

In the enigmatic city of Himari, the ruthless and powerful Crime Lord, Kaede Nishihara, holds dominion over her foes with an iron fist. When the Vixen, crosses paths with Kaede, she finds herself entangled in a web of power, control, and brutal consequences. Amidst the shadows of the criminal underworld, Kaede employs her cunning and unyielding nature to enforce her reign. As she pitted her enemies against each other, she proves to be a formidable force, whose grasp extends beyond the reaches of justice. The Vixen, is a vigilante, a woman of strength and defiance. Her resilience in the face of unimaginable torment captures the attention of Kaede, as she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of power and survival.

HaikuAmane · Urban
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

C12: The Abductions (Part 3)

Kaede sat across from Officer Takahashi, her eyes filled with both seduction and intimidation. "Tell me, are you the Vixen?"

Takahashi flinched, her eyes wide. "No, I'm not."

Kaede leaned forward, her voice low. "Don't lie to me. I can make this easy for you, or I can make it very difficult."

Takahashi's eyes flickered to Kaede's body, her heart pounding. "I'm... I'm not the Vixen."

Kaede smiled, her eyes filled with desire. "You're lying."

She stood, her movements fluid and confident. "Take off your clothes."

Takahashi froze, her eyes wide. "What?"

Kaede's eyes locked with hers, her voice soft but firm. "Do it."

Takahashi hesitated, her heart pounding. But she knew better than to disobey.

As she undressed, Kaede's gaze lingered on her body, her mind already planning the next move.

"Now, tell me again. Are you the Vixen?"

Takahashi shook her head, her voice shaking. "No, I'm not."

Kaede's eyes flickered to her lips, her heart pounding. "Are you sure?"

She stepped closer, her hands brushing against Takahashi's skin. "I can make this hurt."

Takahashi's eyes met hers, her expression terrified. "I'm not the Vixen," she whispered.

Kaede's lips trailed down Takahashi's neck, her touch gentle but firm. "You know what I'm capable of, don't you?"

Takahashi shivered, her heart pounding. "Yes."

Kaede's hand moved lower, her fingers tracing the outline of Takahashi's breasts. "Then tell me the truth."

Takahashi's eyes met hers, her voice trembling. "I'm not the Vixen."

Kaede's lips brushed against her collarbone, her touch slow and deliberate. "Are you sure?"

She moved lower, her fingers tracing Takahashi's stomach, her touch sending shivers down her spine.

Takahashi's breath hitched, her heart pounding. "Yes."

Kaede's lips reached her stomach, her gaze locked with Takahashi's. "Swear it."

Takahashi's eyes met hers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I swear."

Kaede stood, her eyes filled with satisfaction. "I hope you're telling the truth."

She turned, her movements fluid and confident. "If you lie to me again, I won't be as gentle."

As Takahashi watched her leave, she couldn't help but feel both relief and terror. Kaede was dangerous, but she also had a seductive side that was hard to resist.

She knew she couldn't escape her grasp, not without telling the truth, multiple times. And she hoped that she hadn't made a mistake.

As the door closed, Takahashi's heart pounded, her mind filled with thoughts of what might have happened if she had lied.

Kaede was a force to be reckoned with, and she knew it. But for now, she was safe. For now.

Zhang and Chen entered Kaede's room, their eyes immediately drawn to her. She was lounging on the bed, her body a vision of perfection.

"Well Madam Nishihara?" Zhang asked, his voice low. "Who do you think is the Vixen?"

Kaede's eyes met his, her expression cool. "None of them."

Chen's eyes widened, his heart pounding. "What? Why not?"

She sat up, her eyes filled with confidence. "None of them had the right number of scars."

Zhang's eyes widened. "Scars?"

Kaede nodded, her voice calm. "The Vixen is a fighter. Surely she's been through a lot. If anyone were her, they'd have quite a few scars on thier body don't you think?"

Chen's eyes met hers, his heart pounding. "Anything else?"

She shrugged, her expression thoughtful. "They were all scared to death the moment they saw me."

Zhang's eyes narrowed. "So, we still don't know who she is?"

Kaede shook her head, her voice low. "Not yet."

Chen couldn't help but think about the women they'd kidnapped. They were all scared, but none of them seemed to fit the profile.

He sat down, his heart pounding. "What now?"

Kaede stood, her movements fluid and confident. "We keep looking, there are still 3 cops remaining, no?."

As she left the room, Zhang and Chen stared after her, their minds racing. They knew she was right.

They would keep searching, and they would find the Vixen. But for now, they had to trust Kaede's instincts.

As Chen watched her leave, he couldn't help but admire her. She was determined, and she knew what she was doing.

He hoped that soon, they would find the Vixen, and put an end to the chaos.

Until then, they would follow Kaede's lead, no matter what it took. They knew she was a force to be reckoned with, and they trusted her instincts.

Fujiko entered a bar, her eyes scanning the crowded room. This was where the mafia and crime lords often hung out.

She approached the bartender, her voice low. "A drink, please."

He handed her a glass, his eyes lingering on her body. "You're new here."

She smiled, her eyes filled with desire. "I'm looking for information."

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze locked with hers. "What kind of information?"

Fujiko leaned in, her voice low. "I want to know about the recent disappearance of female cops."

His eyes widened, his heart pounding. "I can help you with that."

She tilted her head, her eyes filled with curiosity. "How?"

He leaned in, his voice low. "But there's a price."

Fujiko's heart pounded, but she kept her composure. "Name it."

He glanced around, his eyes filled with lust. "I want to fuck you."

Fujiko's eyes met his, her expression calm. "I'll pay you."

He shook his head, his voice firm. "Not enough."

She sighed, her heart pounding. "Alright, what do you want?"

He grinned, his eyes filled with desire. "I want to fuck you to the fullest."

Fujiko's eyes widened, her heart pounding. "You're sure you have the info?"

He nodded, his hands finding their way to her waist. "I do."

She hesitated, her mind racing. She needed the info, but she also needed to be careful.

"Alright," she whispered, her heart pounding. "But empty the bar first."

He grinned, his hands sliding under her shirt. "Of course."

As the bartender cleared the bar, Fujiko couldn't help but think about what she was doing. But she needed the info.

The bartender pulled Fujiko close, his hands exploring her body. She could feel his erection pressing against her, his desire evident.

"I have the info you want," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.

Fujiko nodded, her heart pounding. "Let's do this."

He led her to the back room, his movements confident. As the door closed, Fujiko felt a wave of nervousness wash over her.

He pushed her against the wall, his lips crushing against hers. Their bodies pressed together, their desire overwhelming.

His hands moved lower, his fingers tracing the outline of her jeans. Fujiko's heart pounded, her mind filled with anticipation.

"Tell me the info," she whispered, her lips brushing against his.

He grinned, his hands unzipping her jeans. "I have it all."

Fujiko's heart pounded, her breathing shallow. "Then just fucking tell me."

He pushed her jeans down, his eyes filled with lust. "There's a couple of men... they're behind the kidnappings."

Fujiko's eyes widened, her heart pounding. "Who?"

He paused, his eyes locked with hers. "I don't know their names, but they frequent this place."

Fujiko's heart pounded, her mind racing. She needed more info, but she also needed to focus.

He pushed her against the table, his movements rough. "Tell me their names."

He hesitated, his eyes filled with desire. "I don't know."

Fujiko's eyes met his, her voice low. "You better not be lying."

He thrust into her, his movements slow and deliberate. "I'm not."

As he moved inside her, Fujiko couldn't help but think about the info he'd given her. It was a start, but it wasn't enough.

The bartender thrust into her, his movements rough and urgent. Fujiko's heart pounded, her mind filled with thoughts of the case.

"Who are they?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

He groaned, his hands gripping her hips. "I don't know their faces."

Fujiko's eyes met his, her heart pounding. "What do they look like?"

He paused, his movements slowing. "Big, strong."

She gasped, her heart pounding. "That's it?"

He thrust into her, his eyes locked with hers. "I'm sorry."

Fujiko's eyes widened, her heart pounding. "You'd better not be lying."

He groaned, his movements rough. "Well, now that I recall, I guess I do know there names, they are quite popular afterall."

As he moved inside her, Fujiko's heart pounded. She needed more info, but she also needed to enjoy the ride.

He thrust faster, his hands gripping her tighter. Fujiko's mind filled with a mix of desire and frustration.

She needed answers, but she also needed release. And she decided to take what she could get.

As he reached his climax, Fujiko allowed herself to be swept away. She needed this, and she wasn't going to deny herself.

She closed her eyes, her heart pounding. This was just the beginning. She would find the culprits, no matter what it took.

As the bartender pulled out of her and stood, Fujiko's eyes followed him. She was still filled with desire, but she needed the info.

"Their names," she whispered, her voice low.

He grinned, his eyes filled with lust. "Zhang Xingwei and Chen Kaiteng."

Fujiko's eyes widened, her heart pounding. "You're a man of your words."

He nodded, his movements confident. "They're both infamous crime lords."

As he zipped her jeans, Fujiko couldn't help but think about what she'd just done. She'd traded sex for information, but it was worth it.

He led her back to the bar, his hands still gripping her waist. Fujiko's mind filled with thoughts of the search ahead.

Zhang Xingwei and Chen Kaiteng were her targets now, and she would find them. No matter what it took, she would bring them down.

As she walked out, Fujiko's heart pounded. She was ready to face whatever came next, armed with the info she'd acquired.

And as the door closed behind her, Fujiko knew she had what she needed to continue. The search would continue, and she would find the ones responsible.