using gentle fist, and how to land when she took a hit. Important things for the girl to learn. She was working on her balance when throwing a punch or kick, as well as her control with her kekkei tota, forest release, which would take her time to control and master. But looking at her skills both in the academy and outside of it, it was possible that she'd be graduating sooner than they planned.

"Hey! Hinami! We should play, ya know!" Naruto said bouncing up to the girl who was walking with her mother, holding onto the womans hand, the boys blonde hair bounced around his head as he looked forwards with his violet eyes, excited. Hinami's black hair was down behind her head, reaching her shoulders, wearing a light blue yukata with a light purple belt as she walked through the village with Hadami, Ikumi. Hadami, who wore her violet hair behind her head, wearing a light purple dress, she looked towards Naruto a moment. Ikumi stood next to Hinami, his brown and white Half&half hair sat around his head, the five year old looked towards Naruto with curiosity, before cheering, he wore a brown shirt with matching pants, 

"Yay cousin! Play! Come on elder sister! Let's play!" Ikumi said and Hinami shook her head a moment, 

"I'm sorry Naruto, but they can't play right now, maybe later though, okay." Hadami said looking towards the boy who looked at her confused, 

"But how come, aunt Hadami?" The eight year old asked in confusion, he wore a white teeshirt with blue shorts

"we've got training first with Lord Hiyashi and Uncle, sorry cousin. we've got studying later too." Hinami said in return, a grin on her face as she looked towards Naruto, as Kushina walked up, her light red hair around her head reaching her waist as her violet eyes looked towards Hinami and Naruto a moment, 

"Hey mom! Can we train too!" Naruto said looking towards Kushina as he moved his arm, 

"Then me and Hinami can train together ya know, and it'll be so fun!" Naruto said, the adults looked to him and chuckled a bit, 

"You'll have a bit of a tough time with the training the twins are doing today, Naruto. But we'll do some training of our own, okay." Kushina said and Naruto looked downcast, 

"Come on, you've got to study alot if you want to be hokage?" Kushina asked and Naruto looked over shocked for a moment before raising his fist in the air, jumping a little as his belly was just barely visible between the flaps of cloth,

"I'll be the best hokage ever! Believe it! Even better than uncle Nawaki! Or dad! or even, great uncle!" He said before looking towards Hinami

"Good luck with training Hinami! We'll play later, ya know" Naruto said before he went to run off, Kushina grabbing his collar before lifting him like a foot ball under her arm

"Mooooom" Naruto said with a light red face

"This is embarrassing" He continued and Kushina hummed a moment. Looking towards the boy before they continued on their way, ignoring his protests as Kushina kept speaking to the boy.

"Nope. you have to watch for people when your walking around, alright." Kushina said in turn, before saying her goodbyes to Hadami and Ikumi as well as Hinami, wishing her luck with the training. Before continuing on

"Elder sister, you and big sister Hinata, and big brother Neji play a lot, just like me and Hanabi, right?" Ikumi asked and Hinami shook her head, looking towards the boy who looked up towards her with confusion in his gaze, he didn't understand what she meant and Hinami could tell that clear.

"No, it's not playing, it's training." Hinami said in return as they reached the hyuga compound, opening the gates they were greeted by a few people before reaching the main compound in the courtyard, Hanabi sat with one of the branch members, a lady named Natsu, a woman with green hair that reached her shoulders, wearing a headband around her forehead, wearing a dark blue kimono with a pink apron around overtop.

"Yay! You're here! Come play Ikumi!" Hanabi said from the porch where she sat, 

"Ah, Lord Ikumi, Lady Hinami, Lady Hadami. You're a bit early, but I'm sure Lady Hinata, and Lord Hiashi are in the training room already." Natsu said looking over and Hinami looked over before nodding,

"Thanks miss. Natsu. Bye mother, Hanabi, Ikumi, see you later." Hinami said next waving to the four before separating from their mother and younger brother after greeting Hanabi, heading to change to their training clothing, an entirely black outfit with mesh armor underneath. Hinami's raw intelligence was something unmatched in the hyuga and Senju clans. She picked up materials and training faster than expected and was able to quickly analyze her mistakes. She didnt have great control of the byakugan, but she was getting there. The 9 yr old had already graduated from the academy and went on missions around the village regularly, though she did still keep up with training with Hinata. She passed a few members in the hall to the training room, she knocked slowly on the door. Finding her uncle Hiashi inside with Hinata already. Hinata was standing in training clothes, her violet hair reached the nape of her neck with her bangs sitting around her forehead with two strands on either side reaching her chin. 

"Hinami, perfect timing, as usual I see, your ready for training." Hiashi asked and the girls nodded, before walking into the room more completely, 

"Yes sir." Hinami said in response, walking to the middle of the room where Hinata stood 

"Alright, for your training today. Using gentle fist and the byakugan." Hiashi said and the kids looked towards eachother before moving to stand across from each other, holding their hands out as they'd been trained to do. Before activating their byakugan, Hiashi calling for them to begin their training. 

 "hey! you must duel me for uh the kingdom. Fellow ninja." Ikumi said holding the wood kunai towards Hanabi who laughed as she pointed hers towards him, the 3yr old laughed loudly 

"hahaha! I will win!" she declared before running forwards, the two making fighting sounds with their mouths as they jumped around the compounds garden. Natsu and Hadami speaking, 

"Ah… oh no! I have perisheded" Ikumi said before flopping on the ground, Hanabi laughing, 

"The castle is mine! hahaha!" Hanabi said before seeming to stop for a moment, 

"Hey wait… what do I do now." she said aloud looking at Ikumi, who shrugged his shoulders,

"Hey what do people do with castles anyway?" Ikumi said as he and Hanabi walked over to Hadami and Natsu

"Well… that depends on the castle." Natsu began, explaining the different castles and what they did

"Hinata, you should aim to strike like Hinami. Sharper. Harsher. Faster. Hinami, you need to be quicker in your decisions." Hiashi said as the three continued training, sparring back and forth, Hinata aimed her palm for Hinami's arm which the girl moved at the last moment striking Hinatas arm before hitting her with gentle fist in her chest, sending Hinata to the ground as she coughed, Hinami holding her hand in front of Hinatas face. the two were panting from the training,

"Enough." Hiashi said and Hinami stepped back as Hinata got back to her feet. The two stood panting, looking towards eachother, before nodding, relaxing their stances as they concluded their training before bowing towards eachother thanking the other for train.

"Looks like I won." Hinami said and Hinata looked over, before nodding in agreement, 

"You're really strong Hinami…" Hinata replied and Hinami looked over, before shrugging in response. Offering Hinata a hand to get back to her feet once more,

"Thank you for sparring with me." Hinami and Hinata said at the same time. After training, the girls were hanging out, Neji off brooding somewhere, Hinata complementing the twins on their strength that she herself felt she lacked. 

"You just need more confidence. You hesitate too much." Hinami said in return, Though, Hiashi felt that, internally, Neji should be heir to the clan, not Hinata, due to his clear mastery of their skills and techniques, not to mention Hinata's kind and gentle nature making her hesitant to strike her opponents. 

"Whats Rhinorrhea?" Tsunade asked the girl the next day, her ash blonde hair was in two ponytails behind her head, she wore a gray sleeveless kimono top with black pants, wearing a green haori over her arms with the senju symbol on the back, she raised a playful eyebrow at the child as she burst into fits of giggles, looking towards Tsunade before looking back at her books. Hinami looking towards her book before looking towards Tsunade and laughing a moment, her fits of giggles weren't missed by Tsunade who continued to wait for her answer. 

"Thats a really silly way of saying runny nose Aunt Tsuna." Hinami said in return, 

"Yes it is." she said in agreement allowing the child time to laugh for a bit before continuing with the lesson of the day. Learning this would hopefully help her stay alive.

"Why we gotta learn this stuff anyway?" Hinami questioned as she looked at her book in front of her, Hinami's black hair was in two twist braids on either side of her head, wearing a black shirt with white shorts.

"It's important to know these things so they're second nature to you by the time you're out of the academy. Or for you Hinami, when your out in the field." Tsunade said and Hinami hummed in response

"Yeah, but I already know a lot of this stuff anyway." Hinami said, looking over and Tsunade hummed in response, the three sitting in the Senju compounds head house's sitting room. Kiyoka would train with Hinami when she had time but, their schedules were pretty full. Kiyoka even more so since she was heir to the Senju clan, so she had to learn more than just traditions and things that Hinami and Ikumi learned. But she also had to learn history, leadership, how to actually run the clan. What went into it and so on. Every clan member, was to serve some time giving back to the village, either as ninja or otherwise. 

"Alright so a tourniquet is tied when?" Tsunade asked the girl in front of her, and Hinami looked over making a quizzical hum, she had no idea, this wasn't something she read about yet. 

"A tourniquet should only be used to help staunt life threatening external bleeding. Cause it cuts off bloodflow so if it's left too long or tied on someone who doesn't need it, it can cause some big problems." Hinami said and Tsunade nodded in return, Kiyoka. Hinami both showed promise with medical ninjutsu, though, adamittedly, Kiyoka seemed to hold more interest in the art than Hinami did. Even at her age.

"Yes, exactly." She said in return, light from the sun shown into the room that the three sat in, coming in from the windows that sat on the right side of the room, the two had medical books open in front of them, Hinami breezing through the academy and needed something to challenge her, which is why she began learning medical ninjutsu from Tsunade at such a young age.

"Hey Father! Since you've come over to the training fields, you should see this!" Hinami said, looking over towards her father who'd come to check on Team4, see what they were doing. She moved her hands to use her forest release, the vines moved from the ground, coating the ground and moving quickly, before quickly coating the grounds, moving rapidly, too rapidly, the 9 yr old couldn't control them as they grabbed Geikan and Hinami holding them upside down. 

 "uh… Woah! Hey! That's not what I was trying to do!" Hinami said as the vines wrapped around her own ankle, lifting her upside down in the air, the vines crawling up from the ground and around the trees, holding the two genin hostage. Geikan, however, didn't seem to mind much as he dangled in the air, laughing. Birds in the sky flew over head, a few animals hopping to the ground, seeming to be laughing at the girl as well.

"Great going Hinami, your such a klutz" Geikan said, laughing at his teammate, as she joined in, Nawaki hummed, his brown eyes looking towards Hinami. who dismissed her jutsu

"You might need some more practice with that move." Nawaki said with a raised eyebrow, Anita humming from the ground, the group laughed as it was all in good humor. 

"You try using that in a fight, I suppose it could be the pinata move?" Anita said, her yellow hair was in a half up ponytail secured with a purple bow the rest of the hair falling to her shoulders, the undercut hidden by the style. Her headband around her neck loosely. Wearing an auburn sleeveless romper with halter style top. Wearing a cropped forest green hoodie overtop, wearing her shuriken holster on her right thigh with her kunai pouch on her back waist sitting on the black belt. Wearing auburn fingerless gloves on her hands, with black zori on her feet. The vines went back underground and Hinami laughed, a hand behind her head as she looked over, 

"I guess it could. But it'd take me out with the opponent." Hinami said in return laughing, as a bird landed on her shoulder, tweeting a few times as Hinami was looking over towards the two others, wearing her black hair in a plait braid behind her head, with her headband around her forehead, her bangs falling over her headband, wearing a sky blue kimono style top with a black belt and black shorts wearing a tan poncho overtop sitting on her shoulders, wearing sky blue thigh-high fabric going into her white zori, wearing her shuriken holster on her right thigh and a kunai pouch on her back waist,

"Alright, let's move through drills you three." Airu said Nawaki taking his leave from the training fields as the three nodded towards their sensei, her headband around her forehead wearing a dark blue ninja outfit with a jonin flak jacket overtop, wearing her black hair behind her head in a low ponytail, the remaining hair falling to her knees. her shuriken holster on her left thigh with her kunai pouch on her back waist. 

"We'll get these drills down, no sweat Airu sensei." Geikan said his black hair curled over his headband on his forehead, wearing a purple longsleeve shirt with a large collar, the uchiha logo on both of his upper arms, with tan shorts, his shuriken holster on his left thigh with his kunai pouch on his back waist wearing blue zori on his feet. 

"Hinata? Are you okay?" Hinami asked, the three were 11 and Hinata had just been told she was no longer the heir as she lost to Hanabi in training, Hanabi who was 5 years younger. The girl running from the courtyard in tears, Hinami finding her after everything was done. Ikumi was to be Hanabi's training partner. Just as Neji and Kiyoka were for Hinata and Hinami. She placed a hand on her cousins shoulder, looking at her with sympathy. Hinata wiping the tears from her eyes. Hinami had already graduated the academy from this point and was a genin who was placed on a few different teams.

"I'm…" Hinata said before Hinami hugged her, the girl crying, being the heir was her whole purpose, but that had been swept from under her, of course she understood why. She was no good as heir, she was too kind, thats what her grandfather told her many times, but she still wanted to try her best. But when Hiashi had told the girls not to hold back in their training at all, Hinata found herself unable to do so. She did not want to harm Hanabi, and worried about doing so. Which resulted in Hanabi not holding the same convictions and winning the sparring match. Hiashi had turned his back on her completely. Hinami couldn't be heir as she wasn't a 'pureblood hyuga' so it was between Hinata and Hanabi, the fight between them was brutal but had many commenting on Hanabi's strength and abilities, keeping up with Hinata blow for blow despite Hinata's specialized training. 

"Hey, I know! You wanna catch up to Naruto, right!" Hinami said after a few minutes, (Naruto was the twins cousin but bore no relation to Hinata) the three were still wearing training clothing, and Hinata looked over, her face dusting a light pink, before she nodded, and Hinami nodded in return. 

"Come on. If you keep running you won't get anywhere." She said in return, grinning as she pulled the girls, grabbing Hinata's and Hinami's hands, pulling them with her as she ran. 

"Huh? Where are we going? Hinami?" Hinata said and Hinami just grinned in return, 

"Come on." She said in return, not releasing her as they ran in the forest to a small clearing, the two dancing and training, until Hinata laughed, and was smiling again. Hinami laughing with her, as they messed around in the field for a few hours, training and the like. The sun beat down on them as the trees and grass seemed to dance along with them, Hinami looking over towards Hinata before growing a flower for her, and passing it to the girl, using her kekkei tota. Hinata grabbing it in curiosity, looking towards her cousin who grinned, 

"Let's both do our best to keep up, okay? With Gaara and with Naruto." Hinami said and Hinata looked shocked for a moment, before she returned the grin, thankfully, none of the boys were around in this moment. Otherwise all of the girls would be bright red and likely faint.

"Yeah." she said, nodding looking over towards Hinami before they returned to the Hyuga compound. The girl changing back into their clothes for walking around the village before they left the compound, heading towards the Senju compound.

"Hey! Hinami!" Naruto said as he ran up, slinging an arm over their shoulders and Hinami looked over, used to the boys antics. She wore her hair in a braid behind her head, wearing a light blue yukata kimono with black leggings with a red belt, the Senju symbol on the back of it. Wearing white sandals on her feet, she turned towards him her pink eyes meeting his violet briefly as she was used to him hanging off of her. The girl had off from missions for the day, following the announcement at the hyuga compound. Hinami wiped her eyes a moment before she questioned the boy

"Yes, cousin?" Hinami said in return wiping her eyes quickly as she looked over and Naruto looked over with his violet eyes, his blonde hair spiking around his head, wearing an orange shirt with blue shorts wearing blue sandals on his feet, with goggles on his head. Looking towards her with a wide grin as he stood excited. She blinked as she met his eyes, 

"Come on." Naruto said and the twins looked over, Gaara and Sana were with him, standing on the sidelines a moment, his forehead holding a tattoo of love on the left side, wearing a red shirt with black pants, an offwhite cloth on his shoulders, his expression was hard as he looked around the leaf. Sana stood neck to him, wearing a mint green halter strap dress that stopped midthigh with black shorts underneath, her dark red hair partially obscuring the love tattoo birthmark on the right side of her forehead. Looking around the leaf with partial curiosity, before Hinami crashed into Gaara. Hugging him, she hadn't seen him since they were four, he'd grown, but she recognized his eyes. Hugging him tightly as the boy stumbled back a few steps.

"Gaara! Sana! hiii" She said in return, the boy looking at her a moment, before hugging her back, placing a hand on her back, Sana looking over as Hinami doing the same after a moment, 

"Hinami. You uh… you're… You're okay?" He questioned, his face was a light pink truth be told, the boy had a crush on the girl that seemed to be oblivious to. Sana nudging the boy with a smirk which Gaara ignored,

"Uhuh." She said in return, the three walking around the village, Naruto in the middle, holding onto Gaara and Hinami, the four laughing as they walked around the village, before heading to Naruto's favorite clearing. 

"So, how come you were crying, Hinami. Did something happen?" Naruto asked, and Hinami looked over, from where she lay on the grass before sighing, looking towards the blades of grass she was twirling with her fingers, looking closer towards her face, she had streaks of tears going from her eyes to her cheeks.

"It's a clan thing." Hinami commented as she sat on the grass, 

"But how come your in the village Gaara, Sana, are you okay?" Hinami asked and Gaara looked over, before nodding his head in return, as did Sana, Naruto flopping down on top of the boy, who groaned from the weight. 

"Naruto, get off." Gaara said in response, Hinami was sitting next to them sitting on her knees in the grass, as she held her hands folded on her lap, petting the small squirrel. The four talked about the differences in their lives, and training. 

"Hinami's the smartest one in the academy, actually, she's already a genin, she graduated last year. Isn't that crazy?" Naruto said looking over and Hinami went a light shade of red, the squirrel scittering away after receiving a nut from Hinami's hand,

"Wait really?" Sana said looking over in excitement, she looked shocked

"No way, we're still at the academy too." Sana continued and Hinami's face went a deeper shade of red, before turning her head away a moment, poking her fingers together as she did so. Flowers sprouting from the ground in her nervousness.

"It's uh, I uh… In um… Uhuh." She said as she nodded meekly, she was currently on a team with two other genin, 12 yr olds who were nice considering. Geikan uchiha and Anita Namikaze, under the tutelage of Airu Sarutobi.

"So what's being a genin like? Come on." Naruto said and Hinami looked over, before thinking a moment, looking to the sky as a bird flew overhead, 

"It's interesting. My team is amazing, Geikan and Anita, they're really nice and my sensei Airu, she teaches me a lot. I'm so lucky to have such a balanced team, they're older than me, Geikan and Anita, but they don't look down on me." Hinami said in response looking towards Gaara with excitement in her eyes, she truly loved and respected her team. 

"The sooner I graduate the academy, the sooner I can be a genin to, just wait Hinami, I'll catch up to you in no time. We all will, rightGaara, Sana." Naruto said and Hinami's face went a brighter red once more, looking towards the other two who nodded definitely, 

"You don't have missions today?" Gaara asked and Hinami shook her head, 

"It's cause of the clan stuff." She said in response 

"Hey Naruto! What stuff do you learn at the academy anyway?" Sana said jumping up, and Naruto looked over, jumping up to match her energy, Hinami leaning lightly against Gaara, the boy looking over towards her Sana, and Naruto talking animatedly, as Gaara and Hinami had a separate conversation. 

"Hinamiii" Geikan said running up towards the girl, his black hair curled over his forehead, wearing a lilac purple shortsleeve shirt with a large collar, the Uchiha logo on his back with black pants, wearing blue zori on his feet. He hugged the girl from behind as he seemed to be running from someone, Hinami just laughing, 

"What did you do Geikan?" Hinami said and the boy looked over, 

"Hey Naruto, other kids I don't know. Hinami who's side…" Geikan started, 

"Geikan! Don't bring Hinami into this!" Anita said running up behind him, her yellow hair was falling to her shoulders, the undercut hidden by the style. Wearing a black halter type crop top wearing auburn pants with black zori. Grabbing the collar of Geikan and dragging him back 

"Wait, Anita, this is perfect." Hinami said and the girl turned in question, 

"What do you mean?" Anita questioned as she turned with Geikan still held by his collar, 

"We were just talking about you. Gaara, Sana, this is Geikan and Anita. We're on team4 together." Hinami said putting her hands on her waist as she laughed, 

"Gaara and Sana… oh! You're the twins from the sand village, Hinami talks about you alot. Hey. Geikan Uchiha. I'm gonna be the next Hokage. How's it going." Geikan said before laughing as he avoided Naruto's swipe, 

"Hey! No way ya know! I'm gonna be the next hokage, believe it!" Naruto said assured, 

"Sure, pipsqueak. After me." Geikan said, before Naruto jumped on his back, causing Geikan to laugh, 

"They're idiots…" Anita said as she stepped back, the two beginning to tussle in good nature, Gaara glancing over towards the two, before looking over at Anita. 

"We balance out." Hinami said in response, Anita pushing her head down a moment, 

"You guys get along well." Sana commented and Hinami nodded, 

"Yeah, they're great, they've really saved me on some of our missions, and in turn I've helped them study, so it's a win win, but also, Anita is the fastest on our team. Geikan's shuriken jutsu needs work, but his firestyle mastery's no joke." Hinami said in return, her arms under her chin as she grinned wide at the twins, who looked back in mild curiosity. 

"Yeah well, you haven't seen one of Hinami's plans. Seriously, she's always three steps ahead of our targets, even if they're cats." Geikan said, Hinami putting a hand behind her head as she laughed, 

"Yeah, even in the academy she was crazy smart ya know." Naruto said in response, 

"I believe it…" Anita said nodded, 

"Oh right, Hinami, we were supposed to tell you to go talk to Airu sensei when you can." Anita said looking over before taking Geikan away leaving the group to hang out, saying their goodbyes to the sand siblings, 

"Your team seems fun." Gaara said and Hinami nodded, 

"Yeah. They're amazing. Our team's forever, no matter what." Hinami said grinning towards Gaara at the mention of her team, her entire demeaner seemed light and almost floaty, 

 The group continued to hang out until Gaara and Sana had to leave with their father and siblings back to the sand village. Sana waving widely as they made to leave the village, Hinami bowing, as she was taught to see off her friends.