
Highschool: Retribution Against Monsters'

Arthur somewhat knew something was off about his school teacher. She is nice to everyone but there is something that is more than to her that could meet the eye. When students in the neighborhood start to disappear, a system awakens within his body. [Eliminate the monster dressed as the teacher, +50 points]. Guess it's monster hunting time! From this onwards, a new dark path was created for the protagonist.

MaharlikaWarrior · Horror
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3 Chs

Students' Delima

Another Day...


Before the sun could even shine, Arthur woke up from his deep slumber and hopped out from his comfortable bed first. Although the bed was giving him warmth against the cold wind, he didn't want to continue lying for him to be late at school. Well, it was 4:00 in the morning, so, he really wouldn't get late, however, because he was alone in the house, he has to take care of himself.

First of all, for his stomach not to experience a cold, he first stemmed water and drank a cup of coffee, before he went to the bathroom and took a bath.

After another fifteen minutes only then he went out of the restroom wearing a white towel around his body.

As he was walking, trails of water drops kept leaving on the floor. Yet, he cared nothing about it. The wind was so cold because it was too early for a bath, and as a person who wasn't used to a cold atmosphere, it was a nightmare for him.

He has no other option yet to sprint towards his room, he started to change as soon as he entered without even locking the door. He was alone in the house, there was no chance of others was peeping.



The cry of the neighborhood's rooster and ascals' howl after a while echoed to the silent alley. This was the alarm in this place, and it was an effective one that almost all parents waking up once they heard these sounds.

"It seems roosters got late this time. They used to make sounds when it's four. " Arthur exclaimed as he came out from his room. Compared before, the drowsiness was finally suppressed by him. The water gave him the support to woke up his sleeping blood.

He locked the room before he next went to the kitchen.

With a cup of rice, he washed it two times before setting it on fire. After that, only then he opened the hidden little apartment at the corner of the sink. Hidden inside were his reserved raw foods. Without too much time, he picked one white egg as his meal.






After another twenty minutes, everything was ready, a plate of steamed rice coupled with a piece of fried egg, the breakfast was ready at the table.

Arthur sat in the familiar chair, after a simple prayer, only then he put the plate in front of him and ate happily. Eating alone was already became his habit, there was no feeling of loneliness and honestly, he doesn't need an accompany to eat. As long as they were food everything was okay. Having lived alone for a long period, he unconsciously learned the saying that doesn't find something yet let something find you. Sometimes if you wish to feel the warmth of having someone with you, the more it was difficult to find the 'someone' yet if you let fate move, they will come at you on their own initiative.

With a little bit of ketchup as a sauce, Arthur happily finished the food as soon as possible.

In the end, everything got readied only after two hours.

At 6:30, it was time to set off.

His parents gifted him a motor vehicle when he celebrated his 17+h birthday (which also he is currently 17, about to turn 18 in the upcoming May). Because his parents can't come to celebrate with him, they only gifted this as compensation. Although that hurt him, he didn't pursue the pain, he didn't let it lingered in his heart and mind just to give birth to a sense of anger towards his parents.

You have to understand that not because boys were boys, it meant they don't know what was pain, yet, they knew it, they just don't want to let it eat them just like how girls work.



The engine was heated, at the exact time of 6:35, Arthur set off towards his school. The schools weren't that far, his residence also was in Brgy. Uno, the same location as the school. He only needed five minutes to reach the place.

However, as always, problems kept occurring.

While he was on his way, one of his classmates from wenseslao passed by and said something that made him halted and made a u-turn.

[There's an inspection...]

Three simple words that shook him to his soul, Arthur don't have any other choice but to laugh hollowly and ride back to his house.

They weren't afraid of caps, students weren't afraid of caps, however the inspection itself, because they don't have a driver's license. Their bike would get confiscated if they stubbornly drive forward and presented no driver's license.

"What a headache! " Arthur can't help but complain, although he knew that the officers were just doing their work and no personal matter connected, he still found it a headache and a pain in the ass.

Hopefully, his house was quite near, just after a while, he was once again standing in front of his house. He parked the bike inside before he set off barefoot.

This time, because he doesn't have a bike to ride, he has to walk for fifteen minutes to reach the school gate.


To be safe, he first put his mask in the right way to avoid being infected by the current pandemic.

Thinking about these problems, it seemed rapture really was about to come, it wasn't avoidable at the end of the day.

Actually, there was no problem with walking to the school. With the sound of the engines and the smell of vehicle smokes (he still could smell even with the face make that he brought for the cheap five pesos), he arrived at the front gate after the expected time.

There, he presented his I.D to enter the school. Just like security guards sayings, No I.D, No Entry. However that was only limited to school guards, if you go on fredies (A Club) the guards would say, With I.D., No entry.

Forget it.

I'm here... 

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