
Chapter 4: Family things

On her way home, Evangeline smiled thinking about her day. Like always, at some point she felt left out but that didn't really matter to her.What was her life if at some point in her day something wasn't good. She had a small grin when she thought about a certain new girl. While walking together to the train station, the two fangirled and talked about their k-idols. They have five groups in common being; Kard, Mamamoo, Bts, Ateez and Stray kids.

Evangeline did listened to the other groups but did not stan them. Being the only one liking k-pop in their group of friends, Evangeline hoped that they are going to be close. She sweated as she noticed that she's almost home and let out a sigh. She doesn't want to.

Fortunately, no one was home so she was comfortable taking a long bath and cook something to eat. Her days at home would be like this. The atmosphere was dull and Lonely. It was better than to have anyone present in the house. After eating, she went in what she likes to call,her comfort zone,and did not show any emotions at the sight of her messy room. She needs to clean before they tell her to do anything. Evangeline always wanted to be independent at a young age. So she needs to prove to herself and the others that lives with her that she's responsible enough. After taking all the clothes that was everywhere on the ground, she threw them on the chair behind her door,lazily looking at everything else. The tables on her sides, messy as ever. Instead of cleaning it, she turned on her fan and threw herself on her bed resulting to a loud thump. she took out her phone in her pocket and scrolled through Tiktok, laughing and smiling at times. As fatigue filled her up ad her tired eyes closed, she let go of her phone and immediately let sleep consume her. She did not even try to fight it.

Meanwhile Selene excitedly reach her home to meet her parents. They promised to be here after school. In case shit would goes down. She was impatient to tell her parents about her new friends and how she almost got bullied again. The ride home took thirty minutes and the bus drove rather quickly that expected. Being alone, she created some jokes in her own head and quietly giggled at it. She's an only child and she is going to be a big sister in four months. She was more than happy to get someone to annoy and gossip about her parents. Someone to protect and have a love-hate relationship. She loves her alone time so she will try to keep it. Her friends in her old school had siblings and She saw how her friends hated their siblings. Even though small acts that created a unique bond among them. She hoped that she something as unique as a sibling relationship.

Opening her gate with a big smile, she was stopped by her neighbor's son who was one year older than her. He was oblivious that the younger felt attraction to her own gender. Not that he was ugly or something near that but Selene just wasn't attracted to him. Maybe it was the fuckboy attitude and always sexualizing girls. He was nice to her though. They didn't talk much on social medias.

"Hey Selene!", He was shirtless but that didn't bother her much. Selene was impressed easily and it's not abs that can impress her.

"Hey Jordan. How are you?", be quick I wanna take a F-ING SHOWER YOU DEER. She was aggressively impatient to enter her house.

"I'm fine, how was your first day?", He smiled.

"Ahh! It was pretty great. How was your day?", tell me you need to go right now please for my sake I gotta GO.

"My day just started, I'm going to the gym right now. Today I decided to get out of bed and be productive. I've been glued to my bed for some days now",

"Oh well then bye! Fighting!",

She thanked God and closed the gate quickly to enter her house. Walking on the tiles in the middle of her small garden that had flowers alongside the path. Her mom really liked plants and it was her hobby to plant what she gets whenever she has time.

"Rose?", Selene called her mother by her name. Even if she's close to her mom, she called her by her name. She rarely does and it doesn't bother anyone. When she heard her dad calling her mom like this, she started immitating him and the habit never left.

"I'm here sweetie", Rose answered from the living room.

She looked over the door to see her child removing her shoes and coming in her way. She was watching desperate housewives while having snacks on the table in front of her.

"Heyy winnie", her nickname for her mom. She called her like this because Rose looks like winnie the pooh. With a plump body shape and chubby cheeks. Extremely cute and radiates happiness.

"Hey baby, how was your day at school? Did you make any friends?",

"Mom it was great! I have ..six friends and they are not homophobes",

Rose thought that her little girl now in grade eleven, was an ally of the community. What she was oblivious of ,was that Selene wasn't just an ally. Though Selene showed some signs she was, she preferred having the girl saying it to her face that to think of things.

"Really? That's great sweetie! what's their names?",

"Ah- well, we have Shania and Shaivi ,those two are twins and Rose! Shania is a badass feminists. She lit stood up to a sexist teacher. It was so much fun to watch the teacher lose the argument and Shaivi is really funny", her mom looked at her concerned. Actually she didn't really understand half of the things her daughter rambled but she just knew that a feminist fights for equality so it must be a good thing.


"I met a girl and her name is Evangeline. She likes K-pop, just.like.me. Can you imagine, now I won't fangirl alone like a mad person",

"Nice nice and the rest?",

"Di-dele and juliette and zoe",Selene moved her head while saying their it ,trying to remember the names of her new friends correctly ,"Juliette and Di-Dele are weebs. Rose this is so cool plus, they are Chinese origin", She continued to talk about them.

"Weeb--what? Sweetie what are the words that you are saying? i don't know what that means darling", a very confused rose sat on the couch to listen what her daughter had to explain.

"Weeb Rose. It means that they are anime lovers or... fans. You what that this means right?"

"yes yes. Continue", She would do some researches on that later when she gets time.

"yes and there's Zoe, she's nice!",

She let out a giggle remembering her silly friends. And mostly the laugh of Evangeline was ridiculously horrible and weird. Funny at the same time. The way everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her laughing state and she wouldn't care and laugh more. The little group of friends would watch her with a poker face while she continued to laugh without a sign of stopping soon.

Selene laughed and told her mom about it before going in her room with her school bag. Her room was neat and everything was at its place. She smiled, feeling satisfied looking at it. She then took random clothes that were large and comfy but then took an oversize shirt that she stole from her dad. she then took her underwears, socks and a black beanie. She then tiredly made her way to the bathroom.

She really needed this bath.

Around two hours later when her phone signaled her that her battery is lower, she got out. Her skin soft and freshened but all the dreamy atmosphere around her head disappeared when she remembered she has homeworks. All she wanted to sleep yet her darn homeworks kept her up!




"WHA-- WHY?",







Their mother-daughter relationship was strong and they believed that it will always be like that.

"OH MY DAYS,SHUT UP", Selene's dad screamed then laughed.

Selene ran downstairs to hug her dad and did not wait for him to ask her about the that was asked by everyone today. She told him about every little details. After her work was done, it was dinner time. She took advantage of her parents being calm and telling each other about their day to tell them that she almost got bullied. They looked at her worriedly and she didn't waste time to tell her that she had a savior at the moment.

"The other classes are afraid of my class and my classmates can go to any extent. When i'm with one of them, i've got nothing to fear",

"baby you knw how to fight, don't be afraid to use what you've learnt in use. Okay?",

"You guys don't have to worry. i'll be okay. Promise!",

"We won't", they smiled.