
Highschool: Retribution Against Monsters'

Arthur somewhat knew something was off about his school teacher. She is nice to everyone but there is something that is more than to her that could meet the eye. When students in the neighborhood start to disappear, a system awakens within his body. [Eliminate the monster dressed as the teacher, +50 points]. Guess it's monster hunting time! From this onwards, a new dark path was created for the protagonist.

MaharlikaWarrior · Horror
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


October 7, 2021.


Brgy Uno Maria Aurora Aurora...

9:21 Pm...


With the sound of thunder, a yellow light twinkled in the sky, and in the next seconds, the lighting struck the ground.

Tip Tap

Raindrops started to fall from the sky where it slowly turned the dry ground into a muddy road.

The time was so late and only one or two individuals with an umbrella to protect themselves from the rain can be seen walking.

At the exact time of 9:28 pm, almost all the residences were closed, mere one or two streetlights was the one giving a dim and flickering light to a dark alley, two students sharing in one umbrella walking while talking about school matters!

"Jaycee didn't come to school today. She really is a troublesome girl. "

"Yeah! I don't think there's anything new about her being absent at school tho! "

"Hay~ But her parents just came at the school office and asked if their daughter came to school! "

"Really~ "

Before the other student could even finish his words, a cold wind suddenly blew that gave a chill to the two. They both looked at each other and saw the fear and anxiety in their eyes.

"Haha! You got scared by a wind?! "

Beneath their scary situation, the first student found it funny to witness his friend got scared... too...

"Haha! "

The other one also laughed and scratched his hair, for a moment, he felt his scalp turned numb and his legs almost turned into a jelly when the wind passed to them.

"Forget it. It's just wind! "

After a while, after a few deep breaths, although the anxiety in their heart forcefully got suppressed by them, the two fasten their pace and seemingly running from something. The two spoke nothing and stayed silent while sprinting, for some unknown reason, the instinct of the two was telling them something was watching and following them in the darkness.

The steps of the two gradually turned heavy and that causing the flood on the ground bounced in their every step, no one cared tho. 


But then, as the two slowly recovering from their anxiety, another cold wind blew and the corner of their eyes saw something ran behind them. It was just, the figure was blurry dark and it disappeared within just a matter of seconds.

When the two looked behind them, the alley once again turned back to normal. They were about to take a deep breath when...


A cry of a cat made the two startled and almost fell to the water when the cat suddenly appeared in front of them. The cat wiggled its tail as it sprinted away.

"Cat? While raining? Seriously?! '


Before the cat completely disappeared, a figure of something like a huge snake also appeared and attacked the cat.

Within just a mere second, without any chance for the cat to have its last cry, it was swallowed whole without mercy.

Having witnessed the bizarre scene, the two turned like a statue as they almost forgot how to breathe.

Under the dark sky, other than the thunder, lighting, and raindrops, in a dark alley, two loud helpless screams echoed.

No one heard tho...




Another day...


1:00 Pm...

[Yap. These last few days, a piece of news about the disappearance of students alarmingly rising. And everyone that disappeared is a student. No one knows where they went. Even the police and investigators are now moving, to know what really is happening, and what had happened to the students!] In a silent room, with a young man was sitting in a chair while his head was leaning on the table, he was trying to take a rest while listening from his woky toky.

'The news about students' disappearance? ' The young man was also a student that was admitted at Wesley University - the Philippines listening to the news report, a suspicious figure suddenly visualized in his head. But he quickly shook his head and cleared his dark thought, " Why am I even thinking about that teacher? As if I am on her! "

'But for real, it seemed something is happening in our province! '

Thinking about the news again, he can't help yet felt a heavy burden in his mind and heart. Especially, the fact that students were the victims and no prime suspect, or lead that police could find.

[There really was no lead about what is happening in our here and no news about the victims]

[At first, we thought that these cases are cases of nothing but a mere family conflict and the daughter or son left home. However, considering the number of incidents that happen, we have no choice but to take action! ]

[Well, Officer Sumait, what do you think is happening right now, or do you officers and parents tried if ever you could still contact them, or asked their friends. There are many possibilities, it also is possible that they have a secret partner and you know what I mean! ]

[We tried to contact them but we git no reply and there's also no seen in any social media, we also located their friend and asked, yet got nothing. The last possibility, maybe there is a chance that this is the case for the others but not all of them for sure. So, we have to investigate deeply. We have no other choice.]

[Do you think there is a group of terrorists doing this? ]


Just listening to this radio conversation by the police officer and the radio host, the young man can feel a chill to his backbones, he felt like a group of ants were lingering inside him.

'I have to be careful! I don't want to be victimized! '

A sense of anxiety gradually gave birth within his heart, especially when he remembered the fact that he was the sole person in his house, his parents were away and no one can keep him accompany him for a month.

'Why the hell these things happening while I am alone? '

Sometimes, when someone was angry or afraid, they always asking nonsenses questions like this. Idk why!


By the way, the young man's name is Arthur Dela Cruz, a senior high school, a typical student at Wesley University - Philippines, and nothinspecialal about him.