
Her ( part : 2 )

Episode : 2

" what ? do u like me or smthng ? "

" what do u want " I asked

" I want to know more about you , you much interesting than i thought "

" You thought ? what are you ? A stalker or something ? " I asked

" Thats ..... for you to guess "

Why is she so calm even after everything she saw ? She won't snitch I know that but still this is so confusing ..... yet exciting .

I checked my watch .....

Lunchbreak will be over in 3 minutes , Kids will be here in some time what should i do ? Ahhh i have an idea .

When kids came to the classroom , what they saw was avalon sitting on the ground with her swollen left cheek and blood on her lips .

Before 3 minutes :

I slapped myself and sat on the ground , now those muppets would think that i was being bullied .....

" Ha , you are smart for a middle schooler"

" You are not that old too are you ? "

" Second year of middle school "

" Name ? "

" Isabella and we are friends now "

" Don't jump to conclusions yet "

" Yet ? means i have a chance "

" We will see about that "

After 3 minutes :

" She is hurt "

" Should we help her "

" No she is so weird "

" She deserves it "

" Look at her , she still has no fear in her eyes "

" Hey , lets just leave her alone "

Muppets they are all whispering right infront of me like i can't hear them ...

Isabella looked at them with an emotionless expression ....

Yeah as expected , no one even dared to look at her in the eyes they all just ignored us like we didn't exist ....

Isabella looked at me and smirked , I had an emotionless face as always and she left the classroom .....

" Hahahahahaha , Avaloser gets what she deserves "

Yea okay , lame

" L , Avalon "

" Hey , shh teachers are coming "

Do they realize that if I tell the teacher , they can all get suspended , but i guess they think of me as a pushover ... I thought while sitting on my chair and wiping off the blood .....

Well them thinking of me as some pushover is always exciting , I can have more fun that way .....

After 3 hours :


I was walking in the school halls and suddenly i heard footsteps behind my back , I turned back and it was ...

Isabella , what did i even expect ... well who cares as long as I can have fun .

" Hey , Do u wanna bully kids together "

" What is this , a purposal or a threat "

" Depends on the way you take it "

" Threat "

" Negative , i like it "

I stopped and looked at her with a serious expression

" What do you want ? "

" I want to be your friend "

Isabella said but there wasn't any sincerity in it , Is she pitying me ? because I don't have any friends ? I got angry and said ....

" Don't pity me , i can ruin your pretty little face " with a smirk ...

Silence , there was nothing but silence in the halls .....

She can get scared so easily just like other kids , waste of a pretty face .....

As i was about to leave , I heard a loud laugh

" Hahahahahhaha , you are much clever than I thought , you didn't lose your control even though you were angry "

What ? was she testing me ? In

Interesting ...

" What do u actually want "

" You and me becoming a team "

What ? even after she saw me hitting other kids ? She truly is a mystery ...