
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teen
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162 Chs

Chapter 70 Fight.

I gazed at Camella with fear written all over my face but she just smiled widely at me as if everything was alright and it wasn't! I was feeling so damn scared and guilty about all these things. It was a bad idea!

Natalie let out another loud cry and it was then that Cynthia stood up. She hastily went into the bathroom to meet Natalie.

They stayed there for a while before Natalie dashed out of the bathroom still itching all over her and this time her towel was already gone. She only had her undergarments on. 

"Oops! This is getting worse than I thought," Camella said and I nodded in agreement. Her skin was already getting red and I guess that was because there was no water.

Though I knew we were not innocent but she couldn't blame us for the lack of water. It was all her fault!

 Cynthia hastily dashed out of the room probably going to look for something that would help Natalie and I prayed inwardly that she found one.