
Hikigaya’s Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

Hachiman goes to Advanced Nurturing High School, a pessimistic, broken, but different boy from his home series. Come and see how he adapts! Semi-OC, half inspired by Hikigaya Hachiman.

12thirtypain03 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Book Buddy, and Perhaps More.

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person." – Gloria Steinem

Shiina's POV

The daily life of what was supposed to be one of the best and highest funded Senior High Schools in Japan seemed to be ideal for every student.

Karaoke bars, the gym, swimming pool, a mall, and a library and more, it seemed like ANHS had it all.

But alas, even if it seems it has it all, does it truly?

Just like every school, it always supports the mass opinion. It really only looks at the picture of what most students do.

Not everyone.

For Shiina, she felt like she was a minority.

Not in ethnicity or anything, but rather, in the kind of person she was.

Among the female population, she didn't feel like she was "girly," enough. She'd never had the experiences many of the girls she'd been around had. Even when she was younger, she would rather read a book rather than hang out with other girls and see their shenanigans.

Almost to a point where Shiina never knew. Did she like books because other girls and boys didn't see her as girly enough, or was she not seen as girl enough, so she found an interest in reading books?


That was often the term Shiina would hear when being described. While Shiina wasn't really the type to show emotions to people who were strangers to her, and especially to people whom didn't have similar hobbies or interests as her, she knew what it was, and how it reflected an overall opinion of her.

She didn't fit the picture of a girl, or at least the kind of girl accepted by society. She was more introverted, quieter, more into books rather than typical girl things that Shiina didn't even know about.

When she went into Junior High, nothing changed. Shiina was just the shy tomboy girl who just stuck to herself reading books in her free time. Even her parents worried for her, wanting Shiina to "grow out of her shell."

Sometimes she was told she just needed to take a step or be pushed into somewhere before she would realize how much she enjoys it.

But that didn't work out. When she went out to karaoke with some girls she had gained the courage to ask to join, she was too nervous to sing.

And don't get Shiina started on the outings heavily involving sports. Shiina almost passed out from exhaustion due to how unathletic she was.

When she went with girls and would talk about romance, Shiina knew nothing and instead remained quiet. Eventually, she had gone home after that outing feeling empty and nothing. She didn't really enjoy what she was involved in, and so she stuck to reading and imagining the plots of stories.

Sure, she may have been a bit dissociated, but she wasn't nothing. She was smart in her studies after all.

She could handle herself just fine. In the meantime, when she finished Junior High, she obviously went to ANHS. She was excited to start a new journey. She thought such a prestige senior high would be filled with seriously educated and academically focused people like her.

Oh, how she was wrong.

The class she was in were filled with the variation of troublemakers, to athletic jocks, to the average individual, to even the perverts.

Just like any typical school.

Suddenly, Shiina felt somewhat sad, especially considering how she was never given any chance to befriend anyone.

Nobody in her class liked books, and so she became the minority there. Even Kakeru had decided to leave Shiina alone, seeing her as more useful when she was given her space. This made Shiina somewhat upset, merely because it disallowed her from making friends as Kakeru surrounded himself with people loyal to him.

Through it all, Shiina didn't find herself getting alone well with many people in Class 1-C. Many were either jock-like, pervious, or rallied around Kakeru to see the time in acknowledging or befriending Shiina.

Therefore, she was only given the freedom to be by herself, ironically.

She spent most of her time in the library studying the material or reading the vast array of books the library provided.

If anything, the library made Shiina happy. It had so many books for her to read that she pretty much wanted to live in the library. If not for it closing at 8pm, Shiina would sleep on the couch of the library if needed.

Regardless, Shiina at least had one positive upside to her current standing in the class and school. But it wasn't enough for her, as the core issues she had long been dealing with remained, and she had yet to really speak to someone whom she wanted to speak with.

Sure, she's spoken to many people in Class 1-C, including Kakeru, Albert, and Ibuki, but they were more like them implementing rules and wanting Shiina to do some academic related stuff for them.

It was pretty forced, and Shiina knew it.

Even the people in the library never really used the books, only if they were working, and the few who did were far and in between, or were older.

Although, Shiina had managed to do one thing, and that was join a club. A tea club. Sure, it was small, but Shiina felt she was giving herself some image by doing so, which was something she wanted.

She wanted to feel, "girly."

Throughout her time in the library however, she would sometimes see a boy her age. He seemed of above average height, a bit of a slouch posture, with messy black hair, and some unique eyes that Shiina had never seen before.

She had begun seeing him around a week when school began, and after Shiina discovered the large amount of books in the library, and becoming addicted to the area, she noted that this individual was the only other one who would be in the library as frequently as she was.

"Maybe he's someone who also likes books… Maybe I should try and speak to him…"

It was the first time Shiina had felt something inside her. She wanted to speak to this person.

Therefore, when said individual came nearby, placing a book that could be argued to either go in a romance or mystery genre, Shiina took the opportunity to start a conversation.

"Wouldn't that book be considered a romance?" Shiina had asked the boy, which was enough as he turned around to face her.

And that was how their little conversation began, from debating about the primary genre of a book, to then speaking on a philosophical one, to then even accepting to trade books so then they could speak on more.

For Shiina, it was a big win. She had managed to speak to someone, who reciprocated her interest in books and reading.

She felt content, as the muscles on her lower jaw and mouth began to slowly form up. She was smiling because she finally found someone who understood and had similar likes to her. She hadn't found herself truly smiling for quite a while, but this individual had managed to.

Saying goodbye to the male, as he exited the elevator for his dorm, Shiina held the book the boy had given to her on her chest, because she felt it was more active from the excitement she was feeling.

The excitement that Shiina might have gotten a friend who she could hopefully be normal with. She could finally experience what it was like to be friends with someone who also had similar likes as she did.

It felt like she had finally found someone in this world of a majority opinion.

Shina was so excited that she began to read the book the boy had given her. It was philosophical, but more historical in Japanese. Shiina didn't mind it one bit. She was fine with these books, and before long she fell asleep reading the book.

Unbeknownst to her that the very individual had been interested due to having a completely new book to read.

However, before Shiina had fallen asleep, she pouted a bit, realizing she had forgotten to get the name of the new individual she had traded books with.

She blushed a bit at the small mistake she made, but she knew she had to get his contact at least so that this boy would truly become her friend.

Shiina smiled to herself as she fell asleep, trying to calm down her excitement.

She was excited, but she was a bit airheaded and aloof, so she hoped she didn't come across as too blunt.

Regardless, Shiina knew that if she stuck to her reasons, then she would be fine with this new friend.

By the time Shiina woke up, she had already gotten up and went to the library. It was almost 9am on a Saturday, and Shiina was waiting for the library to open, mainly so that she could wait for the boy who had gotten her so excited.

To her mild surprise, the boy did arrive early as well.

And immediately after that, she approached the boy, feeling a small smile forming on her from the contentment, as she brought out her phone.

"I'm so sorry, but I had realized before that we hadn't gotten each other's contacts." Shiina explained to the boy, who nodded.

"I had made the same mistake as well, so it's fine." It went pretty smoothly, as the boy and Shiina had given each other their contacts, making them friends, in the eyes of Shiina.

"My first friend…" Shiina smiled before she turned to the boy.

"My name's Hiyori Shiina." Shiina introduced herself formally to the boy, "A member of the Tea Club, and also in Class 1-C."

"Hikigaya Hachiman, from Class 1-D. No club affiliations, however I like frequenting and working for the library."

"Hikigaya Hachiman, huh? From Class 1-D? Wasn't Ryuuen planning something for that class?" Shiina asked herself before she shook it off.

"So, Hikigaya, how did you enjoy the book I gave you?" Shiina asked, silently hoping Hachiman had read some of it.

And sure enough, he did.

Hachiman brought out the book and began, "Well, I got around 30 or so pages in, before I fell asleep. The first three chapters seemed alright, although the philosophical question of virtues and vices did hit me off guard. Wouldn't you argue that these can be highly context base?"

Shiina looked on, her eyes sparkling as Hachiman had indeed read some of the books she recommended. None of her other, 'friends,' would read it, as they would give half lazy answers,

Hachiman was not only giving an answer, but he was debating and questioning it.

Shiina nodded, "Of course, but they are on a spectrum to deficit to surplus. Virtues are the balance."

Hachiman hummed as he placed a hand on his cheek, "I can definitely see that." He commented.

To the surprise of Shiina, Hachiman had nodded to the library lady who seemed happy to see Hachiman.

Hachiman nodded at the lady as if he was following her orders.

"Sorry Hiyori, but Nagamine wants me to quickly place some displaced books back, is that fine?" Hachiman asked Shiina, as she nodded.

"Can I help you?" Shiina asked.

Hachiman shook his head, "You don't need to, just continue with the book I gave you." He explained. Shiina nodded as she sat down on one of the comfortable ball chair, as she opened the book and continued reading.

It was… different from the kind of books Shiina would read, but it wasn't bad.

It got the visual part of her brain working, imagining, almost so that Shiina hadn't realized three hours had passed until she felt her stomach grumbling.

She turned to see where Hachiman went, only to see him speaking to the lady once again. The lady smiled at Hachiman, insisting that he went somewhere, whilst Hachiman clearly relented, for some reason.

Eventually, Hachiman nodded, and approached Shiina, who tuned to him, "Did something happen?"

Hachiman shook his head, "Nagamine told me that I could take a half hour break and get some lunch."

Shiina nodded, "I am feeling hungry, do you want to go to lunch together?"

For some reason, Hachiman seemed to react a bit surprised, stumbling on his words for a bit before he took a breathe and sighed. "Sure, if you want. But you will pay for your own meal."

Shiina nodded, "That is fine by me." She explained, although she wanted to give Hachiman something else.

"What if we pay for something and we give each other the beverage we give?" Shiina asked curiously. Hachiman for his part looked conflicted.

"Uh, maybe next time?" Hachiman proposed to which Shiina nodded.

"That's fine. Lunch with Hikigaya will be fun." Shiina merely stated as she and Hachiman got some lunch before they sat down on a nearby cafeteria table. Hachiman had chosen to sit at the back seats of the cafeteria, where Shiina noted it would be difficult for people to see them.

Also, it confused Shiina, but why did Hachiman look so surprised when she sat right next to him?

Regardless, Shiina then pulled out the book, and then spoke on what she thought of the first couple of chapters on the book.

Hachiman listened closely, clearly considering what Shiina was saying.

Hachiman nodded, "Right, and also did you catch the small detail regarding how he pulled out his words, implying how important the meaning of words in a sentence means?"

Shiina's eyes widened as if she was surprised Hachiman was anticipating what she would say and she eagerly nodded, "I know! It's almost poetic, like a haiku in the middle of such a critical point from what I can see!"

Hachiman gave a curt nod of approval as he chowed down on some soup he ordered. Shiina herself had gotten herself a burger as she nodded looked more at Hachiman.

His eyes looking like a dead fish was honestly fine with Shiina. There was nothing bad about Hachiman based on what she could see. If anything he seemed rather withdrawn which made her feel she could relate to Hachiman on a similar basis.

"It's explicitly meant to be poetic. Shows how you can put a bit of an imagination into artistic and poetic styles, and it can still be as powerful as a full fledged historical or philosophical story."

Shiina excited, responded, "I know. I can see that. Perhaps on our next switch you can recommend me a more action-based book?"

Hachiman nodded, "I can certainly hook you up with that."

Shiina sighed in relief and content at Hachiman's seeming ease at her request. "Thank you so much, Hikigaya. Is there any kind of book you would want me to give you?"

Hachiman seemed to ponder for a bit before he answered, "I think I would like a change like the book you gave me. The philosophy of those I found were very interesting, and even if controversial, it's definitely a brain exercise."

Shiina nodded eagerly as she had already planned a book to give Hachiman later on.

Eventually, Shiina then asked Hachiman a question she had been wondering. "Do you work at the library?"

Hachiman seemed a bit surprised by that question, as if he hadn't anticipated the question. "Why do you want to know?" He asked rather confused, a surprising deceit mixed with a bit of awkwardness if Shiina processed carefully.

Shiina shrugged, "If Hikigaya works at the library, then it'll be easier for me and you to meet and continue to discuss books! Besides the time I must go to my club." Shiina explained, a hopeful looks on her face that Hachiman could tell was a question of acceptance.

Hachiman sighed, "Yes, I do work at the library, I get paid private points for organizing and placing books in their appropriate place. And yes, I wouldn't find speaking to you about books and their contents."

Shiina gave Hachiman a genuine smile. She was beaming with excitement and content right now, as she seemed to have finally found someone who was willing to hear the kinds of stuff she liked. Even if she wasn't "girl-like," she was glad that someone regardless found her interesting enough to hear her.

For Hachiman, he too nodded, clearly fine, and maybe a bit content with the fact Shiina wasn't thinking malicious about the fact that Hachiman was working in the library despite the fact he was a student, and instead was glad Shiina was just asking because it made her feel that Hachiman would be available for her so that they could talk frequently.

He wasn't necessarily excited about speaking to Shiina constantly, but considering it was in a quiet environment and Shiina was just lucky enough to remind Hachiman of someone, especially when she beamed and smile, he decided to give it a try.

It went back to the idea that it was easy for people to propose something, but it meant for if they continue with the proposal. Shiina could speak to Hachiman constantly about what she wants to do later, but it's different if she doesn't show.

For Hachiman, that was what he was expecting. He wasn't expecting people to care for him enough to talk to him that frequently. Sudou, Kikyou, and now Hirata had done this, and Shiina wouldn't be different if she did.

Therefore, he decided to just accept it and see what happens. If Shiina continued, then Hachiman would worry about it then.

But the fact that Shiina had decided to wait until early Saturday morning to talk to Hachiman more made him a bit skeptical. What if Shiina was not like the others, and was committed to speaking to Hachiman about this?

Regardless, Shiina was excited about the fact she had a book buddy and could have a good time with someone, without feeling forced to be around others who didn't know her.

She had come to ANHS to hopefully, excel, and find herself and be content with herself. Sure, it was a bit, but perhaps with Hachiman and their shared interests and comfortable environments, her hope would come true.

And as Shiina continued to eat her food, clearly content that she had a book buddy she could contact both frequently in the library and on her phone, she was beaming and her eyes sprinkled with light at the prospects and hope that maybe, she was a normal girl.

Because that was all she wanted to be.

A normal girl.


Please give me some constructive feedback on whether this is in line with Hiyori Shiina's character, as I want to know if you think I did her character alright. As for Hachiman, he just thinks Shiina will say a lot but not do a lot, just like the others in his class. That's how he feels right now, so while Shiina sees Hachiman as a friend, it doesn't go opposite ways, at least not yet.

As for a question, who do you think Hachiman would be best romantically paired with and why? I have an answer, and before you ask me, no, this will not be a harem. As for love interest, I already have an idea, but I'm curious as to what others think.