
HIMYM: Barney Stinson... but with a Vampire System?!

One night, while on his regular hunting routine, Barney suddenly becomes the hunted... Watch how Barney, the biggest, most Legendary womanizer Amongst mortals, Becomes the ultimate Vampire! This is the true meaning of The Possimpible! (reference to s4 not a typo) this fanfic is only gonna follow some of the tv episodes, updates will not be consistent ,that is unless i see special interest in it...I write this for fun, not gonna entertain toxic people... The target of this fanfic is gonna be a Harem. And there isn't going to be any NTR. I read and take every one of your comments and requests into consideration but I'll make this clear, this is my fic, you want to drop it cause you don't like something, fine by me. I get nothing even if you don't. I don't write this for money or whatever other reason you can think of, but to pass my time in a slightly better way. If it starts being more of a bother, I'm just gonna stop writing and that's it. Hope you enjoy reading it, If you don't, well, all I can probably say is don't ruin it for others... Disclaimer, i don't own the characters and the original plot.

TheDeath_Angel · TV
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Quest Completed

The mechanical voice of the system echoed once more as the Red Tab reappeared.

{Quest Completed - A First Taste Of Blood}

{Objective: Suck blood for the first time}

{Time Left: It really did only depend on how long it would have taken you to die}

{Completion Rating: Calculated Based on possibilities - SS+}

{System Advice: It's random, probably. Figure it out yourself.

Subject - Ratings-Possibilities in Quests: There are several types of ratings for different subjects. In quests, the ratings are from F-G in the following order: F<E<D<C<B<A<S<SS<SSS<L<G. Every level can be further divided with one - and +, creating a wide range of ratings.< p>

Your possibility rating in this quest is based on who you could have sucked blood from realistically given all worldly knowledge within your given time. For example, if you knew how, you could have summoned an ancient mid-tier immortal-demon by sacrificing a certain amount of blood resulting in an SSS value.

Of course, the level of knowledge is also calculated, meaning that if now a mid-tier immortal-demon is worth SSS in your current situation, it won't necessarily be so in the future. An SS+ is extremely hard to achieve; previous users had very rarely shown similar results in the past.}


Active Skill - Vampirization: By biting someone, if you want, you can release a type of venom that exists in your blood and turn the target into a vampire.

Magical item - Daylight Ring (Silver): It allows a vampire to walk under the sun unhindered, nothing else...

Bonus - Active Skill - Appraisal (Gold): Allows the user to see the character information of a target upon touch, can be activated five times a day.}

Barney smiled to himself. He felt like this one could be fun; unfortunately, she was already beat by now, and after losing a few liters of blood, she seemed like she would fall asleep any second.

Kate, still recovering from the unusual encounter, tried to adjust her disheveled appearance and looked at Barney with a mix of confusion and bewilderment. "What just happened?" she asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Barney flashed a charming smile. "You know, Detective, life is full of surprises. Sometimes you just have to roll with it. Now, about that memory of ours..." he trailed off, his eyes glowing faintly as he delved into the newfound power of hypnosis.

Detective Beckett's gaze softened, her confusion giving way to a more relaxed demeanor. "R...Right, a strange medical condition," she mumbled to herself, trying to lose grip of the wall shakily.

Barney nodded, pleased with the success of his hypnotic influence. "Exactly, Detective Beckett. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to find my pants and get on with my night. Thanks for your understanding."

He turned towards the alley, planning on searching for his lost pants when he suddenly heard a clicking sound, and the second cuff closed on Detective Beckett's right hand. "Y...you aren't going anywhere," she said as she threw the key with her shaking left hand, still hitting her target as the key dropped into a nearby dumpster.

Barney turned back to Detective Beckett, an amused expression on his face. He didn't expect that one. "Detective, I think you might be mistaken here. I'm not the one who's going anywhere; you are."

He took a step closer, and the glow in his eyes intensified. "You see, it's been a pleasure, but I've got things to do, and you might want to forget this little encounter." He attempted to use his hypnotic abilities once more, but to his surprise, it seemed to have no effect on Detective Beckett at all this time.

"W...why would I?" she asked, baffled, giving Barney a side glance. As she did her best to pull herself and Barney, who walked behind her unresisting, towards the main street. She seemed to ignore all the people around as she dragged him towards the police interceptor that was parked on the sidewalk.

"N...never mind," he said, though all that ran in his head was 'why is hypnosis not working?!?' This might ruin his plans for the future! He also seemed to ignore the people staring at him as he wore only a messy jacket and a pair of white boxer underwear being dragged by a police detective.

Basically, the whole street was recording this on their cellphones, raising their hands as high as possible so they could take a shot with the flash at the already dimly lit street that was packed with people. It was as if this was some sort of a live show, with everyone with their flashlights shaking from side to side, dancing with the music, though a lot more chaotic than that.

As they reached the car, Kate was about to stick Barney in the backseat only she forgot about the cuffs and was dragged along with him as she fell into Barney's lap.

Barney couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, Detective, this is quite the turn of events. I hope you have a good explanation for all of this," he said as he closed the door, and they were now totally hidden by the dark windows of the police interceptor.

Kate turned red with embarrassment, but she seemed to start blinking heavily as the blood loss was getting to her, making her tired and weak. "y...you won't get away, you won't..."

Kate lost consciousness, her head in Barney's lap. "Great! Just great!" Barney said out loud, letting out his frustration at the skill not working. Thinking he had to avoid such situations in the future, Barney decided to try and make use of his other skills.

{Melanin Control (lvl 0) - can change the eye and hair color of the hosts willingly to a certain degree.}

Mentally wishing to change his hair color to black, a single line of black hair showed at the corner of his hair, and he lost a single Blood Point (BP), now having 1236/1237. He didn't notice it before, but his BP capacity rose a lot after he drank for the first time; he also felt physically stronger.

'Those are probably some of the benefits of drinking higher quality blood,' he thought, but then another question arose in him, 'what made her blood so special?' The system said before that he would have gotten only one rank higher if he drank the blood of an immortal who isn't of the lowest level.

'Sure, she looks good, but that can't be it, can it?' Thinking of this, Barney activated another skill.

{Appraisal (Gold) (lvl 1) - allows the user to see the character information of a target upon touch, can be activated five times a day.}{uses left 4/5}

Character Information:

Name: Katherine Beckett

Level: 3

Species: Human (blessed)


Detective (lvl 7)

Marksman (lvl 8)

Mage (lvl 0)

Abnormal Status: Blood loss

Talents: Deductive Reasoning (Bronze), Divine Protection (Earthly), Fire Element (Diamond), Light Element (Diamond), Tracking (Iron), Meditative Reading (Divine)

Active Skills: None

Passive Skills:Super Regeneration (lvl 0), Mind Resistance (lvl 5), Calm Mind (lvl 4), Fast Reader (lvl 2)

Mana: 0/300

Reading the status, Barney couldn't help but sigh in relief. It's not that the skill wasn't working but that she passively resisted it, but he was also stunned at her talents. To think she had so many of them, and she actually had a divine talent too. When he focused on it, another tab showed up, glowing in a slightly golden light.

Talent - Meditative Reading (Divine): Upon reading a book, the owner of this talent will enter a meditative state in which they could realize the writer's intentions and apply concepts written easily to their own reality. By reading, one can pass all adversities! Divine talent, can only be countered partially by the existing counterpart, Hidden Meanings Stay Hidden (divine).

It was indeed a great talent, Barney sighed at its usefulness. He was about to degrade his own, when suddenly the situation outside came to mind and a smile rose to his lips.

<= ><= ><= ><= ><= ><= >

By now, the crowd had already started to disperse. On the street, a short redhead could be seen holding the phone to her ear as she stared at the police car that Barney had just entered.

bip... bip... bi- The call was answered.

"Lily, what's up? I'm on a date," a whispering voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Ted, you would never believe what I just saw..."

Ted's voice came through the phone, curious and intrigued. "What is it, Lily? You sound excited."

Lily took a deep breath before describing the bizarre scene she had witnessed. "So, there's this guy, practically half-naked, wearing just a messy jacket and white boxers. And get this, he's being dragged into a police car by a female detective. It's like a real-life sitcom or something! And you would never believe who it was..."

"Who?" Ted asked, half expecting the name of some celebrity.

Lily kept silent for a few seconds, trying to create some tension, and then she revealed gleefully "it was Barney!"

Ted's rolling laughter echoed through the phone. "You're joking, right? That sounds too crazy to be true."

"No, I took a picture, I'll send it to-" but as she looked through her phone she couldn't believe what she was seeing, "Barney...?" her eyes widened as she saw the perfect picture of the young blond wearing a slightly disorganized top, looking as if he was posing for some perfume commercial.

Lily stared at her phone screen, still unable to believe her eyes. The picture she had taken of Barney being half-naked, messy jacket and all, now showed him in a perfectly composed and slightly disheveled pose that could easily pass as a magazine cover.

"Ted, you won't believe this! The picture changed! Barney looks like he's posing for GQ or something now!" Lily exclaimed, her confusion growing.

Ted's voice on the other end wavered between amazement and skepticism. "What are you talking about, Lily? Pictures don't just change like that."

"I swear, when I took it, he looked like he was being arrested, and now it looks like and the cop are modeling for some fashion shoot. This is so weird." Lily insisted.

Ted sighed. "Lily, are you sure you're not pranking me? Barney's done crazier things, but this sounds too unreal. Well, I don't have time for this; I'm on a, wait, why are you leaving? I just-" The call was canceled, leaving Lily staring at the police car, which had just left its parking spot.

Looking around, she could see the expressions of several other people change as they seemed to check the photos they had just taken; various exclamations could be heard as a reaction to the weird occurrence.

"How...?" she just stood there, totally dumbfounded.

<= ><= ><= ><= ><= ><= >


Here is another chap, pls VOTE and give me more Power Stones in the future. 

Reminding, If you want you can suggest characters and Anti-hero names for Barney in the comments. 

Also, for those who aren't clear on Barney's personality and character, this is going to be a harem, though he won't chase after the stupid bimbo types, only quality woman, well as the story continues at least... 

If in the end i choose to make him change or whatever... nahhhh, that's not fun, Barney in this story shall be the king of womanizers! 


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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