
Thief Masumi Kamuro

In desperation, Hikigaya decided to brew max coffee.

It's not as good as the original, but it's better than nothing and just in time to get groceries and dinner.

There are several mini-markets on the school grounds, probably because the special educational building itself is relatively far away, and the mini-markets located next to this building are also not very popular, unlike other places where there are queues.

After walking around, Hikigaya found that the convenience stores were no different from the usual ones in the market, and the types and prices of goods were similar.

Only one place is different.

"is free...?"

Yes, regular stores will not have this free item.

In the area, essentials such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower gel, and some groceries are placed in carts with free signs marked "up to three times a month", and this appears to have been done to prevent them all from being stolen.

At first glance, it is difficult to understand, because the school has already issued 100,000 points, if not enough, then this is the problem of the student himself, and there is no need to worry about it.

However, if "it's a relief for students who waste too many credits" as "it's a grace for students who don't have credits due to pay cuts", then anything unreasonable makes sense.

Hikigaya guessed that 100,000 points were not given out every month, in fact Chabashira's teacher didn't say that 100,000 points would be given out every month, and the school would definitely find different reasons to withdraw them.

-Since you don't have to worry about points, you can spend whatever you want, so there's no need to save.

There are definitely not a few first-year students with such naive ideas, at least there are many fools who are simple-hearted and not in control of themselves, like class D, in which Hikigaya studies.

Maybe the school just wanted to give these guys a shocking education, so they deliberately didn't talk about it, but only gave various hints.

"Anyway, for the sake of insurance, let's take the free one first."

Hikigaya Hachiman has never been a person who spends money indiscriminately, he has always had very little pocket money, and has long been accustomed to careful budgeting, and these free items seem to sell well.

Of course, to be precise, he didn't understand it at all.

He is a big man who cares about the brand of shower gel or shampoo.

At home I use what my mother gives, I don't pay much attention to it, besides, it's healthy to eat, not to mention that it's free.

After that, Hikigaya went to buy laundry, and most importantly, the necessary materials for making max coffee.

A large can of instant coffee also comes with milk, sugar and condensed milk.

However, how sweet.

As for the fried chicken bento for dinner, he doesn't like going to crowded places like the cafeteria, so eating at home is the most reassuring.

Although he can cook himself, Hikigaya's cooking level is quite good. Since his parents often work overtime and don't come home, he always cooked dinner and bento for Komachi, but if he's alone, I feel like I can't mention it.

Moreover, for cooking, you have to not only buy ingredients, but also prepare seasonings and utensils, which is too troublesome.

Let's wait until the chance comes later.

That's it, go check it out.

As soon as Hikigaya walked to the checkout with goods, he suddenly found a female student nearby, who looked around unnaturally.

It was a purple-haired girl with a ponytail gathered to the side, and she looked very capable.

...Hey, are you stealing something?

Hikigaya isn't a police officer or a shopkeeper, so there's no reason to stop others from stealing, and this isn't the first time he's encountered a theft scene.

Remembering the past experience, Hikigaya felt so ashamed that he wanted to die.

Apparently, he plucked up the courage to take a step forward to stop the other side, but he was outright ignored, and even later, those around him considered him a suspicious person, leaving a painful black history.

Thinking about it, it was probably misunderstood as a conversation?

However, if this girl is caught inactive...

It's okay if you don't hear this, but this is a closed school. If a student is expelled for stealing, even if Hikigaya has no friends, the news will most likely reach his ears.

At this time, his heart will definitely be uncomfortable.

So not for others, not for others, purely for yourself.

At that moment, the purple-haired girl looked around, and just as she was about to put the beer in her bag, Hikigaya hurriedly grabbed the shower gel bottle and pushed it towards her.

"Ah, wait a minute!"


Hearing the movement, the interlocutor was so frightened that he immediately put the beer, which they were going to put in the bag, back on the shelf.

Oh, fortunately caught up, almost left.

"Sorry, I accidentally slipped."

Hikigaya pretended not to know anything, walked over apologetically and wanted to pick it up, but she didn't expect the purple-haired girl to take the initiative to pick up the item that had fallen on the ground and impatiently handed it over.

"Be careful next time."

HM? Did you pick it for me?

I remember once Hikigaya really accidentally dropped something, and it also fell next to the girl.

As a result, after the other party glanced at him, she not only openly clicked, but also rolled her eyes.

"Um, thanks," Hikigaya took the shower gel, but his eyes turned to the upper right corner, "And you should be careful too…they are looking at you."


This is a small camera hidden in a corner that is usually hard to see.

The purple-haired girl was surprised when she heard this and subconsciously followed Hikigaya's gaze.

Taking advantage of his time to confirm, Hikigaya quickly walked to the checkout and hurriedly left after finishing the count.

"Oh, I haven't talked to strangers in a long time, I'm so nervous."

After leaving the store, Hikigaya finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he was only now correctly understood, otherwise there would have been another one added to the black story.

"Hey wait."

At that moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

Hikigaya didn't look back, and he didn't know anyone here, so he couldn't call him.

Or come back earlier, huh? !

Just as he was about to leave, someone suddenly grabbed his collar from behind, and the collar caught on his neck, causing him to make a strange sound.

"Didn't I tell you to wait?"

Looking back, I saw that the reservist who had just stolen something was standing with one hand on his hip, looking like he was in a bad mood.

Wow... I'm so annoying, it's because I'm very unhappy about being disturbed, so you came to disturb me?

- So what happened? Hikigaya Hachiman asked weakly.

"I'm obviously calling you, why are you ignoring me?"

"No, I don't call hello..."

Hearing Hikigaya's sophism, the other side seemed very stunned and only shook their head after a long time.

"Forget it, my name is Masumi Kamuro, what about you?"

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