
Highschool zombies

Isaac_Adjei_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The beginning

Ryuichi's anguished cry pierced the air as he

stood atop the school roof, his rage boiling over.

"I hate this world.

I hate this school.

I hate this life.

I hate everything, everything, everything!"

God Damn everything!!!!!

"His voice echoed across the roof top

"He felt a surge of intense pain in his heart."

With his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky, his fists clenched in impotent fury.

"She's right... I'm just a pathetic loser," he muttered bitterly, The memory of his humiliation burned in his mind,I couldn't do anything. I couldn't fight back."

He retreated to the rooftop cabin, shutting himself away from the world below.

Despite his anger, Ryuichi was still weak.

Collapsing to the floor, he surrendered to his tears, his sobs echoing in the empty confines of the cabin. In that moment of vulnerability, he felt utterly lost, consumed by the darkness of his own despair.

A hour Later

Ryuichi's phone vibrated persistently in his pocket, but he ignored it. He didn't want any disturbance; he wanted to be alone like he always had been.

But the repeated buzzing finally compelled him to check.

"What the heck does the person want?"

Ryuichi lifted up his head and wiped his tears. To his surprise, it was his mom calling. She usually didn't call him because of her busy job.

"Mom?" Ryuichi answered, his concern evident in his voice."Ryuichi, where are you?" Haruki's voice came through the phone, frantic and urgent.

"I'm at school. What's wrong, Mom? Are you okay?" Ryuichi asked, his worry mounting as he heard the strain in his mother's voice."I don't have time to explain.

Kelvin is on his way to pick you up. Get out of there as soon as possible," Haruki urged, her words punctuated by the sound of a weak phone connection.

"Mom, I'm scared. What's happening?" Ryuichi's voice trembled with fear and uncertainty.

"I know, Ryuichi. Just trust me and get to safety," Haruki replied, her voice breaking with emotion before the call abruptly disconnected, leaving Ryuichi with a sense of unease and dread.

As Ryuichi stepped outside, he was met with a scene straight out of a nightmare.His expectations shattered like glass against concrete.

The once bustling city streets were now a chaotic mess of destruction and mayhem that left him paralyzed with shock and disbelief.

Cars lay abandoned and overturned, some engulfed in flames, while others sat on the edge of collapsed buildings. Smoke billowed into the sky, darkening the horizon and blotting out the sun.

Sirens wailed mournfully in the distance.

Screams echoed through the air as panicked civilians ran in every direction, desperately seeking safety in the chaos.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and burning debris, stinging Ryuichi's nostrils and making it difficult to breathe

Buildings, once symbols of prosperity and progress, now crumbled and destroyed, their windows shattered and facades torn apart by the relentless onslaught.

And above it all, a chilling sight greeted Ryuichi's eyes. A formation of five military Air Force helicopters thundered through the sky, their rotors slicing through the air with a deafening roar.

He could see soldiers armed with military-grade weapons, poised and ready for battle, as they flew towards the heart of the chaos.

In another helicopter, a family huddled together, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Among them was a man wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress often worn by Arab royals.

They seemed to be an elite family, desperate to escape the nightmare unfolding below.Nothing made sense.

Just moments ago, the city had been normal, with people going about their daily lives. Now, it was a scene straight out of a disaster movie, a surreal nightmare come to life.

Ryuichi's heart hammered in his chest, his mind struggling to comprehend the situation.His mother's call echoed in his mind, a beacon of clarity in the chaos.

She must have known what was happening, which is why she had called him.

But as Ryuichi stood there, surrounded by the chaos and destruction, one thing became painfully clear: the world as he knew it would never be the same again.

As Ryuichi rushed down the stairs, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and adrenaline, But as he reached the bottom of the stairs he was suddenly brought to a halt by a sight that froze him in terror.

Before him stood a ugly creature, like something out of a nightmare, Its twisted, malformed limbs moved with unnatural grace as it hungrily tore into the flesh of a student, the sickening sound of tearing flesh and crunching bone filling the air.

Blood coated the walls and pooled on the ground, a gruesome tableau of violence and death.

The creature's jagged teeth glistened in the dim light, stained crimson with the blood of its victim. It tore at the flesh with savage hunger, its movements frenzied and primal.

Ryuichi's mind reeled in horror as he struggled to comprehend the nightmare unfolding before him. What the hell is going is on in this world, and how had it come to be in his school?

Before he could process his thoughts, the creature raised its head and let out a deafening roar that echoed through the corridors, sending shivers down Ryuichi's spine.

In that moment, he knew one thing for certain: he had to get out of there, and fast.

Ryuichi rushed back up the stairs to the rooftop, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to process what he had just witnessed.

The creature below began sniffing the air like an angry wolf, its senses honed in on Ryuichi's presence.

With a fierce roar, it charged after him, its monstrous form causing Ryuichi to tremble with fear as he fled up the stairs.

"What the heck?" Ryuichi muttered, his entire body shaking as he heard the creature's footsteps thundering behind him.

He could feel his heart pounding against his chest, the sound echoing loudly in his ears as he raced to the safety of the rooftop.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Ryuichi quickly closed and locked the door behind him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he collapsed to the floor.

Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to comprehend the terrifying ordeal he had just experienced.

"What the heck is going on?" he cried out in fear, his voice echoing through the empty sky.

But there was no time to dwell on his confusion, as the door began to splinter and crack under the creature's relentless assault.

With panic coursing through his veins, Ryuichi frantically searched for a way to escape.

His mind raced with desperate thoughts, The idea of jumping to the next building flashed through his mind like a desperate lifeline, but as he approached the edge of the rooftop, his resolve wavered.

The dizzying height loomed before him, threatening to swallow him whole with its sheer terror."I can't do this," Ryuichi whispered, his voice barely audible over the scene of destruction and chaos that surrounded him.

As the creature burst through the door, its piercing gaze locked onto Ryuichi, sending a chill down his spine.

With no time to hesitate, Ryuichi made a split-second decision and threw himself off the rooftop, hoping against hope that he could make the perilous jump to safety.

But as he reached the edge of the building, fear consumed him, paralyzing his movements. Ryuichi's instincts took over, and he leapt into the void, his hands grasping desperately for purchase on the edge of the other school building.

With every ounce of strength he possessed, Ryuichi struggled to pull himself up, his muscles burning with exertion as he fought against gravity.

And then, with a roar of fury, the creature leapt after him to also jump over the building, its monstrous form hurtling through the air with deadly intent.

In that moment of pure terror, Ryuichi knew that his only chance of survival lay in finding the strength to pull himself up and escape the clutches of the nightmare that pursued him relentlessly.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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