
Chapter 2 biscuits

Lucky for Selene,Evangeline wasn't conservative-- Actually the whole class wasn't conservative. They were actually very open-minded. Selene could not wait to have friends in this class. She has been worried that they judge her for something she can't and doesn't want to change but they are the ones who are exposing sexist!

Just this teacher who was explaining about the bible. Miss Mauritiana-- she's such a pain for the ear,she suddenly started talking about gender roles."girls should be well covered to go out otherwise men won't be be able to control themselves. They should also learn how to cook to please their husbands".

When i tell you selene was quite shocked to see some girls answering to that and not in the way the teacher would like it.

"You're just encouraging mysogynist behaviour which is not acceptable. You want us to be slave of the supposing 'love of our life'?", Selene saw one of the twin girls saying this.

All she could think of was the courage and gut she had. It was truly admirable though.

"This misconduct will not be acceptable! Miss Shania! Do not release your bad influence on the others!",

Every one grimaced at her comment.

However, Shania did not want to end it here. Everyone with common sense knew that this teacher was talking nonsense. The class grew impatient to see the next move of the two enemy.

Shania though, knew that she was right. She was educated- both academically and about things going on around the world. That was a fact. Everyone knew that she was the most educated feminist in the whole grade.

Mauritana in the contrary, was sure that she was right but everybody knew she would use the fact that she is a teacher to try to win the argument.

"Due to the respect i have for you miss Mauritana, you are wrong", All Shania could think of, was that she had no respect for this teacher. Homophobic, transphobic, judging, it was clear that she was against all that and for the sole reason that; it is a sin.

"Miss Clémence, do not disrespect me! I am a teacher! I demand respect from every student here!", everyone bowed their head down and laughed quietly. That was her biggest slang used. She's triggered easily so everyone try to fight her. Even though she gets defensive, she doesn't really take action against them.

"I'm not disrespecting you, I AM stating facts. Where in the holy bible did god say that we needed to be the slave of our husbands!?", Shania deeply wanted to say that men gave her reasons to be lesbian but of course they would call her parents to make a whole drama. She was still in the closet but that doesn't mean she wasn't peeking out of it.

"That's it Clémence detention!",

Shania Clémence. Detention?AGAIN?

Her parents will kill her but meh. For her it wasn't a big deal. Her parents come home late and unless their phone is turned on they wouldn't see their messages but as they always shut it down, it's not a problem. Even if they received the message, they would just give her the look. Eyebrows raised ,eyes rolled, pursed lips then from that it would go to another look. Frowned brows, angry eyes, seperated lips.

Shania rolled her eyes after that. Not worrying about anything.

"See me after class miss Clémence",

With a small grin, thinking she won. For Mauritiana, she won because the student didn't have any power on her sayings. Shania didn't want to battle against someone with this level of stupidity. Detention was nothing to her. Every obstacle was nothing to her when it comes to her community.

"Yeah sure. I'm to hard to resist, ain't i?",

The class erupted in laughter before the triggered teacher tried to shut them up. They decided to return on their business and ignore the teacher's voice. Times to times they listened up to know where it ended. Bible Class with this teacher was hell. How ironic.

Finally the bell rang and some students left the class relieved and happy. They did not have anything against the bible no, but the teacher who explains, read, and talks about it; yes.

Shania took her pack of biscuits and went to the teacher who was waiting for her infront of her desk.

"you want a biscuit?", Shania smiled, she knew that she annoyed the teacher so much. She had so much passion to annoy her. Feminist power fucking trump supporter.

"Miss Clémense, this behaviour of yours cannot continue. If you continue to disrespect your teacher like this, you might get expell", Shania was one step before her,

she will push her down and wipe that fake sympatic smile off her face to replace it with blood. Shania will take pleasure doing this. If Shania gets expelled, every teacher that work with her will be far too happy. That's why she isn't gone from here yet. She's going to make it till the end and make their life as terrible as she can.

"What? A straight 'A' student? For what reason? Nooooo the school would never", She responded dramatically and the voice full of sarcasm.

"Someone defending women rights from someone who believes that getting controled is better", she continued to defend herself as well as women's right,

"where's the disrespect? You just feel triggered because I'm younger and you're older. You just can't handle the fact that someone younger is making you shut up", bitch. The young, raging feminist deeply wanted to continue to roast the teacher infront of her but everything needs limits. Otherwise she's the one who'll be damaged.

The few students in the class was without words. All they wanted to to do was applause her. The new girl was shocked. Never has she witnessed such a scene. The rage in the eyes of the teacher was oddly satisfying. Selene now admired the dark skin girl.

"Yass queen!! Go off", was everything she wanted to scream. She just stopped herself. She better keep the loud part of herself to herself. She better have her in the good side of all teachers.

"Miss Clémence! Enough is enough. Detention for the whole week!",

Shania wanted to roll her eyes. But she smiled keeping in mind that she did something that almost no one could. She hurts the pride of teachers and she just did it with Mauritiana. The annoying, conservative, homophobe trump supporter, bible teacher. Thinking about that her smile gloriously plastered on her face. The teacher wanted nothing but to slap her. She could see it in her eyes.

Mauritiana sighed, took her things and went out of the class. "I'll see you for detention this whole week Clémence",

"DAMNNN GIRLLL", just when Mauritana stepped outside. The class started screaming and praising their classmate.

"I was READYYYY TO SLAP HER WITH MY WORDSS", of course she was. When was she not.

After that she immediately left to meet the new girl. "Hey Selene, I'm shania".

"Hey Shania! nice to meet you", a genuine smile made it's way to Selene's face.

"same here. I see a lot of rainbows on you. Part of the community, supporting the community or you just like rainbows?" ,Shania's lips turned upward. Her cheekbones were seen and her two front teeth were seen. Her eyes turned small as she bowed her face down. Making her face look creepy yet mischievously playful.

"Well.. I", unlabel, bisexual or lesbian.

"Well I'm part of it", she continued, "one day I'm bisexual, other days I'm lesbian. I think I'm unlabel actualy",

Shania and her twin who joined the conversation laughed at how relatable that was. Selene spent months trying to figure out her sexuality. She was in a real confusion that time. She's still figuring out to be honest. So she clarify herself as unlabel because it's damn difficult.

"What's your taste in music?", To know if this girl was going to be a good friend. Shania had to know what's her tastes.

"Starts with 1D and ends with k-pop".

Everyone around her yelled some positive answer.



Shania and her twin Shaivi, screamed.

"YOU LIKE K-POP?I DO TOO", Evangeline suddenly screamed louder than everyone.

"of course i do!!",

"Selene! here's your biscuits. We are FRIENDS", Shania proposed.

The girls were so excited and Selene was happy that her first day at school was better than she imagined. She happily awaits for the rest of the day.